Chapter 1

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"Are we there yet??" I ask sounding like a ten year old.

"No, not yet. Be patient!" my mother scolds. I sigh. I just want to be at camp. I plug my earbuds into my iPhone and let myself get distracted and absorbed by my music. Suddenly, the car stops. I look up and see cabins, a mess hall and a large lake with a dock and a couple paddle boats.

"Finally!" I say and run out of the car. I quickly retrieve my bags and guitar and run to the mess hall for check-in. I spot my favorite counselor, Mallory.

"Hey!" she says. "You're in my group!" I squeal happily. She gives me instructions on how to get to our cabin, which is right near the lake. i quickly walk in and find Rachel, or Rae, already there.

"Guess who!" I shout. She looks up from her phone and smiles, then playfully frowns.

"Ugh I thought you were Harry Styles," she teases.

"Sorry to disappoint," I grin. I settle into the same room as her leaving the other rooms for Ally and Mal. Soon, Mallory walks in with Ally, both of them singing loudly to Live While We're Young. I smile and sing along too. We're all huge fans of One Direction, and since Mal's barely a year older than us we're all really close. We talk and text all the time. After we finish the song, we sit and talk.

"When's Ariel coming?" Mallory asks, referring to my horse. Her horse,JI, is already here, since she's been here for a while already.

"Tomorrow," I say. She nods. "What's our plan for today?" I ask. "Anything before the bonfire?"

"Nope, we can just chill," Mallory responds. We sit and play games on our phones. After an hour or so, we all head back to our rooms to change for the bonfire. I slip on white skinny jeans, my supras and a purple hoodie. Rae picks out dark wash jeans, her glittery supras and a gold hoodie. We head back out to the main room and wait for everyone else.

"Alright I'm here, the party can start!" Ally says dramatically. I giggle.

"Ok we out!" Mal says. We quickly walk over to the bonfire, me holding my guitar. We arrive and join the couple other cabins that also arrived early. I pick up my guitar and quietly tune it. When I'm done, I start strumming songs and we all sing and talk. More cabins arrive and join. After about a half hour, Simon, the camp director, arrives.

"Hello campers!" he says and everyone quiets. "Alright I hope you guys have another great summer here. Now I have a special... surprise." Everyone perks up. "Many of u know I judge on the X Factor. My breath stops and my heart starts pounding. 'He couldn't have!' I think. Simon continues. "I have some special guests, they'll be here all summer so please welcome..... One Direction!" I stare at him, dumbfounded. I see Mal's jaw drop. She has a major crush on Louis and has always wanted to meet him. "Come on out boys!" Simon calls and I watch 5 boys step out from behind Simon. "Alright guys! Have a crazy summer!" Simon says and walks away.

'You have no idea' I think. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to face none other than Niall Horan. I smile to cover up my shock.

"Can I sit next to you, love?" he asks.

"S-sure," I stutter. He smiles and swings his leg over the log.

"So, I notice you play guitar," he says. I force myself to relax.

"Yeah, since I was young," I say and smile at him again.

"Let's hear it!" he exclaims. I freeze. What if I mess up though?

"Only if you boys will sing," I hear myself say. What am I doing? I'm gonna mess up and embarrass my self.

"Sure," Louis answers from his spot next to a awed Mallory. "You choose the song." I nod. I start strumming chords that the boys instantly recognize. I notice Niall smile. Zayn begins, "Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me," and the boys continue singing Little Things. Soon it's Niall's solo. He looks into my eyes the whole time he sings. "You'll never love yourself half a much as I love you. And you'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you to. If I let you know I'm here for you, maybe you'll love yourself like I love you." His voice rings out with the notes I play. I look at him and notice him looking at me, his eyes filled with an emotion I can't make out because he looks away and blushes. I finish the song and everyone breaks out in applause. I grin and pretend to bow. Rae laughs and I grin at her. Niall turns to me again with a shy smile. Everyone else starts talking again.

"That was really good," Niall says to me. I smile.

"Th-thanks," I say.

"Hey do you want to like trade numbers? So we can meet up tomorrow?" he asks.

"Yeah, sure, here's my phone put your number in," I say. We trade phones and I put my contact in, saving my name as Jess <3. We hand back our phones and I lock mine, resisting the urge to jump up and cheer.

"Well I think the lads and I are going but I'll text you to work something out," he says with a (flirty?) smile.

"Yeah. I'll see you soon," I reply. All the boys go to their golf cart, which each cabin has, and the girls and I stand up. I notice Louis give Mal a side hug, and her face brightened up even more, if that's even possible. Rae has a quiet look and Ally looks excited, as they had Harry and Zayn sit next to them. Once they leave, our cabin stands up and leaves as well. We all enter the cabin and start freaking out.

"Omg that was fucking Louis Tomlinson and he HUGGED ME!!!!" Mal shouts.

"I got Niall freaking Horan's number!!!" I shout back. Everyone screams at that. We calm down and go to our rooms. I take out my phone and see I have a message.

'Night Beautiful xx' from Nialler. I smile and reply.

'Night! see u soon xx' I turn my iPhone off and snuggle into my sleeping bag with my pillow pet. I know I'll be dreaming of a certain blonde haired Irish boy tonight.


A/N I changed some names around to my friends names. So, just pretend their real girlfriends never existed lol. anyways ill update again soon luv ya!!! ~Jessi

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