Chapter 2- The Trouble With The Truth

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Naoto's POV:

I entered class 1-1 of Yasogami high and took my seat at the back of the class next to the window, it had been a week since I was rescued from the TV world and accepted myself gaining my persona power. I was grateful to the investigation team not only had they saved me and helped me to accept myself they had given me something I had never been able to gain on my own...... friendship, I had quite enjoyed not having to hide my voice for once, well there was one issue with that and that was.....

''Hey, Naoto-kun! Or should I say Naoto-chan! Hahahaha!'' I heard a familiar voice shout, then many familiar voices snickering afterwards, I sighed and kept my eyes on my detective's note book. I had written down all the clues that I had pieced together about the killer with the rest of the team in it so it was very important to the case. Four people walked up to me and towered over my sitting figure, I kept my eyes down the last thing I wanted right now was this.

Ever since the news had spread about the 'detective prince' actually being a female, I had been continuously teased. It didn't really bother me much it was easy to ignore but the same four people had not stopped with it even after it dyed down in the rest of the school, they were all in my class 2 males and 2 females, I didn't bother learning their names its not like they were worth my time.

''Awe what's little Shirogane got there, a little book with clues. Ha shouldn't you leave that detective stuff to the professionals after all you are just a weak little girl, its not like you can solve crimes!'' one of the girls taunted as she grabbed my book from my hands, I stood up and walked over to her, I was not going to loose my temper over something so pathetic,

''I would appreciate it if you gave me back my pocket book, it is a very important aspect to my work'' I said calmly looking up from the brim of my cap so my eyes were just barely visible (like the pic at the top). I held out my hand and placed my other hand in the pocket of my trousers. She just looked down at me and smirked and threw my book to the guy next to her who was much taller than me, around about Kanji-kun's height if not slightly shorter. I sighed again this was so pathetic I knew they were trying to make me loose my cool, however I was not going to allow them a victory in something as stupid as this little game.

I looked up a little more so I was staring into the boys eyes, he was smirking at me as I kept my facial expression neutral and unreadable. I made a small move to take my book back which he had made a move to pass me, before I could take it back he held it high above his head, as the other boy shoved me backwards by my shoulder.

''AY!'' I heard a shout from the door, I looked up to see Kanji-kun standing there looking frustrated. He stormed over to us and glared down at the boy with my book, snatching it off of him. The small group looked to one another with fear on their faces.

''We'll get you later Shirogane, just you wait!'' One of the boys whispered quiet enough for only me to hear before they all scattered to their seats and got out their equipment. I sighed quietly in relief as I looked up to Kanji-kun once more, he was still glaring at all four of them in turn before turning back to me his expression instantly softening.

''They do that often?'' he asked handing me my book, which I returned to my pocket.

''No, its alright Kanji-kun you know things like this don't bother me. They were simply being pathetic to try and rile me up'' I lied, truth was they had been doing this everyday since the news was spilled and everyday the torments and threats kept getting more and more violent to the point that verbal teasing had begun to turn into physical bullying. I hated to lie to my friends especially a close friend like Kanji-kun, but I could deal with this myself and I didn't want to drag my friends into my problems.

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