Chapter 2

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Jess's POV

When I wake up, I hop out of bed an walk over to Rae's bed.

"Rae Rae Rae wake up!" I shout.

"Mmm in a sec Haz love you too," she mumbles. I giggle and shake her shoulder.

"Get up silly," I say and she opens one eye.

"Do I have to?" she whines.

"If you want to see Harry, then yes," I sigh. Rae groans and gets up. We quickly dress and go out to the main room where Mal is drinking coffee. I can hear Ally walking out, so we wait for her. Once she appears from her room, I slip on my Supras and pull out my phone. I open up Niall's contact and send him a message. 'Hey meet u at breakfast?'. He responds almost instantly. 'course love see u soon xx'. I grin.

"All right people let's move! We're meeting the boys there!" I shout. We all scramble out to our three row golf cart assigned to our cabin and Mal presses the gas. We speed to the Mess Hall and arrive before the boys. We slide two tables together and grab a ton of food,knowing how much boys eat.

"Hi," I hear a shy voice. I look up and recognize the girl Liam sat next to, and her friend. "Can we sit with you guys?We arrived late last night and don't really have a cabin to sit with," the tallish blonde says.

"Of course!" I say. "You guys should join our cabin, we have an extra room," I offer.

"Really? That would be great!" the girl says. "Oh and I'm Sherye, this is Adrianna," Sherye says, motioning to the short brunette next to her.

"Ok well sit down, grab a plate!" I welcome. I can tell we'll become really great friends.

"Hey," I hear an Irish accent say.

"Why it's my favorite Irish lad," I joke as I turn to face Niall. He grins and I pat the spot next to me. "Come sit and eat with me," I say. He obeys and we dig in. Once everyone is done we sit around and talk.

"So what are you guys doing today?" Zayn asks.

"I think we were planning on checking out the beach and having a lazy day," Mallory answers. "Do you guys want to join?" All the boys exchange looks of agreement and nod.

"Sounds fun," Liam says.

"Ok," I say. "Let's pass phones around and put our numbers in and we'll meet you at the beach in a half hour or so?" I suggest. We pass our phones around the table until we all have everyones number and leave the mess hall.

"See you later," Niall whispers to me and gives me a hug. I hug back, and smile.

"See you later," I say and turn to go to my cart. I wave as we leave. Then, I look at the other girls. They're all looking at me. "What?" I ask.

"YOU JUST HUGGED EFFIN NIALL HORAN AND YOU'RE NOT FREAKING OUT?!?" Sherye says loudly. I chuckle and shrug.

"I think Mal suggested the beach so she can see Louis shirtless," I say and wink at Mal.

"Or maybe I want him to see me in a bikini," she says cheekily.

"Shiz balls I only brought bikinis," I say.

"It's fine. Trust me," Adrianna says, "Niall won't be able to get enough of you." I grin and hop off the cart. We enter the cabin and hustle to our rooms getting swim suits on and getting ready. I slip on my green two piece and Rae puts on her identical blue one. As we wait, we play on our phones and talk. This is going to be so much fun.


Niall's POV

I sit on the back of the cart on our drive back from breakfast and look at my phone. I stare at Jess's contact for a really long time. Eventually, I feel someone staring at me and look up. Louis is watching me and wiggles his eyebrows when I look up at him. I blush and quickly lock my phone.

"Oooooh somebody's in love," Liam says.

"Shut up," I mumble and look away.

"Holy shit he really does like her," Harry says and looks at me.

"And you like Rachel! Why is it such a big deal?" I whine.

"Because this is your first crush in a while!" Harry exclaims, slightly pink from the mention of Rae. I sigh knowing he's right.

"I know," I mumble. "I don't wanna screw up."

"You won't," Liam says. "You can do it, I know you can. Just be patient." I nod. The cart stops in front of our cabin and we all run in, change, and run back out in 10 minutes. We hop back on and drive to their cabin to meet them to go to the beach. I find myself getting nervous but calm myself down with a few deep breaths. I notice the other boys get nervous too and smile. One direction is having a summer love.


Omg so one d day was the best and um yeah. Enjoy the new chapter and please vote!! love u all!! ~jessi

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