♘Chapter Nine: Field Trip (2)

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Next Morning at the Hotel

Taeyeon's POV

knock~ knock~ knock~

I wake up because I heared someone knock the door I walk towards the door and open and I saw teacher kang.

"Ouh~ Mrs. Kang. good morning." she greated her and smiled.

"Taeyeon-sshi, were's seohyun." she look inside left and right.

"she's still sleeping mrs. kang, why?." she ask politely.

"Go wake up seohyun, take a shower and after went to the ground hall for breakfast okey." mrs. kang said.

"Neh~ I will." she said and bowed, then she go near to seohyun to wake her up.

"Seo-baby wake up its already morning we need to eat breakfast but first we must take a shower okey." she said to her younger member.

"unnie~ you may first used the bathroom, i'll just wait you until you finish." seohyun said still in the bed lying.

"Oh~ okey." she said and went to the bathroom to take a shower, brush her teeth then after taking a shower she go near to her closet next to seohyun, she wear a black sleeve-less upper and wear color skyblue pants and waited  seohyun to finish but before that she get her phone above the table and took a selca and she posted on her instagram.

[A/N: See the picture above , Just imagine that she post that pic on her IG.]

After a few minutes seohyun went to the bathroom and change clothes and we went to the ground hall for breakfast, and their I saw my friends eating already and suddenly I saw someone familiar and its baekhyun I was happy that day but when I saw wendy next to him my smiled fades away, we walk trough the way and ignored both of them.

"unnie~ is their something wrong." sunny said worriedly to her.

"no, nothing~ im just not feeling well." she said to them with smiled and started eating her food.

"wae, are you sick unnie~ " jessica said while touching taeyeons head and neck.

"yah~ sica im okey now." she said and pull away jessica's hand.

"no, unnie~ you must tell mrs. kang that your not feeling well." yoona said to him while munching her food.

"neh~ you must tell, so that you can rest." yuri said. But then suddenly hyoyeon called mrs. kang.

"mrs. kang, excuse me." hyoyeon said to her and everyone in the hall looking at her curiously.

"neh~ what is it ms. kim." she ask.

"ahm~ taeyeon unnie is not feeling well, and I think she's sick." hyoyeon said to her and thats mrs. kang worried.

"ouh~ ms. kim taeyeon, after you eat you may go back to your room and rest, its okey for me if you dont go with us." she said to her and nodded."Seohyun~ you may accompany taeyeon to her room." she continue.

"Ma'am im still eating, and taeyon unnie is done already." she lied act munching her food.

"oh~ who will be the one to accompany to taeyeon-sshi." mrs. kang said.

"excuse me maam,." chanyeol said and hands up.

"yes, mr. park." she replied.

"I think baekhyun is already done to his breakfast." he pointed baekhyun to his sit, and thats baekhyun choked to his own food.

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