Chapter 18

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Jess's POV

Tonight is the first night in the boys new tour. They told us they have a huge surprise for us, but they won't tell us what it is.

"Please Nialler?? I'll make you a sandwich!!" I beg.

"As tempting as that sounds," Niall says slowly, "I can't. It would ruin the surprise!"

"Time to leave!" Paul shouts and closes the tour bus, leaving us to finish getting ready. I finish my mascara and slip my Supras on. I'm wearing destroyed style jeans with a navy sleeveless sheer top and a navy tank top. The others join us and we walk into the back of the stadium.




"These girls are insane!" Sherye says when we finally make it into the stadium after being bombarded with fans. The boys laugh.

"They're just dedicated," Zayn says.

"Over dedicated," Rae mutters.

"What was that kitten?" Harry smirks.

"Um. Nothing! Love you?" she squeaks out.

"Don't worry Rae, I agree," I defend her. Harry and Niall look at each other before grinning at us.

"Hey Jess?" Rae says nervously.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"RUN!" We take off across the large room with the two boys after us. We're fast, but the boys are faster so they catch up and grab us.

"Punishment time!" Harry declares, before attacking Rae's sides with his fingers, tickling her as Niall does the same.

"No! Please! I take it back! Please! Ahh!" I shout and Rae copies my shouts. They eventually let off and I collapse on the floor. I put my hand on my stomach, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry princess, was that too much?" Niall asks, now super concerned.

"No, just, really, out, of shape," I say. He picks me up and carries me into his dressing room, setting me on the couch. I notice the other girls going to their boyfriend's rooms and smile. Alone time at last!

"First show," Niall says nervously.

"You'll do fine love, promise," I reassure. He smiles and kisses me. I softly kiss back and he smiles into the kiss. We press closer together, deepening the kiss until he ends up on the couch and I'm sitting on his lap. I pull Niall's hair slightly and he tightens his grip on my waist, groaning slightly. We break apart and breathe heavily. I rest my head on his chest and smile.

"You know, I think this is the first time we haven't been interrupted doing this," Niall chuckles, twirling my long hair in his fingers. I laugh at his words and get up.

"Showtime," I say and grab his hand.

"See you soon princess," he says softly, pecking my lips. We leave the room and the boys go to some special room while we go backstage to go watch.

"Jess, might wanna fix your hair," Ally smirks. I curse and finger comb through my hair.

"Ugh, Niall," I groan before covering my mouth. Too late.

"OOOH MAL YOU AREN'T GONNA BE THE ONLY PREGGO LADY ON THE BUS!!!" Ally and Sherye shout together. I facepalm and continue walking, shaking my head at them. We sit in the chairs set up to watch the boys and wait for them to come on stage. They come on soon starting with Little White Lies. They finish and continue with a few more songs.

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