No Chicks Allowed

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I was in bed when IT happened. I had awakened to a terrible sound. It came from downstairs. I had to push off Koshka and Churro. I grabbed my pistol I kept in the bedside table and headed downstairs, Germouser and several others followed. I left the lights off, man, basic training coming in handy right now. I heard this awful screeching noise coming outside, and it didn't help that it was thundering outside. Something was pounding and scratching on the door. I cocked my pistol and threw open the door. My pistol went off as I was tackled to the ground. All the cats started to freak out, my pistol was knocked out of my hands!
I opened my eyes to fight my attacker, but nothing was over me. I quickly stood up and shut the door, the assailant was inside! I grabbed a lamp and cut the lights on. No one was in the house, but a white blur was running around everywhere, jumping over cats and tackled into Germouser, and finally landed on Mozart. Little specks of yellow nestled on top of the white ball of fur that pinned down Mozart, as if conquering the cat. I dropped the pistol and got the spray bottle. But before I could, Pan knocked the cat off Mozart before cuddling with the poor thing. I sprayed the blur as it came toward me, it hissed and Germouser pounced, finally pinning the thing down. Now that I could see what it actually was, it was a freakin' cat. A white albino cat, with a scar on its right eye and red eyes, while wearing a Prussian flag, Fritz was embroidered on the side.
"Are you kidding me? A cat did all that!? What kind of cat are you?" I questioned out loud. I heard the strangest noise, it sounded like it was laughing. Germouser growled and bopped the cat over the head, and got off, beginning to clean his paws.  I stared at the cat, and he stared back at me. The clock started chiming midnight, and the other cats began heading back upstairs. I wasn't going to bed, not after how all that went down. I groaned, feeling tired but not sleepy. Suddenly, all these chicks surrounded him in a circle.
"Oh no! No, no, no, no, no! I don't even know if I can handle FOURTEEN cats much less than cats and CHICKENS! Unless you don't want your friends eaten KFC-style, out, out out!" I fussed. I wasn't really going to do that, they're baby chicks! But I had to convince him to get them away, I'm barely taking care of the fourteen cats, so chicks would make it worse. They aren't even like cats. The cat scowled at me. I glared at him even more, he meowed and started "whispering" to his chicks. All of sudden, they flew past me and out the dog door. Great, when did that get broken!? They were really cute, but I didn't want to not being able to take care of those babies. Maybe, they would return where the cats came from. They have obviously been taken care of.
"Thank you!" I huffed, folding my arms. Now that I think about it, their owners haven't come around. I didn't see any posters last I went into town. I started worrying. But I was suddenly stopped by a meow. Fritz had knocked over everything on the side table.
"No!" I whined. I looked around, the clock was at 12:34. Well, as I said before, not going to bed, and neither was the cat, apparently. So, since I didn't want fleas, I picked up the cat and headed to the bathroom. I washed off Fritz in the sink, and began running a bath in freshly clean tub. Smiling, I returned, and pulled him back into the sink, giving him a thorough scrubbing as the bath filled. He meowed and hissed, but didn't swipe at me. I finished him up and set him in front of the heater. I clicked my overhead fan on and smirked. I lit some candles and cut the lights off. I turned and suddenly remembered that Fritz was in here with me. He stared at me with those red eyes.
"If you're going to stay in here, turn around!" I growled at him. He meowed and turned around. I quickly removed my clothes and sunk down in the bath, laying against the back of the tub. I heard a thud and noticed Fritz had jumped on the toilet. He circled and then laid down, closing his eyes. Hey, at least he wasn't acting weird. Sometimes I swear those cats had humanistic characteristics, I didn't want this situation becoming one that confirms that. I soaked for a while and finally started washing off. I let the water out and put on the pajamas I had on the hanger. I put some slippers on and my jacket and brushed my hair. Fritz jumped on the counter and rubbed against me as I brushed my hair.
"What are you doing?" I questioned, setting my brush down. He meowed.
"Are you...trying to apologize for earlier?" I asked curiously. The cat nodded.
"It's not going to get your little friends back in here." The cat meowed in defeat. I giggled and gave him a pat, "kudos for trying. You can be really cute with that attitude. Takes away the irritating factors away." The cat seemed to scowl, but followed me closely behind as I left the bathroom. I snuck into my room and gasped. The cats had covered my bed and were all out COLD! I thought cats were nocturnal! I groaned and realized that I wasn't going to get my pillow off the bed, Koshka and Noodle both had taken them. And I knew that if I woke them up, this time it would be snack time. They would bother me until I fed them, just because I woke them up. I tip-toed across the room, grabbed my phone, and left the room, cracking the door. I went to the guest room. Luigi was sleeping peacefully. He's such a loner. I grabbed a pillow that wasn't near him and headed downstairs. I pulled a blanket out of the cabinet and laid on the couch. I cut the TV on, guess it's Big Bang theory on demand. I got comfortable and Fritz meowed. I looked down and saw my bag of German bratwurst I bought the other day.
"Uh-uh! Not for you! That stuff is expensive!!!" I yelped out. My money was going short, and I wouldn't get my next paycheck until a few more weeks. So, I wasn't about to let this cat eat my expensive foreign food!
"No, no, no!" I snatched the bag, earning a meow from him, and dashed the the kitchen and threw it into the freezer. He meowed angrily at me.
"Here, have these instead." I got the cat treats out from the counter and placed a few on the floor. He looked up at me and gave this look that said really?
I chucked awkwardly, "how about a deal then? I'll cook the sausages tomorrow and you can have some, but tonight you eat these and not go back in here and steal food out of anything! Deal?" Great, talk about crazy. I'm standing here making a deal with a cat.
He meowed and happily ate the treats.
"Huh." I shrugged, grabbed a water out of the fridge, and headed back to the kitchen, Fritz following me. I settled back in and the cat hopped up and laid on my stomach and stared at me.
"I just realized, you're an albino. I guess that's cool." I scratched behind his ears, "haha, you're putting Mr. Tough and Mighty," Noting his little escapade from earlier. He meowed and stuck his head up proudly, the he turned around and began cleaning himself. After a few seconds, when he moved, I looked away, "thank you, I want to watch you do this. I'm so glad you're laying on my stomach while you clean yourself." I grunted in disgust. The cat looked back up and me, I raised my eyebrow, was he smirking.
"Ugh, whatevah!" I said, lightly flicking his forehead. I heard that weird sound again, "kesesesese..." Where was that coming from, I looked at the cat, his purring went back to normal. I laid down and cut the TV off and snuggled under the blanket.
"Well, whatever. Good night, Fritz. Please try to sleep, don't wake me up."
The cat put its head down. I smiled and drifted off, hearing the fan over me creaking.

