Chapter 23

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Louis' POV

"Mr. Tomlinson?" a voice calls. I shoot up from the hard plastic chair I had been sitting in and look to the doctor. "Come with me." I follow him to a familiar room, where Mal was.

"Shh Avery, daddy will hear you," I hear Mal whisper. My eyes widen and I quickly walk to her. Aiden and Avery with both in Mal's arms, smiling and wiggling. I look at Mallory, whose wide smile mimics mine.

"They're both just fine, they can go home today," the nurse says, handing over the papers and leaving. I drop them on the chair and pick up Avery.

"You're ok! I won't let you go ever, I promise," I say happily, cradling the tiny baby in my arms. After a minute, I exchange her for Aiden and hold him. He kicks and I laugh. "You're gonna be a great little football player aren't you?" I hold him carefully and watch as he falls asleep in my arms. His eyelids flutter as he dreams and I tuck him back in with Mal so I can fill out the papers. We both sign the birth certificates and I fill out the other papers quickly.

"Are you done?" Mal asks tiredly. I nod and take Aiden from her again. I quickly dress him in a tiny shirt and pants and tuck him into a carrier with a blanket and he curls up and goes back to sleep. I do the same to Avery, putting her in a shirt, skirt, tucking her in while Mal changes. She reappears in sweats, a t shirt and converse. I kiss her quickly and she smiles. I grab Aiden and Mal grabs Avery and we walk back out to the others. Harry looks up right away when we walk in. The others look up too.

"They can come home??" Ally asks.

"Yep!" Mallory says happily and smiles. The group cheers and comes to hug us. Jess crouches down by Avery and smiles.

"Hello pretty baby," she coos. Avery grabs her finger and giggles. I smile at her. The others also come say hi.

"Aww your so cute," Rae whispers, looking at Aiden.

"He is adorable," Harry agrees. We eventually make it out, but are immediately are overwhelmed with flashes from paparazzi.

"Ah crap," I mutter, handing the carrier to Zayn, who was next to me. I quickly scoop Aiden out and hold him close to me, shielding his eyes from the harmful light. I slip on my raybans and look at the rest of the group. Mal is holding Avery and Sherye is holding her carrier. We all have raybans on and Jess is on Niall's back and Rae is on Harry's. "Ok then," I mutter and walk out shoving through the crowds of paparazzi.

"Hey Louis, what's there names?"

"Louis over here!"

"Louis, let us see him!"

"It's Aiden and Avery, now please back off!!" I shout and quickly hop into the car and place Aiden into his seat. I turn to retrieve Avery as Mal enters the car and place her in her car seat. I buckle them both up as we all pile into the van. Niall looks pissed but I don't get the chance to ask because Avery starts crying. I quickly dig through the bag to retrieve a pacifier for her and place it in her mouth. She quiets and I smile. Looking over at Mal, I see she's passed out in the seat next to Avery. I smile and lean back, falling asleep as well.


Kind of a crappy chapter but hey its something. Ill update tmrw promise.

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Here pweaseeeeeeeee?????????

Luv u all!!! ~Jess xxx

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