Full House?

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After missing the few chances I had to get the cat with the Union Jack bandana, I locked Pinot in the bathroom. Now all I had to get was Pancake, and the rest of the little de-cats in here. The Union Jack was my first victim. He was hiding under the chairs in the kitchen, so I carefully snuck up behind him. In one swift move, I grabbed him. He got angry and squirmed in my arms. I scowled as he got me, hissing in pain at him. I ran to the bathroom threw him in and slammed the door shut. I sighed and walked back down and cleaned my arm up on the sink. As I was drying off, I looked over and noticed the full gray cat, with....a ponytail!?!? Anyways, he was rubbing against the tuna cans. I got
Close to him and he ran under the table. I sighed, I was definitely not getting scratched again. I picked up the can of tuna and opened it. He immediently came over and began rubbing on me. I looked down at his bandana, it was red. I bent down and began petting him, he even started purring. Upon further inspection, he wore a Chinese flag bandana, with the word "Noodle" stitched on the fabric. I led the cat the to bathroom and pushed Noodle and the can of tuna inside. I fist pumped in the air and trekked back downstairs to look for my remaining three cats that needed baths. I went into my room and sighed. On my bed was laying the biggest one of them all, the cutest brown and white cat, wearing a Russian flag bandana. I approached it and it meowed happily t me, rubbing on my hand.
"Koshka, my what a sweet cat." Suddenly, his aura changed and I jumped back. The cat was glaring behind me. I turned and saw a white and gray cat, a gray, fluffy, muzzle, peering from around the corner. It quickly ran off. I caught Koshka as he jumped to go after the other one.
"You can mess with him a later, you need a bath first." He started purring, and meowed in my arms. I went to the bathroom and carefully placed him, pushing Noodle and the Union Jack cat away from the door. I closed it and smiled, seeing Pancake sitting in front of me.
"Where is the last one, boo?" I cooed, giggling at my use of the word. He padded down the hallway and I
Followed him. The cat was actually watching TV, with the screen displaying Captain America. I don't ever remember turning it! I scooped the cat up, he wriggled in my arms, pawing at my face. He wore an American flag bandana, with "Bucky" stitched in. Pancake followed back up to the bathroom and I closed myself in with the six cats.
"Alright, it's bath-HEY!" Pinot and the Union Jack cat were fighting. I pulled them apart.
"Pinot and...Scone! You stay here and you stay there! Honestly!" I complained. They eyed each other, tails flicking back and forth.
"Bucky, Pancake, and Noodle. You guys first." I announced, filling the bathtub with warm water. I cut the heater on, and got the cat shampoo. I turned off the water and set the three down. And all three jumped out. I groaned and grabbed Bucky and held him right while I scrubbed him
Clean. It took about ten minutes, he was very hyper. I pulled him out and set him by the heater after towel-drying him. Pancake was more laid-back, Noodle was very sketchy of me. But I was able to get them both clean in a timely manner. I pulled over the last three and washed Scone, then Pinot. Scone got water all over me. Pinot purred and licked my hand every chance he had. I giggled and placed him in front of the heater. Last, but not least was Koshka. I cradled the huge cat and placed him
Down. He was obediently letting me wash him, purring and meowing. The cats stared at him as if he wasn't normally doing that. I finally got him clean and placed him down as well. I let the water out and say against the bathroom counter.
"Geez, you guys just can't calm down huh?" I half-laughed. They all stared at me. Where did all these cats come from? They all seem close. Pancake and Koshka came over and purred. They sat by me. I smiled, at least they weren't mean. Scone easily approached me and laid his head on my arm where he has scratched me. He licked my arm, not on the cut, but by it.
"Hmm...apology accepted, little guy." I grinned. Bucky pawed at his tail, causing the cat to turn around and hiss at him.
"Cmon you guys must be hungry." I got up, carrying Pancake, and opened the door. My original three sat at the door. The groups turned into a stand off.
"Wait a minute....these guys must've been what y'all were freaking out about yesterday!" I realized. They all
Looked at me, "which means....how in the he-heck did you bust through the dog door!? That thing hasn't been used in years!" I loudly said. They all looked at Bucky and Koshka.
"Remind me to never forget to feed you two." I sighed to myself, having a cat parade follow behind me. I opened my phone up and took a picture of this little show and grinned. I set down Pancake on the kitchen floor.
"Yikes, I got to make a food run tomorrow. Cat food and tuna," Gino meowed, "and of course pasta!" I cooed, poking his little nose. I opened the several cans I had left and divided it amongst the cats. I set down the leftover pasta Gino didn't finish. For me, peanut butter jelly time!

