You Mean the World to Me (Immortalfox) Chap 2

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Aleks P.O.V

I stumbled out of my car and took out my phone to check the time. I was half an hour late to my first class. God dammit! My first day and I'm already making a bad impression for my teachers. Before entering the school, I searched for my schedule, which I must've left at my house. There was no choice but to get another one. As I walked in, I was soon ushered over to the counseling office by the woman at the front desk. Luckily I didn't have to walk far-the counseling office was right across the way from the front desk.

Soon enough, I was handed my schedule by an older lady with horrendously bright blonde hair. Looking down at the piece of paper I was handed, I started walking blindly through the hallways, unaware of a person coming from the corner at a fast speed. Before i could even look up, we collided, and I fell to the ground on my shoulder.

"Oh dear, uhh... I'm, uh, sorry," the kid pleaded. He held out his hand, but I slapped it away, clutching my shoulder as I picked myself up. I glared at him, "It's fine. Not that big of a deal."

He blushed a little."Ah, I'm Kevin... Kevin McFarlane. Nice to meet you," he smiled. Wow, he has pretty bright teeth. Goes well with his deeper-than-expected voice. "Aleks. With a K," I stuttered, "uhm, the K is silent." He gave me a weird look. Shit. I fucked up. Kevin started to walk away, not giving me a signal to follow, but I did anyways. A dozen seconds of silence later, he decided to say something, "You new or something? You've been following me and we already passed the hall with your first class." How did he know? "Are you a mind-reader or some shit?"

"Yes, actually." He turned his head slightly, smiling at my expression. "Just kidding dude. You dropped your schedule." He handed me a piece of paper, the exact one that he said I dropped. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Were you planning on keeping this? You stalker." He laughed, and ignored my remark. This time he fully turned around, facing me, and me stopping in front of him. He blushed again. Too close for comfort I suppose. "Wait for me when you get out of that class, we have tech together next hour," he smiled once more, and with that, he walked off. I just ignored it and walked back to the class I was supposed to be at. Science.

Trying my quietest to walk in, the teacher noticed me and gave me a stern look. Without anything else, he just simply told me: "Go sit next to Edwin, and don't do anything more, Aleksandr." And I didn't need to be directed by the teacher, because at the mention of his name, 'Edwin' groaned. "My name's Eddieeee!" He complained. Just like a stubborn child that wants a toy. All I did is sulkingly walk to my seat and fall down. I took a look around the class, and it seemed that everyone was doing some kind of project about themselves, like their favourite movie and all that boring stuff. The kid I was sitting next to handed me one and smiled, only leaving me to do my own thing.

After that hour, I waited next to the doors, just like Kevin instructed me to. But before I could do that, someone put their hand on my shoulder. I jumped, shocked by the sudden contact. Turning around and being angrier than ever, I noticed it was the kid I sat next to. My heart suddenly fluttered, realizing who it was. "What is it?" I growled, managing to put on an angry demeanor. He giggled, and that just made my heart soar. No, wait. It didn't. I like girls, what the fuck? "Uhhh, lunch is after fourth period, do you wanna join me?" I waited to reply, still a bit flustered. "Uh, yeah, sure man. See you after 4th." But before I could finish my sentence, he was pulled away by some other guy.

Does Eddie have this effect on everyone?


Wheee. Livescream over and stuff, managed to get a chapter done afteer noticing the read counts too. Thanks! This was much more easier to write, considering my thoughts for this weren't as planned out as yesterday. I hope this one is much better for everyone. Take care.

--Cookie <3

Edit: I also wanted to mention the schedule of this! I only have good internet when I'm at my dad;s so it should edit on the weekends. I'll probably make a goal until this has about 100 reads, do it updates week(end?)ly uvu

You Mean the World to Me [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now