Chapter 16: Uproar.

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His POV.

I once read somewhere that during the Victorian era, chess was not just a game. It was a way people communicated; some perceived it to be an arena where all their negativity could be inputted, others felt that it was similar to a ball room, the right move at the right time would leave enough impression for a decision to be made. Chess is a powerful game.
Why am I speaking of chess?
My life, as strange as it may sound, was a game of chess. And I was a solo player.

It took three days for me to make a move after the meeting. I couldn't bring myself to present the matter to my father, even though the two of us were quite close. I had no idea how he would feel about my situation or how I had not consulted him before I met with Dr Nuhu or how I still hadn't told him anything. I knew that the sooner I came clean the better, the problem was 'coming clean', how was I to do that?
Then there was Mama. I had not the slightest idea how she'd react to the affair. And that made her less of an option. She could be the means to my checkmate or she could be otherwise, the fact was that I was one that felt that there was no room for risk taking in chess. Thus, my choices were narrowed down to one person, Ya Isa. He was understanding as he was mature, a man that is kind and very smart. He was my checkmate.
I wanted to talk to him badly, it was a good thing that Baba wanted to discuss something with him.

He didn't even go home to change, that was understandable since Baba summoned him. He sat on one of the seaters, eyes closed, blazer rolled and placed on his lap. I watched him intently, thinking of what exactly to say to him when we were somewhere private, thinking of how he may react to my solo move. Baba walked in, his footsteps making Ya Isa assume his role as a worker; he instantly sat up straight and brought out a pen from his pocket. Baba sat down and placed a brown almost tattered, engossed folder by his side and started clearing his voice. Seeing as to how they would most certainly endulge themselves in a lengthy corporate discussion, I left them alone.

Hours later, Ya Isa walked into my room looking exhausted. He slumped on a seat and started massaging his neck, eyes closed, almost moaning.
"So I am here." He yawned and said.
"Do you get enough rest kuwa?" I asked worried.
"Toh? Alhamdulillah." He said and yawned again.
"I take that the new job is hectic?" I asked.
"Not really. I am still adapting. So what is up?"
I smiled sheepishly.
"I am guessing it has to do with Nura, what is the matter? Do you now understand your feelings?" He inquired lazily.
I smiled.
"Well. I did more than understanding, I acted." I said excitedly.
"Wow! So you finally developed guts. So? You now see her?"
I smiled embarrassingly and ran a hand through my hair. Avoiding eye contact.
"Ya Isa, I met her father not her." I whispered.
Instantly, he rose fron his seat, sleepy no more.
"What?" He screamed. "Tsaya!" His hands were raised. "Let me get this. You visited Uncle Nuhu and did what?" He managed to say calmly.
"I visited Uncle Nuhu and asked for his consent to court Nura." I explained.
"Subhanallah. To-"
Before he said anything more he was interrupted.
"You what?!" Mama shouted.
Both our heads snapped towards her direction. She stood by the door, one that Ya Isa left ajar. She looked flabbergasted, wordless and horrified. I too was wordless, wordless and horrified.
"You what?" She said once more, collected this time around.
I had nothing to offer.
She walked into the room and placed a polythene bag on the laps of a petrified Ya Isa and sat on my bed. Normally I'd have instantly rose from the bed and settled down somewhere lower than the bed, but like I said I was horrified.
"Suleiman, did I hear correctly kuwa?" She said angrily.
'SubhanAllah she called me Suleiman. God help me!' I prayed.
I remained quiet and uncomfortably seated.
"Mama please calm down." Ya Isa pleaded.
"Calm down? I am calm and awaiting an answer to my question."
"Mama." I managed to say, my voice almost a whisper.
"Just tell me what foolish act you have done!" She exclaimed.
I gulped.
I had no other option other than tell her everything; well not everything, just enough. As I spoke she said nothing and that made my voice a mess, one second I was on a high note the next I was on a low note. Not even my staccato changed Mama's pokerface and silence. Ya Isa however covered his eyes with his hand and was shaking his head, that was enough to alarm me.
"Are you done?" She asked.
I remained quiet.
Next thing I know she brings out her phone and starts typing something.
"Who are you contacting?" Ya Isa asked, he now was seated at the edge of the seat.
"Nura of course." She replied.
When she did, we looked at each other horrified and started begging.

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