Chapter VII

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"Bruce, I've interrogated Penguin and I may have a lead on the Arkham Knight

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"Bruce, I've interrogated Penguin and I may have a lead on the Arkham Knight. Cobblepot said they were meeting a man named Simon Stagg those two airships by the west river belong to him. That must be their destination." Batgirl told Batman as she exit the building the same way she came.

"Good, I'll have Alfred research everything he can gather on Stagg." Batman's voice was heard.

Batgirl climbed up the ladder and up the shoot only to be met with two sentry guns and about five armed militia men. She quickly sent a distress signal to Bruce, giving her location. The only way she could get out of this is with the help of the Batmobile. Sara quickly looked up to see a ledge to grapnel away from enemy fire.

"Sir, we have Batgirl in our sights. I repeat have Batgirl in our sights." One of the militia said.

"Good. Take her down and bring her to me." The Arkham Knight's voice rang out.

"You heard the boss." The same militia man said.

'Like I'd let them take me anywhere.' Sara thought before grapneling up to safety.

"She's gone! Shoot everything!" The area where Batgirl once stood had flying bullets everywhere. Batgirl looked up to see the Batmobile driving up a parking lot across the street and went into battle mode and shot at all the men with non-lethal bullets and took out the sentry guns. Once she deemed it was safe she hopped down and quickly swung over to the parking lot roof as Batman got out the vehicle.

"You alright?" He asked her.

"Never better. So what's our next move?" Batgirl asked her mentor.

He then contacted Alfred, the butler's face appearing on the video feed. "Alfred, what do you have on Simon Stagg?"

"Let's see... CEO of Stagg Enterprises... A company that specializes in advance medical research and development." Alfred told us.

"I'm heading to Stagg's airships now. Scarecrow was on his way there and that's our only link to finding Barbara." Batman said. "The Threat Analysis indicates that Founders' Island is covered by the militia's long range radar and missile launchers. The Batmobile will be detected and targeted as soon as you cross the bridge." The old butler warned him.

"Don't worry, Alfred. I'll go in on foot and stick to the rooftops. Find me the schematics of those airships." Bruce told him. Alfred wished him luck and logged out. Batman turned to Sara.

"So while you go after Scarecrow and the Arkham Knight. I'll just go around scooping for that serial killer and save more firefighters I guess." Sara told him and he nodded and grapneling off to the airships.

"I'm going to stop this killer. Investigating the body that Bruce saw near the Salvation Bridge will help me track him down." Batgirl swung off to the location on Miagani Island.

Once she got there she contacted Alfred. "Alfred, I found a fourth body."

"Highly regrettable, Miss White. All we can do is hope this body yields some clues as to the killer's identity." The butler told her.

Batgirl then proceeded to find the irregularities in the victim with the deep tissue scanner. She found a bite mark from a type of shark that is only found in the waters off the coast of North Gotham. The next thing was a glass eye and the last thing was titanium screws were implanted on the upper right arm, to repair a fractured humerus. "Alfred, the victim's name is Lisa Mendes." Batgirl spoke once she finished.

"She had quite the troubled upbringing, miss. Orphaned aged nine; foster homes, drug abuse. She developed a talent for surfing, hence the shark attack, tragically it's also how she lost her boyfriend. She was working for a Christian charity in Tucson, Arizona when she went missing." Alfred informed her.

"Have you found anything linking the victims?" Batgirl asked. "I can find no personal or professional links between the victims, but each went missing near state parks or playing fields." Alfred replied.

"Try and find anything connecting those places." She told him. "Of course, miss. I'll look into it." He said before she ended the call.

Batgirl swung around the city in hopes of action as an hour passed and she saved three more firefighters from the hands of thugs. She soon lands herself on the top of the Statue of Justice otherwise known as the Lady of Gotham that's in the center of the three islands in the ocean. Batgirl observed Founders Island hoping Bruce was alright in the Stagg airships. She quickly stiffened as a huge cargo helicopter flew next to it just in time as a end of one of the airships exploded and was ripped right off. The piece that was torn off is hanging on a strong wire cables connected to the helicopter that belongs to the Arkham Knight. She then got a notification of Scarecrow's current broadcast. She opened it up to see Barbara unconscious in her wheelchair, before it went to Scarecrow's face.

"How does it feel to see your city on the brink of ruin, your friends in the clutches of death? You stretched yourself too far this time, Batman, and now your failure is all but complete. As that final, dying breath escapes her body, she will know you are the one who failed her." The broadcast ended and she quickly contacted Bruce.

"Bruce did you get that?!" She asked in a frantic tone. "Yes, she's in Scarecrow's safe house in Chinatown. The one where I apprehended Poison Ivy." He answered.

"I'm close by. I'm going after her." Sara quickly ended the call and ran off the ledge of the statue and glided towards Chinatown, in hopes of saving her friend.

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