Helpful Paws

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I groaned hearing my alarm clock go off. I whined, and pressed the snooze on my phone. My eyes shot open as I heard a cat hiss. I immediately sat up thinking that the cat had found a bug or something. But no, all that met me was an angry gray Germouser on my stomach.
"Was that you? Geez Germouser, chill out!" I sighed flopping back down on the bed. I heard another hiss and suddenly something sat down on my chest. I opened my eyes and frowned as I saw Germouser closer, his paw on my forehead.
"Whaaaatttt?? You weirdo." He started batting my head, no claws. I yelped out and got up, he jumped and sat on the ground. I huffed and looked over. Through a small speck of light, I noticed Tama had went under my curtained desk, sleeping in a neat pile of pillows. Gino, on the other hand, was all sprawled out on the pillow next to me. I sighed and rubber my face, I heard a low meow and looked down. Germouser was sitting on a list.
"That was on my fridge, how did you- you know what? Who cares." I sighed and frowned, his paw was laying beside Physical Fitness, which was written in red at the very bottom.
"Yeah, I'm not feeling that today. Besides I gotta-" he meowed angrily and batted the paper.
"Fine! Fine I'm going! Give me a minute!" I groaned. I opened the drawers and pulled out some fitness shorts and a light t-shirt. I put them on and began lacing my shoe laces. I noticed that Gino had woken up and took a pounce stance. I smiled, he wanted to play with the shoe laces. But before he could go, Germouser slammed his paw down onto him. Gino meowed in a panic and ran off out of my room. I sighed and headed for the living room. I decided sit ups would be the best way to go first. So I started, with Germouser looking down at me from the couch, my eyes meeting with his every time I came up. As I began to slow, Germouser began hissing at me. I pushed out a few more and stopped. I smiled, I broke my record. Now, time for some push-ups. Germouser hopped down off the couch and sat in front of me. His head bobbed as I went up...then down...then up....then down. After a while, my arms began to tense up. I grunted and rested in the up position. Germouser meowed. It was encouraging, not mocking. I pushed out a few more, and my arms failed. I fell to the ground, huffing for breath.
Germouser looked at me and laid beside me as I caught my breath.
"You's's almost *huff* like you are coaching me. Hahaha! You really are like Major!" I laughed. I got up and Germouser followed, I opened the side door and groaned. It was raining, and I was not going to run in the rain, right now at least. I sighed and closed the door.
"It's raining, I'm not going to go run right now." Germouser nodded. I went to go change.
Feeling freshened up, I went into the kitchen and poured some milk. Smiling, I pour some into three bowls and set them down. I finished mine off as they came into the kitchen and ate "breakfast." I placed a few things of tuna down, and some leftover pasta for Gino. The rain had stopped, I went out the back and grabbed three plastic containers. Then, I got some
Leftover litter from the shed, and made up some litter boxes. I placed them in different areas of the house.
"I probably need to go buy some stuff for y'all." The three fur balls stared at me.  Germouser took no interest and began to leave the kitchen. Gino rubbed against me, Tama followed Germouser. I picked Gino up and pet him. He began purring and slowly fell asleep.
"You guys are so cute!" I cooed. I walked into the living room and put him down. I looked at the three cats. Suddenly, I heard something hit the window. I looked up. There wasn't anything, but I swear I saw several paw prints on the window. Gino must've been playing around. I sighed and left to go to the car. I jumped in and headed to town. As I drove, I looked for a pet store. I grinned as I saw a Petco, opening for business. I parked and went inside. I looked around for cat food, cat toys, and litter. I finally finished up, and picked some tuna up on the way home. As I drove home, the rain began to get worse and worse. A large bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, scaring me, causing me to swerve on the road. I turned down my long driveway as a loud boom echoed around. The rain got even worse! The wind even picked up. I pulled up to the house and looked around.
'I'll leave the litter in the trunk, I can get it once the storm passes. to get everything in...' I grabbed the two bags and glared at the door. I swung open the car, slammed it closed and dashed to the front door. I groaned as my keys dropped from my hands. I bent down and my eyes widened.
The old dog door had been busted open. I snatched the keys, unlocked the door and threw the door open.
"Guys!? Where are you!?"
"MRROW!" I looked down and saw the Germouser was standing at the door, his fur spiked up, and claws unsheathed from his gray paws. I set my stuff down and closed the door. I bent down and quickly began petting his head. He looked up at me.
"Where is Tama and Gino?" I asked, not really caring that he was a cat. He blinked. I heard a soft meow. I saw Tama peeking from the kitchen. I smiled and sighed. That just left Gino. I heard a loud screech. Tama shrank back. Germouser looked in his direction, he ran after Tama, and I followed. The other dog door had been busted in. The two cats went to go out but a loud thunder boom shook the house. I opened the door and gasped. Gino hung on a tree limp, crying out.
"How did he!? When did he!? Gino!!" I dashed outside, ignoring the mud that began to get all over my shoes. I almost slipped. I was directly under Gino.
"Gino, C'mere kitty kitty." I tried to coo. Rain soaked e very bit of my clothing. He wasn't dropping anytime soon. I groaned. I looked over, and scrambled to the tree. I used a low branch to elevate myself into the one Gino was on. I crawled and scooped up the soaked wet cat and put him in my jacket. I went to turn-
"AGH!" I shrieked out as another thunder clap echoed throughout the sky. I slipped and fell onto my back into the bushes. It hurt, but it wasn't bone-breaking. I grunted getting off the  few thorns that stuck out of the bush. I dashed back inside and slammed the door shut. I huffed and set the shivering cat into the floor. I slowly limped to the utility room, pulled some towels out, and wrapped myself in one. I sighed and wrapped Gino up in one. I slid down the cabinet and laid against the door on the floor.  I held him close.
"You...You better be glad you're cute!" I hissed. Germouser and Tama approached us slowly. Tama got against me and laid down, as did Germouser.
"Did you guys break those doors down?" I angrily asked. Germouser meowed at me, obviously irritated at my accusation. So that's a no then. So what broke the door down? I placed Gino down gently and went back into the utility room. I grabbed two old boards and went back and placed them both at the front and the back.
"That's just until I can go BACK to the store and get some supplies to fix it. C'mon I'm going to take a shower. It'll be warm in my room, I'll have the heater on." The three bounded after me once I said those words.
Several figures stared at the girl running into the house.
"Move over, you fat cow!"
"I'm not fat, I'm just big-boned!"
"Bucky, your plan failed, arunyan!"
"No, Koshka went in too early!"
"You were waiting too long, da?"
"We need to stop zis fighting. Zhat cute girl is in zhere with those Axis cats!"
"Don't you mean those jerks are in there with that girl?"
"Be quiet, black Scone!"
"At least I wasn't named after wine!"
"I don't mean to be rude, but perhaps we should find some shelter?"
"Did you hear that?"
"We'll get them tomorrow guys! I swear on it! I might be the sidekick, but this time, I'm the hero!!! So back me up!"
Uh-oh more kitty cats! Thanks for reading! Any comments or anything I welcome, please send a message for questions or comments, I really appreciate it! It means so much, it really does!
As an authors note, I may have made some Nekotalia names up, but it's fine. I just didn't want to use the country name with -cat added to the end. It didn't fit with my story. I'm sure you all will be able to tell who they are though :D
Part 3 coming later!!! To be continued!!!!!

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