I took longer fixing mine because these cats are hysterical. Bucky couldn't leave Pancake, Koshka, Scone, or Germouser alone long enough. Noodle followed Tama around the kitchen, Tama was "obviously" amused. Gino played everywhere, and Pinot licked his fur and would trip Scone every time the cat ran by him.
'Gee, this is one isn't gonna get past health inspection code....perhaps I just keep this a secret for a while. Their owners have to be somewhere, I probably should make posters of them. Or maybe I could be considered as I rescue center...Hahahaha yeah right.' I sat down on the couch, deep in thought. Tama hopped up and nuzzled beside me, attempting to get away from Noodle. I stroked his back. Tama wasn't tense around me much anymore, this activity level had to have the poor thing stressed out. Noodle was staring at him from under the coffee table. I smirked and pulled a blanket over me and the bushy-tailed cat. Noodle looked at me and walked away. I sighed snuggling into the sofa, attempting to rest. Dealing with these cats was exhausting, especially since I haven't had "company" over in a long time. I looked at the end of the couch and noticed that the cats were all getting up and laying in places. Bucky came near me and slept on my legs, while Pancake got near my arms. The others took whatever space I had left. It's a good thing there's a marathon on, I don't think I'm moving anytime soon. I got warm and my eyes got heavy.

(Time skip!!! (^_^) )
I jolted awake and realized that I had knocked some furballs off the couch. They meowed in annoyance but pranced off. I sat up, Tama had moved closer to my head, still sleeping. I groaned and looked at the clock.
"11:30!?!? Ugh..:I wanted to get in bed early!" I cried at Germouser, who still sat in my lap. He stared at me. I realized I needed to go to the store tomorrow and get more litter boxes to put in and more canned tuna. But I could do that in the morning. I sighed and carried Germouser to my room. As I opened the door, all the kitties followed, taking places on my bed. I groaned and laid back and went to sleep. As it continued to storm outside, the rain was accompanied by loud purrs from the bed. It reminded me
Of one of those 80's movies beds where you put a coin and the bed shakes. I smiled and nestled into my pillows, feeling the cats warmth around my arms and legs. It was very comforting.

I yawned waking up. Bucky was sleeping under my arm, Koshka on my stomach, and Germouser by my head. Everyone else was spread out on the bed. I cut my TV on, it was only 7:30, but I couldn't go back to sleep.  I stroked Germouser. I heard a meow and saw that Koshka was looking at me.
"You jealous thing." I yawned again, stroking the big brown cat now. I pulled Koshka into my arms and sat up to watch TV. As I flipped through the guide, all the cats began to get closer
To me and get comfortable around my legs and upper body.
"Man...you guys sure are affectionate, it's like y'all want something. But then again, I'm talking to a bunch of cats."
For real though, these are like trained cats. They're are so individually different, and they act like they're from
different cultures. But the strangest thing is that they act as though they completely understand everything I say, and THEY RESPOND! They have to have owners...but part of me doesn't what to give them back. Though, having little human interaction and a whole bunch of cats in the house makes me seem...a little nuts. Well more than nuts, it's crazy. Oh well! I grinned down at all the cats that laid on my bed. Well, until I figure out where they came from, I'm going to enjoy every second of it! They meowed as I fist pumped in the air.

"Yo! Bucky dude! Come home!"
"Scone! Come on, I haven't been feeding my homemade meals for a month! I won't ever feed them to you again!"
"Pinot! Your fur, it is going to get dirty!"
"Could you not yell in my ear, cheese-breath!"
"I'm in distress!"
"Who are you telling!?" The two began to fight.
"I can't work in these conditions!" Yao hissed at the two.
"I know what you are meaning, but even with focus, I haven't found a single trace of our little friends."
They all came to the middle. They had been looking all over the park and forest. They looked up hopefully at the three figures approaching them.
"Any luck, dudes?"
"Nein. No one in zhe town has seen them for a few days."
"Even Giuseppe said-a Gino has not come by for a while! And you know how Gino likes his-a pasta!" Feli cried, holding tightly onto Ludwig's arm.
"Is he okay?"
"Feri has been a rittre depressed, Rudwig reels bad for him. So he is retting his cring on him if Feri feers rike he's going to cry."
"You okay? You seem pale, Kiku."
"I am fine, Arthur. Just tired. And...and..."
"You miss Tama, it's fine."
"Oui, don't say anymore. We understand."
"I just hope that they are safe." Matthew softly said, clutching Kumajiro. His brother looked at him and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.
"I know they are bro, I've got this gut feeling they are. We'll find them. I promise."

Woo! Another update! I plan on adding more cats to the next few chapters (it'll get crazy lol) can't believe I've reached this many views, it's means a lot y'all. It may not seem like a lot, but it does to me. I want to thank everyone who voted and the readers reading my story! Thank you so much! I also appreciate any comments or questions! Don't be shy :)
To be continued!!!! :D

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