♘Chapter One: BAEK'YEON

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Taeyeon's POV
I woke up because of my alarm clock I quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower and do my morning routine. After that I went out to my room and go downstairs I smell something delicious,  I saw my mother cooked something.

"Oh! Morning sweetheart did you sleep well lastnight." mom said and handed the plate to me.

"Yeah mom" i said while get the plate that mom handed to me. "By the way mom did you see dad" while munching the food "I did not see dad this morning I past to your room but dad is not there, I thought his here already" still munching the food.

"Oh~ sweetheart your dad leave early this morning for some papers to sign, and he told me that after you eat you must go to his office, dear~" mom said in a soft tone while waching the dishses.

"B-but mom why am I go there"I said. Mom's turned around and face me. "Your dad said he wants to train you on how to handle a business" mom said.

"B-but mom im still 17 years old" I said in a angry tone and I stood up and go upstairs I open the door and slam it harder.

[ • Taeyeon's Room • ]

"tsk~ Kim Taeyeon why did you raise your voice infront of your mother" she thought, she's talking to herself while walking side by side."Ahh~ my head is going to explode." she said lying on her bed.

"Why are they being like this." talking to herself  while looking at the ceiling above.

[ • a few minutes • ]

Knock~ Knock~ Knock~

Taeyeon look at the door when she heard a knock on it."Taeyeon-sshi dear can I come in" her mom said. "The door is open mom" she said in a calm voice."Taeyeon-sshi im sorry a few min-" before her mom could finish the sentence she cut it off."Its okey mom, im sorry too if I raise my voice loud please forgive me" she go closer to her mom and hug her.

"I-its okey sweetheart" while patting taeyeon's back."I have a surprise for you."she whisper on taeyeons ear."Since today is Summer I want you to spend more time with your friends and take some fresh air." teayeon's mom handed teayeon a key."Go somewhere and this key, I will gonna give this to you."she put the key on taeyeon's hand.

"W-wait mom did you b-." before taeyeon could finish her sentence her mom cut it off."Yes sweetheart I brought a condo just for you but in one thing." taeyeon look at her mom and said."What is it mom."she said.

"Don't tell your brother that I give you a condo unit, he might get jealous because your dad told me that his grades is low so you better keep quit okey."mom said."Ahmm~ okey mom thanks for this." she said and hug her mom again.


Baekhyun's POV
  I woke up because of my stupid alarm clock I press the alarm clock and strech my arms and legs before I went to the bathroom to take a shower and do my morning routine, after 45 minutes taking a shower I went near to my closet and wear my pants and I also were white t-shirt after that I headed downstairs for the breakfast.

"Goodmorning~ mom" while he move the stole and sit."Ohh~morning baby did you pack your things." his mom said."Wait what , why should I pack." he react. "Because your going to your aunte, and she told me that she will be the one to pick you up this morning."mom said.

"Oh~ okey but why mom."he said in a calm voice."Because I want to find a better job for you to go to school next week."his mom said while putting a plate infront of him."Wait, so your not going with me."he said.

"Yes! but this time I want to work I dont want to ask your dad to give us a money."his mom said."But mom were comfortable now." he said."I know but I want to work to earn some extra money."his mom said while pouring a milk on his cup.

"Okey if that's what you want then I will support you mom."he said and go near to hear mom and hug her while his mouth is full.

his mom break the hug and stand up."Good be a good boy baek your not a child anymore."his mom said."And eat faster your aunte must be here in a few minutes so hurry and pack your things arraseo."his mom said."Neh~"he said.

After eating he go upstairs to pack his things and wear a color black pants and t-shirt and he go downstairs and wait for his aunte.

A/N: [Sorry if I did not explain what baekhyun could wear I have no Idea 'SORRY' mianhee.]


Taeyeon's POV
   "I must call tiffany for shopping."she said. She dialed tiffany's number.

"Yeoboseyo~" tiffany said.

"Neh~ ahm~ tiff are you free this morning." she said.

"Oh~ neh, why." tiffany said

"Let's go shopping then." taeyeon said.

"O-okey i'll come to your house to pick you up, okey." tiffany said then hang up the phone.

Taeyeon go near to her closet to wear something, she wear a short and chromat upper and also she wear a jacket.

[• 3 0 m i n u t e s •]

Beep~ Beep~ Beep~…

"It must be tiffany." she thought. she headed downstairs and bid a goodbye to her mom.

"Oh~ Hey." taeyeon said while sitting in a front sit. "Why are you crying is there something happen."

"No nothing its just a dust came to my eyes then I ended to cry, so let's go to the mall." tiffany said. But Taeyeon did not believe her because they are bestfriends since 10 years but she ignored it in the end.

"Don't make taeyeon notice it." tiffany's thought.



Baekhyun heard a beep outside of their house and he can see a car outside, then he bid a goodbye to his mom and kiss her cheek and go outside.

"AnyeongHaseyeoo~ aun-." he bowed  before baekhyun could finish his sentence he saw his cousin chanyeol on the driver's sit."Oh~ hello their bro did you perhaps missed me." chanyeol smirk and "No I did not missed you." he smirk to chanyeol and he sit beside chanyeol.

Chanyeol start the engine and drove towards to his house.

[ • 2 5 m i n u t e s l a t e r • ]

"Where's your mom yeol." baekhyun said while breaking the silence.

"She's in the business trip so im alone in the house since yesterday." chanyeol explain."If your mom is in the trip who is th-." before baekhyun could finish the sentence chanyeol cut him off.
"Yeap~ im the one who texted aunte for you to go with me since mom is not around."he said while his eyes is in the road.

"Wait, so you stole your mom's phone."baekhyun said half shout while looking at him but chanyeol is busy at the road.

"No, I did not, first and for most I did not stole mom's phone I have my own then second she forgot her phone at the living room and third she leave her phone while the charger is plugged on it, okey." chanyeol explain.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and face at the window, he see's the house past by with them, and after that they arrive at their destinition.

A/N: Ohh~ hellow their fellas I hope you like it, ahmm~ btw sorry for those wrong grammatical errors there. Don't forget to vote and comment, down there ⬇⬇⬇..

Kamsahamnida~~ bowed 90° .
See you on the next chapter stay tune.


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