Chapter IX

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By the time Batgirl got there, it was already too late

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By the time Batgirl got there, it was already too late. She saw Batman on the roof, talking to Alfred urgently. "Bruce?"

"We were too late. Oracle- Barbara, she's gone. Scarecrow killed her." Batman said facing her.

Sara's heart stopped, eyes widening in disbelief. "No, it can't- NO!" She dropped onto her knees and pounded the ground with her fist in anger. Tears clouded her vision. "Not again, not again." She mumbled before Batman walked over and laid a hand on her shoulder.

Batgirl quickly composed herself quickly as she could before standing up. "Now what?" She asked.

"The Arkham Knight, did he hurt you?" Batman asked her, looking for signs of damage.

Sara's thoughts flashed back to that scene before slowly shaking her head. "N-no he didn't. He said it wasn't time yet."

"Time for what?" Batman questioned.

"He said that I was his key to bringing you down to your knees." She answered. "Bruce, he cut my grapneling wire." Batgirl added.

He was lost in thought before he glanced to the side before looking back at her. "Alfred said the Cloudburst is a dispersal device. Crane's continuing his plan to engulf the whole city in Fear Toxin. We need to get to Poison Ivy, she was immune. She might be the key." Bruce caught her up as the two quickly went into the Batmobile and headed for GCPD.

Once they entered they moved the light the rooms and walked up to Officer Aaron Cash. "What the hell happened on that airship?"

Scarecrow took the Cloudburst." Batman said.

"I'm guessing that's bad?" Cash questioned.

"Where's Gordon?" Batman asked him.

"He still looking for Barb. I can't reach him. Tell me you found her, Batman..." Cash's words made Batgirl's eyes drop to the floor. Batman looked at him as he broke the bad news. "Cash. I'm sorry..."

"No, don't say it. Not her." Cash shook his head in sadness.

"If Gordon comes back here, lock him up. He goes after Scarecrow, it only ends one way." Batman told him before the two moved on to Ivy's cell.

"We need your help." Batman told her as she stood in the containment cell.

"From where I'm standing, you need a miracle." She told him.

Batman then proceeded to question her, "Why didn't the gas affected you?"

Poison Ivy was looking away but caught the expression on his face and slowly looked at him shocked, "You are scared."

"You would be too if you knew what Scarecrow's planning." Sara added and the green queen glanced at her.

"And I should trust you why?" Poison Ivy asked.

"Because without your help, every plant in this city will most likely die." Batgirl answered.

Poison Ivy thought for a moment before agreeing and stepped to the door of her cell as Bruce opened it, letting her out. "About that miracle?" Bruce asked her.

"I created a spore to counter the effects of Crane's toxin. It's easy when you know how... and can manipulate plants on a molecular level." Poison Ivy told the Bats.

"Could it protect the entire city?" Sara asked her as the three walked to leave the GCPD and back to the Batmobile. "Theoretically... but there's no way I can produce enough on my own." Ivy said.

"Then let's get you some back up." Batman told her.

Just as we walked up to the Batmobile, Batman looked at Ivy. "Where to?"

"The Botanical Gardens. They're the oldest plants in Gotham. They'll tell me what we need to do." Poison Ivy told him as her and Batgirl got in the backseat and Bruce in the drivers.

Batman then proceeded to drive out the tunnel but was stopped when the shutter door to go outside was closed. "Cash, the shutter door isn't opening. What's happening?" He asked.

"There's one big mother of a tank driving around out there. It doesn't look friendly." Cash said.

"Neither do I. Open the shutter door and I'll scan it from the rooftops. See if I can find a weakness." Batman ordered him.

"I'll open it. Try not to get killed." Cash told him before the doors opened a small crack for Batman to crawl under and go to scope out the tank. Once he scanned the Cobra tank for a weakness he quickly went back to the Batmobile with the shutter door fully opened and ready to take out the tank.

"I can use the radar to track the drone's movements and get behind it for a clear shot at the exhaust port." Batman said before slowly sneaking behind it, Battle Mode ready as he aims for the shot and fires it with 60mm Cannon, instantly destroying it.

"Cobra scout destroyed? Impossible. We know what caliber rounds he's using, the armor's impenetrable." The Militia Commander spoke on the radio link.

"You can't just roll a single heavy armor unit into the field and expect to crush him under it. He's better than that!" The Arkham Knight scolded. "Initiate stage 2 attack protocols: Deploy all Cobra units in group formation."

"Try and get me to the Botanical Gardens in one piece, Batman. Or you can kiss that miracle goodbye." Poison Ivy said as she knew that Batman was going to destroy those Cobra tanks.

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