I felt groggy. Where was I? Why is everything dark? Am I dreaming...I felt something heavy off my face, and after I realized it was fur, I knew who it was.
"FRITZ!!!!!" I yelled out angrily, realizing the cat decided to lay on my face.

"Bruder! Vhere-" the German stopped in his tracks, causing the others behind him to run into each other, earning insults from a Frenchmen and a Briton.
Gilbert was trashing the house, looking for something. Roderich sighed and looked at the blonde.
"We can't find our cats."
"Fritz! VHERE ARE YOU!?"
"Will you be quiet!" Roderich growled.
"Oh, I guess you're in the same predicament."
"Oui, our cats are gone too."
Feli suddenly head behind Ludwig and a small whir of yellow knocked over Arthur and Francis and entered the house.
"Ah! Mini Gilbirds! You have returned....but vhere is Fritz?" He said heartbroken.
"Wait a minute, dude. Aren't those birds trained to track?" A dark aura went around Gilbert.
"How did you know that?" He asked darkly.
"Ludwig, your brother-"
"Is crazy, I know."
"Nothing dude! But, hey, can't we-"
"Use them to-"
"Find the kitties!"
"Ja! Why didn't I think of that!? Alright, mini Gilbirds! Get ready questioning!"

Yay! Part 6 is up! Thank you everyone for your reads, and votes! I am so glad that this has become as Popular as it is!
Part 7 coming soon!
And more shenanigans are to come now that Gilbert in Neko form has joined the party! Go Fritz!

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