Chapter X

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After Batman destroyed the Cobra tanks, we made it to the botanical gardens

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After Batman destroyed the Cobra tanks, we made it to the botanical gardens. Ivy and Sara got out the car as Batman walked up to her, "We're here, Ivy. What now?" He asked.

"Look at her. She's been here since before Man walked the Earth." Ivy said gesturing to the large tree. "She still holds great power... But she's weak, poisoned by decades of pollution. She won't be able to fight Scarecrow's toxin on her own." She shook her head.

Batman then stepped forward and looked at her. "Then we need another."

"There aren't any left like her. Not anymore." Ivy said.

"What happened?" Batman asked. Batgirl had to force herself to not roll her eyes. What kind of question is that? Ivy sharply turned back to look at him, anger on her face. "What do you think? Man. You cut them back, built over them, stopped them from reaching the sun."

Batman wasn't about to give up, he knew there had to be another way. "If I could locate the roots, could you revive them?"

Poison Ivy didn't answer, "They're lost, buried beneath this concrete monstrosity. How will you-"

"The bigger the plant, the deeper the root." Batman cut her off. "You wait here. I'll find a way to break them free." He handed her the same communication device that he gave Gordon as she went inside the tree, new plants begin to grow around it for protection. Batman headed back to Batgirl and the car, contacting Lucius.

"Lucius, I need a way to track an ancient root system. It's deep underground." Batman told him.

"I'm sure I can throw something together, but it may take me a little while. Come to Wayne Tower when you're ready." Lucius said. "Thanks Lucius." Batman ended the call and contacted Alfred.

"Alfred, give me an update on Gotham's Most Wanted." Batman ordered.

"Let's see. Nightwing has been tracking another of Penguin's trucks. This will undoubtedly lead to another cache and a chance to rid the city of Cobblepot and his flood of weapons." Bruce then looked at Sara and she was on it, and used the grapnel to the rooftops.

She then got a call from Dick, "Hey Sara, I've managed to track down one of Penguin's trucks. It's by the canal on Bleake Island."

"Alright, on my way." She said and headed off.

Batgirl then jumped onto the ground and noticed the North Refrigeration truck and tagged it so she can follow their location, before walking up and forcefully open the back door, scaring the living day lights out of the thugs and they drive off back to their hide out, unaware that Batgirl was on their tail.

"Penguin is using the Sionis Industries building as a front for one of his weapons caches. I'll take point." Sara contacted Dick.

"Age before beauty, Sara. I'll keep my entrance understated as always." Nightwing said.

Batgirl rolled her eyes and quickly opened the door to the building and quickly went into detective mode to see sentry guns placed. She then took notice of a control panel she could turn on to open the garage door, but it was useless because she had no Batmobile to blow up the damn guns. Sara looked up and took notice of the gated ceiling and got an idea. She quickly pushed off the wall and jumped and hung from the ceiling and began crawling behind the sentry guns without being detected. She then dropped down swiftly before destroying them and moved on to find the weapons cache.

She then grapnelled up the broken elevator and noticed the thugs in the room and quickly flipped a switch that opened the skylights. "Time to drop in to pay them a visit." Sara said before leaving the building the way she came and went to the roof. Once there she quickly smashed down and landed on a thug taking him out and began to fight the other thugs. She took notice of Nightwing popping up out of a crate using and joined in. "My entrance was way cooler." She yelled at him, taking down a thug by punching them in the face.

"Whatever you say Batgirl, whatever you say." Nightwing said before landing a kick on another thug. As they took out the whole room they did a dual takedown on the last thug and it was clean.

"Now for a little fireworks." Sara said pulling out her explosive gel and went into the vault filled with weapons cache. Once she closed the vault door and was a few feet away she detonated it and the weapons were destroyed. "This isn't over yet. By my count, Penguin must have three more of these caches in the city, that equals a lot of guns on the street. It's going to be a long night, Sara." Nightwing told her.

"Aren't we used to long nights? Just contact me, when you find more trucks, alright." Batgirl said before leaving Dick to look for clues.

She then got a call from Batman, "Meet me at the movie studios. I'm on my way there now." He ordered.

"Does Tim know about Barbara? Bruce, you didn't even tell him about her being kidnapped. If he were to find out she's... Who knows what he'll do." Sara said.

Batman looked back into the camera. "We're not telling him, not now. He needs to focus on that cure."

Batgirl sighed. "Alright Bruce. I'm on my way." She hung up and took off to Panessa Studios.

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