Chapter 5: Coining Nuranize.

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Salam! How are you? Guess who is almost done with exams!! DanAllah do pray for me and my classmates, I swear it may make a difference.
Here goes!

  At first he was a Suleiman, but when Ya Nur heard me call him that I got scolded and was told that from that day henceforth I was to call him Ya Suleiman, he clearly had stolen my brother's heart. With time he stole not only Ya Nur's heart, but also Ya Najib, Nasir and Baba even; all they had to talk about was him.

He got an admission into some school in UK to study medicine however, about a year afterwards. The day he informed us, everyone was excited for him and gloomy at the same time. The men in my family really surprised me, sure he was cool but that didn't mean that everyone of them had to turn into fan girls. He went to the UK and left at least four broken hearts and call me bad but I liked it when he went away, finally we talked about other things other than the magnificent Suleiman.  

Life went on, I graduated from primary school and got admission into the same secondary school as Yasmin and Hikmah. I nearly died of joy when we were told that the people you start off with in the same class will be the same people you'll study with for three good years. I looked around and saw Hikmah and Yasmin grinning at each other and then at me. It was the first day we air-fived each other, let's just say it eventually became our thing.
My friendship with Yaslim and Hikmah had gotten very strong Alhamdulillah, our families had become so close that you could say we had merged and become one huge family. Their fathers were Baba's friends, their mothers were like our mothers and their siblings were our friends. I met everyone in the two families except for one of Hikmah's brothers that wasn't in the country and his name was Ya Sule. She talked fondly about him that Hikmah and I wanted to meet him, she told us that ISA whenever he came back she would introduce us to him but for the time being we just had to make do with her stories.    

I was in JS three being the nerd I can't help but be when we had a peculiar teacher. I call him peculiar because he was an awesome teacher, sure he got intimidated easily but he was awesome. The only problem was that only I got how awesome he was, the remainder of the class always complained about how he was wasting their precious 40 minutes talking to himself and of course Hikmah and Yasmin were strengthening this wacky ideology. Because of this teacher the class was divided into 2 : anti- agriculture aka anti-Mr Sunday & pro-agriculture aka pro-Mr Sunday aka me. I had no idea why there was an uproar about him. Mr Sunday was a nice guy that made the ever diverse agriculture seem fun and condensed. And to make matters even better he had acronyms for a lot of things and he'd always say them in a song. I really did like him because he was a brilliant teacher. The fact that I liked him or rather his teaching technique inched Yaslim and Hikmah closer to coining the word nuranize.
I remember he gave us an assignment, a very simple one if I may add, that was to be our continuous assessment and was to be submitted on Monday. Yasmin and Hikmah came to our house as expected on a Saturday and started panicking because they had no idea what the question was talk less of knowing the answer.
"Nura I hate agriculture! Why do we even have to know anything about soil? It is soil! It has been the same soil before I was born and it will continue being soil years after me" Yasmin said sounding annoyed.
"I know ba Yasmin! And to make matters worse the school chose Mr Sunday as our teacher. He would have been better off teaching us Hausa!" Hikmah said angrily.
"Hikmah he knows little Hausa words"
"My point exactly!" Hikmah said as she dramatically feel to my bed causing everything on it to fall down.
I sighed.
' Here we go with the I hate agric talk.' I thought.
And I was right to think that.
They complained and complained for hours without actually even opening the textbook that had all the answers. I got tired of their loop-like conversation and left the room. I came back a few minutes later with two bottles of coke as a peace treaty.

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