Chapter XII

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Batgirl woke up at the sound of Bruce's voice

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Batgirl woke up at the sound of Bruce's voice. She's only been out for five minutes. "I take it that you destroyed the missile launcher?" She asked, standing up like nothing has happened.

Batman watched her, "You shouldn't have jumped in." He said.

"I'm fine, except for the major headache." Sara said gripping her forehead. "I'm going to go find that body that I couldn't get to earlier, contact me when something comes up." Batgirl then left her mentor and headed near the Perdition Bridge.

Once she saw the body she contacted Alfred. "Alfred, I found a fifth victim."

"I feared you would, miss." He commented.

Sara then proceeded with looking for the three imperfections, like she's been doing. A tattoo removal, a scar from a kidney removal and Tantalum plate, a cranial fracture. "Alfred, the victim's name is Ella Montgomery."

"It appears the kidney was donated to a twin sister who unfortunately died. This seems to have been the catalyst for her boxing pursuits, and hence the cranial injury. She missing in Huntsville, Alabama." Alfred told her.

"Do the details of the disappearance match with the others?" Batgirl asked, she needed to stop this killer now.

"They do indeed, miss. Also, your request to cross reference the parks and playing fields have proved fruitful. I've come across some leasing documentation that appears to have been falsified. Someone is attempting to cover their tracks." Alfred said.

"Find out anything you can, Alfred. We couldn't have done anything to prevent these deaths, but we can still save others." Sara told him before grapneling off.

In her patrol she looked down to find yet another body, one she hasn't inspected. "This mad man must be stopped." She glides down to inspect it.

She noticed her location was north of Ryker Heights. "Alfred, I've discovered another body."

"Six victims, Miss White... When will this nightmare end?" Alfred exclaimed.

Batgirl then looked for imperfections and took notice of a chemical burn on the leg, a voice box and an extra finger due to a rare genetic disorder. "Alfred, the victim's name is Alison Wears."

"She was an engineer employed at ACE chemicals. That would certainly explain some of her ailments. She moved into a retirement home in Blüdhaven several years ago. Their grounds are adjacent to a large park." Alfred told her. "Cross reference this with the others, see if it fits." Sara said.

"It does indeed, miss. Sending you the information now." Alfred said and Sara checked it. "The Circus of Strange. It's route recently took it through all the locations where the victims went missing. Get me a list of associated names." Batgirl told him.

"The Circus is run by a rather suspicious fellow named Lazlo Valentin." Alfred said getting a name. "Search for any properties owned or leased by the suspect." Sara said.

"Records show Mr. Valentin used to lease a beauty salon here in Gotham, but the lease expired shortly before construction began on Wayne International Plaza." Alfred told her.

"Send through the location. Time to end this now." Batgirl said before flying off to the salon.

Sara stepped up right in front of the Pretty Dolls Parlor in Ryker Heights on Founders' Island. She opened the door and walked to the back room and was met with a weak wall structure, punching it right through, Batgirl continued to walk into the hideout. Sara cringed at the horrible opera singing. She noticed Valentin experimenting on someone, also noticing more victims trapped in cages above.

She made her way and walked right up to him. "You're done here, Valentin. Let them go!"

He looked up at her, a pig mask covering his face. "Oh no, no, no, no, no! Pyg not ready yet. She's all unique and wrong. All messed up, inside out. Pyg make her better! Pyg make all of us better!" Valentin said gesturing to the rest of the victims. Batgirl walked up to him. "It's over!" She told him.

"But Pyg can fix you too! Make you perfect! Like the others!" He giggled and snorted like a pig as she got closer to the operating table.

"You're insane." Batgirl commented.

Pyg snorted at this, "And what are you?" He pointed a chubby rubber gloves finger at her. Sara held her ground. "I'm here to stop you."

Professor Pyg then babbled on about fixing people but Sara checked on the victim laying at the table, and see if they were alive. Once she went to check the pulse, the victim freaked out and pushed her away. "That's it, my darling! Show her how perfect you are!" Pyg snorted.

The victim stood up from the table and went to throw a punch but Batgirl held the fist and kicked him down. "Pyg make you invincible! Perfect and invincible! Dollotron feel no pain!"

"That's just great." Sara commented as the Dollotron got up. "Rise up, my precious! She cannot keep you down!" Pyg said.

'It's like they're immune to pain. I need to make sure they stay down.' Sara then took down the Dollotron with a ground takedown and soon noticed more Dollotrons coming to fight. She just did the same with the others, making them stay knocked down.

Pyg then burst through the window with a knife in hand. "Pyg coming for you Bat! Coming to make you perfect!" He sang as he ran to the operating table as more Dollotrons came to fight. Pyg then threw knifes at her but Sara dodged and caught the last one and threw it back at him, the hilt hitting him in the face as he was stunned she continued to take down the Dollotrons. This happened back in forth for about six times until all the Dollotrons were out and she walked up to Pyg and kicking him in the face, before flipping him onto the operating table and smashed his face with a punch, the force causing the table to break as well as his mask. Once he was out cold, Sara quickly defused a box and let all the remaining victims free and out the cages. "You're safe now, a squad car will come to pick you up." She told the civilians before contacting Bruce.

"Batman, I need you to pick up someone and send them to GCPD. We won't have any problems from Professor Pyg tonight." She said into the comlink.

"Alfred filled me in. Good work on stopping Valentin, Sara." Bruce praised. "Thanks, he didn't put up much of a fight."

She ended the call and noticed Batman entering the room and threw Valentin over his shoulder and the two walked to the Batmobile, where he placed Valentin in the back seat. "No way am I sitting next to him." Sara quickly said.

"Meet me at the Clock Tower to review the Batwing's scans for the Cloudburst." Batman replied before driving off.

"You got it." Sara said to particularly no one and grapneled off.

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