Chapter 4- When Will It End?!

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Naoto's POV:

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

A ringing sound continuously goes off in my head making it pound, I slowly open my eyes to see that the noise is coming from my phone. I slowly sit up wincing from the pain still coming from my stomach, 'Kanji Tatsumi' shows up on the front of my phone I answer and put the phone to my ear.


''Naoto, where are you school started an hour ago?''

I looked up to my clock and saw that I was indeed an hour late, I gasped and hurriedly started to get ready, ignoring any and all pain I was feeling. I placed my phone on the counter and put Kanji-kun on loud speaker as I threw off my sleeping clothes and started to apply the wrapping to around my chest. I wasn't paying attention to how tight I was wrapping it until I felt a sharp pain rush through my stomach making me double over and cry out in pain.

''Naoto?! What happened are you okay?!''

''I.... I'm fine I just wrapped my wrapping a little too tight''

''o...oh okay well ummm see you soon then?''

''Yes see you soon Kanji-kun''

I hung up the phone and grabbed my bag, coat and hat before leaving the house. I hurried down the Samegawa flood plain towards the school. Once at the school I signed in before changing my shoes and heading to class.

''Ah Naoto-kun glad you could join us. Its unusual for you to be so late are you alright?'' Our maths sensei asked us looking over to me concerned, I nodded my head slightly

''yes, I'm okay I just had a really bad sleep last night and by the time my friend called me I was already late. I apologise for being so late and interrupting the class'' I said with a slight bow. Sensei smiled softly and nodded towards my seat, I nodded and made my way quietly to the back of the class as I walked through the isle I noticed Hiro and his friends smirking at me, my heart jumped in my chest and I swallowed before sitting down.

For the first time in my life I had felt a tinge of fear.

I started to catch up on all the notes that I had already missed, even as the bell rang for lunch I continued to write, that was until my pencil was grabbed from my hand I looked up to see Hiro. I swallowed and looked to the ground not wanting to make eye contact with any of them, I heard snickering above me but I decided to ignore it and continue staring at the ground.

''Aw poor Shirogane was late for school, we must have just hurt her enough so that she couldn't walk as fast haha'' Hiro sneered, I looked up slightly so I was looking at the door that was when I noticed a shadow move away from the door in the opposite direction and out of sight, I shrugged off the feeling I had before turning my head to look out the window.

Hiro and his gang snapped my pencil and threw it onto the floor before returning to their seats as the bell signaling the end of lunch rang, I hadn't eaten my lunch but I wasn't feeling hungry instead I was scared, scared about leaving the school alone, scared that if I did I would get beaten again. 'Its not like I can tell my friends they would just laugh at me in fact they would probably cease to call me a strong friend or ally if I told them just how scared I'm feeling right now' I thought.

(After school)

I looked up from my desk to see the class was empty, I finished packing up my things and headed to the shoe lockers. As I started to put my shoes away a note fluttered to the ground, I picked it up and read it,

You will get what you deserve Shirogane, and if you even think about going to your little boyfriend... Well lets just say that will be a big mistake.

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