Chapter XVIII

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The couple had to break their embrace as Alfred called Sara

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The couple had to break their embrace as Alfred called Sara. "Alfred?"

"Oh thank heavens you're alright, Miss White. I have come bearing some news." The butler said. "What is it?" Sara asked him.

"Well I don't know how to put this, but after you left Master Bruce to pursue Master Todd. I- er, Barbara is in fact alive and well at the GCPD." He said. Sara was overjoyed to hear this and didn't demand an explanation. "But there are some bad news as well, miss." Alfred added. Sara nodded and glanced at Jason who was minding his own business and picked up his broken red helmet and stared at it.

"It seems like during the war between Batman and Scarecrow, I have sad news to say that Master Drake is now at the hands of Dr. Crane." Alfred told her.

Sara knew it was too good to be true. "Damnit, Bruce left Tim at the movie studios defenseless! I'm going to head there. Search for any evidence that can lead to his location." She hung up and walked towards Jason.

"Jay, look... I know the last thing you ever want to do is help, but-" Sara was cut off by him.

"I'll help. I'll do anything for you." Jason told her.

With this Sara smiled grew. Jason missed seeing that beautiful smile. "Panessa Studios is up first." She said and the two grapneled off.

Making it to the elevator, Batgirl looked at the voice recognition. "Open." The two walked into the elevator and headed down. The elevator gate opened and the couple walked up to notice the cell that Tim was locked in was empty, and Scarecrow's symbol was painted on the glass. "Tim." Sara breathed out and rushed to the cell and saw that Robin's gadgets were on the floor, broken. Anger directed at herself rose and she hit the glass yelling, "DAMN IT!"

Jason grabbed her shoulders and made her take a few steps back. "I knew I should've tried to hack into Bruce's pass codes. Tim would still be here." She whispered. Sara turned to see Harley Quinn in her cell watching. She struts up to the blonde. "Harley, what did you see?" Sara asked calmly and nicely.

"What? That bird-boy was taken by Scarecrow and couldn't stand a chance? Yeah, I saw that, pretty funny too." Harley laughed. "Was anyone else with them?" Sara asked next.

"Uh, I think the Commissioner was with them too, boy does he look beat up." Harley answered.

Sara thanked Harley and walked back to Jason, but stopped to see what he was doing. "Jason, is this necessary?" She asked.

"Of course." He answered as he finished. Jason spray painted a huge red bird/bat looking symbol, which was now also painted across his chest armor as well. His red helmet was fixed.

Sara rolled her eyes at him and went to walk to the elevator, him following. "Scarecrow also has Gordon." She said as the two went up to the exit.

"I think I know where they're headed. Come on." Jason told her and they headed to a storage depot in Kingston. Jason then spray painted the same red symbol on the side and told Sara to find a hiding spot up top.

Batman soon arrived to turn himself in to Scarecrow. Minutes later the huge semi-truck pulled out and Jason pushed Sara to follow the truck.

The truck soon led to Arkham Asylum, without a thought Sara grabbed Jason's hand with hers, giving it a light squeeze before the two had to grapnel off somewhere as the truck came to a stop. Scarecrow had Bruce strapped down on a vertical table that they use to transfer dangerous inmates. Jason and Sara had already snuck inside the Arkham Mansion and saw as Scarecrow tried to get Gordon to unmask Bruce, by shooting Tim in the side. "You Bastard!" Gordon yelled as he checked on him.

"Take off that mask or my next shot will kill him." Crane told the commissioner.

"It's okay," Bruce told him. "It's not okay! You know what this means." Gordon said.

"It's the end." Bruce said.

"When they find out who you are, there'll be no hiding." Gordon spoke as he stood up walking closer to Batman.

Bruce was not fazed by this. "You need to trust me, Jim."

"NOW!" Scarecrow told him with the gun still pointed at Robin.

Gordon stepped up in front of Batman, looking at him in the eye as he goes to take off the mask. Slowly pulling it up and stepping to the side as the cameras connected to every news channel saw who the Batman is.

"Wayne. Bruce Wayne?" Scarecrow didn't sound surprised. He didn't care who the man under the mask was, only that he was a man and nothing greater. "Now the world can see you for what you truly are. A legend laid bare. Powerless. Human. Afraid." Crane then injected Bruce with his toxin from his syringe claw.

"Get ready." Sara told Jason as he set up his two dual guns and turned it to the sniper.

It took a while for Bruce to break free from the second dose of toxin. He had a dark glare on his face. "Do you understand Gotham?" Scarecrow asked the camera. "You have no savior. No more hope... No. More. Batman!" Crane injected Bruce again.

"I've won." Scarecrow whispered.

"I'm not afraid, Crane." Bruce recovered, not even affected by the toxin.

"Impossible..." Crane stepped back and quickly took out the gun and points it at Bruce's forehead. "Without fear, life is meaningless." A red dot appeared on the gun, meaning Jason was at aim.

"Jay now!" Sara whispered as he then pulled the trigger and shot the gun out of Crane's hand. Jay pulled back to shoot another bullet at Bruce's restraints on his left arm. Crane goes for another attack but Bruce catches him and grabs his throat as Jason freed Bruce on the right.

Bruce slowly brings up the hand that's holding Scarecrow's claw and goes to inject him with his own toxin. "What's wrong, scared?" Bruce asked him as he pushed Crane back, who looked at Batman with terror. He started to scream and went to run but Gordon punched him out cold.


She turned to see Jason, telling her it's time to go. She looked back at Bruce, Gordon, and Tim before walking away with Jason.

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