Don't Take Off the Bag

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My deal with Fritz only lasted until lunch. I groaned in defeat, making the sausage. The albino cat perched over me on the top of the cabinets, as if he were some lion king watching me do his hunting for him. he had been on my heels on morning, acting like some lost child who didn't want to lose its mother again. When I did laundry, I had to get him out of the dryer (the cat locked himself in!), and when I was cleaning the bathroom, I had to give him another bath! He had decided to jump in while the shower was soaking in my homemade cleaner and slip and slide and run around the bathroom, leaving the cleaner all over the bathroom. Finally, realizing his game, and not wanting to deal with it any longer, I decided to start lunch early and cook him the stupid sausages.
"Look, mister, if you want this, you better get down here and stop acting all high and mighty." I growled, finally tired of it. I then smiled, feeling a cat rub against my legs. I looked down to see Gino, happily playing with my shoe strings. Gino always put a smile on my face.
"See, Gino knows how to get treats." I placed a cat treat by him, and he quickly ate it. It was one of the few foods that wasn't pasta, one of them few I figured out Gino would eat. Then, a gray cat joined me on the counter.
"Germouser, I should just give this all to you, you know how to behave." I cooed. Germouser looked at though he rolled his eyes, but stared at the pan anyway. I drained out the grease and decided I would do that. I really wasn't in the mood for it anyway. I split up two bowls and place them down on the floor. The two on the counter jumped down and began gobbling down the sausages.
"Geez, Fritz! If you eat too fast, or don't chew, you'll throw up! I am NOT cleaning up your vomit!" Lies. I would be the only to do so. I sighed and just made a sandwich. He started hacking and I fiercely glared at the cat, who gulped and began eating slowly. I sat down and watched the cats. It was in this solitude that I had come to realize that each of these cats knew each other, and had different relationships. Gino and Luigi were brothers, obviously. However, Luigi could only stand being around his brother so long, and whenever Germouser showed up to make Gino run (for exercise I concluded a few days ago), Luigi got into a fit and went and hid somewhere in the house. Mozart stayed around Germouser, almost as if Germouser was a butler of sorts, much to the gray cat's dismay. Fritz enjoyed teasing Mozart, Pan enjoyed conking Fritz over the head with any toy she found when he did. Churro loved being around Luigi, almost a doting brother type, and Luigi couldn't stand it, looking embarassed when Churro would clean food off the cat's ears, or giving him a toy when Luigi acted bored. Bucky chased anything that moved, Koshka tripping the cat in the process. Pancake and Noodle would simply watch the antics ensue. And then there's Pinot and Scone. Most of the time in the afternoon, for the past several days, was spent stopping them from fighting. They always got into a fight. I don't think I could handle another fighting duo, I was so glad Luigi kept his temper under a lid. I took out a piece of paper, I needed to make a few trips in town. I looked over and noticed Tama staring at me.

"Let's see, has Tama been affectionate enough for tuna this week?" I thought out loud, looking at him, "I don't know. Regular cat food may have to do..." Tama slowly, almost painfully, came to sit by me, looking uncomfortable. I started petting him, and he relaxed, "I think he has. I might even get extra." I giggled, poking his puffball tail. I slowly got up, and stretched, and went to go put real clothes on. It took about fifteen minutes, since I had to shoo cats off the bed and take five minutes to take a lint-brush to my shirt. They didn't shed bad, but this cat-hair drove me crazy. I yelled out angrily as Fritz and Bucky stole my shirt. So here I was, running after them in the hallway without a shirt. I snatched the shirt and slipped it on. Even if my chest was covered, I felt uncomfortable running after the cats in jeans, sneakers, and a bra. The cats glanced at each other and ran down the stairs, avoiding the few pillows I tossed at them. After a few seconds of glaring at them as they ran down, I started laughing. You can't hate these cats, you just can't. I stood up and stretched. I grinned and scooped Churro off the bed and cuddled him go down the stairs. I giggled as he played with my (b/l) bangs, causing his paw to bat at my eyes every other second. I set him down and looked around.

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