Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

We walk into the house. I still feel numb from what happened. I can't let her get away from me, this I know. Rachel is the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm not giving up. So I decide to go up to Rae's room and see if she's awake. I knock on her door.

"Yeah?" I hear her voice from inside.

"Rae, please let me in. I need to talk to you. I can't lose you over this. Please," I beg. I hear footsteps and Rae opens the door.

"Come in," she sighs. I walk in and sit on the bed awkwardly. "You know, I'm very hurt right now. You better have a damn good explanation."

"I know! Please, believe me when I say this, I'm saying the truth. She forced herself on me. I didn't want that kiss at all. I pushed her off but I guess you didn't see that. I never wanted to hurt you and I feel like the biggest jerk ever and I'm so sorry," I tell her, starting to cry a little. She cries too.

"Harry, I'm sorry, I should've listened, I-" I cut her off by hugging her tightly.

"It's not your fault at all, it's mine," I say.

"I forgive you. It wasn't your fault. I trust you, and I love you," she says. I sigh in relief and kiss her.

"I was so scared I was going to lose you," I whisper. "I was terrified I was going to lose the best thing in my life."

"Shh, Harry, it's ok. We have each other again, we're all better now," she assures me.

"I love you kitten," I say.

"Kitten? I love you too Hazza," she replies.

"Yeah. That's my new pet name for you," I smile. She giggles. We lay down on the bed and cuddle a little, her resting her head on my chest while I play with her hair. We slowly drift off to sleep in each others arms.

Mallory's POV

"Should we check on them?" I ask Louis.

"Yeah, might as well," he replies. We walk up the stairs to Harry's and Rae's room. I open the door and peek in. They are asleep, cuddled together. I motion Louis in and he smiles. I pull out my phone and snap a picture before closing the door. We walk down the hall, passing Liam's and Sherye's room. Louis hears a noise and decides to eavesdrop while I go downstairs to get some food. I eat a ridiculous amount of food with twins. Louis comes downstairs, laughing.

"What?" I ask.

"They're making out," he giggles.

"You're such a kid, Lou," I laugh and roll my eyes.

"That's why you love meeee," he sings before running off to the T.V. room. I follow him with a bag of pretzels.

"Let's watch a movie," I suggest. We select a random one and cuddle on the couch until I fall asleep, leaning comfortably on Lou.


Ik really short but im tired. TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY ITS A NEW RECORD WHOOOOOOOP ok so yeah vote and comment!!

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Luv ya! ~Jess

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