Nekopalooza Pt. 2

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So, a few more cats showed up after my "getting shot with a bull tranquilizer" thing went down. I found them in the front of the house and I was seriously debating whether or not that these five had been "catnapped" before those jerks showed up. I wanted to let them walk away, remembering the fear in my eyes at the amount of cats piling up in my house. Thankfully they were very sweet. And...Thankfully I had a large house. The first one, Carna, seemed to be pampered and looked fancy. She hung around Pinot a lot, the two seemed to know each other. Her ribbon was very fancy and stylish, and there was a bandana wrapped around. She didn't like it, and I looked it up after washing it. It was the flag of Monaco, and the ribbon she wore had been made in Monte Carlo. I was also careful with her because she wore a jeweled necklace, and if her owner ever showed up, I didn't want them to fit me with the bill.

Then, there was the smaller one, Plum. Plum looked like something out of an anime! She was so cute!!!! She was a white cat, a black mark on the tip of her tail, and she had these perfectly placed (adorable) pink flowers on her ears. She enjoyed sitting in my lap, almost like I was some sort of basket. I laughed knowing how uncomfortable she made Tama, and hissing at Noodle at times.
The other three stuck together and were...afraid of Koshka. I Couldn't understand this because to me he was a big, hairy baby who just wanted love. The grey and off-white colored one had an Estonian flag bandana, he was named "Kalev." The smallest one, small like Leif, bore a Latvian flag with "Mikus" engraved on the pattern. Finally, there was "Aras," the one who wore a Lithuanian flag. As my love for the many furballs in my house increased, my fear of germs and cleanliness also grew.
"You guys are driving me insane." I whined. I loved these cats, I really did. But I knew there was a law against this many house-pets. I knew it was time. I had to start looking for their owners. I found myself staring at my computer, attempting to create posters and get on social media to find these cats homes.
"Hmm....the only drawback to this is those two who tried to break into my house...I don't think..hmm?" I looked down as Plum hissed at Noodle as he approached my chair. I eased her hair back down and teased Noodle. I hadn't told them I was looking for their owners yet. Course, I grew up in this town, I had never seen these cats hanging around any doorstep, porch, or even a storefront.  I groaned, the printer was slowly printing out about ten posters of each cat. Then I looked at the time it would take.

"AN HOUR?! WORK TECHNOLOGY, WORK!!!!" I scowled dramatically. A few of the cats meowed at me, Bucky looked at the pictures printing out curiously. He looked up at me and mewled like he was asking a question.

"I can literally feel my soul leaving as each of those print out...." I knew I couldn't keep all of them, I wanted to keep at least two or three, it gets lonely. But then again, who would I pick? I love them all like they're my own. I can't just of them. I can barely choose who to let smoth-sit on me.

Plum jumped down and chased after Tama, Bucky and Lego ensuing in the chase. Mozart let out a "weak" hiss as they passed by, he was sunbathing on the chest by the window, Pan laying happily beside him. Most of them were asleep right now, besides the small few who were playing. Looking around, something caught my eye. The hockey stick that had been left here by the two punks who broke into my house. I remembered the faded writing on the side of the hockey stick. I walked over and looked at it again. "If found, please return to O- Kirkland." I read it in my head. I set it back down and ran upstairs to my room. I took about five minutes in the bathroom to clean up, and I put some decent clothes on. I ran back downstairs, grabbed the stick, and looked at Germouser. "You're in charge, little dude! I'll be back in a few! Behave and I'll give you guys the fancier tuna!" I closed the door and grabbed my bike from off the porch. I went to get on as a fluffy cat head poked out of the basket.

"Koshka! You big ole sweetheart!" I picked him up and scratched his ears. "You shouldn't be outside right now, we can all go out later." I opened the door and set him down, he looked up at me. "I'll give you more lovins' when I get home~!~" I pet his head, closed the door, and finally got onto my bike. I sighed and biked down the dirt road, a car suddenly swerved by and pulled over. "Thomas! What in the world!!!!!" I scowled as he went and rolled the window down. he looked down, ashamed that he almost killed me.

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