Chapter 5- 'Tell Me The Truth'

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Kanji's POV:

''Naoto..... How long was that going on? Why didn't she talk to one of us.... to me?'' I said quietly, it had been 3 hours since I brought Naoto to the hospital. I was sitting outside of Naoto's room whilst the doctor and nurses were in there with her. I was so worried about her I mean ever since I first met her I knew she was someone I would always care for, sure she may have been acting like a dude for a while making me confused about my sexuality until we fought her shadow but even when we found out the truth my feelings for her have never changed, only deepened.

''Are you the one who brought the young lady in earlier?'' said a voice snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked up to see the doctor standing next to me. I instantly stood up,

''Is Naoto okay?!'' I said panic overtaking my voice, the doctor smiled slightly and nodded.

''She will be fine, she had taken quite a beating though. Her ribs are bruised quite badly and she will be in a lot of pain for a while after she wakes up. Other than that though her symptoms show no signs of fractures or other severe injuries to her bones or internal organs'' I sighed in relief at his words,

'Those bastards will pay for what they did to her' I thought to myself, balling my fists up tightly. The doctor placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and smiled again.

''If you wish to see her you can. You may stay with her for as long as you wish, we noticed that as she was falling asleep due to the medication we gave her she kept muttering a name. 'Kanji-kun' I'm guessing that is your name?'' My face instantly flushed red, she was saying my name? I nodded and thanked the doctor before walking into the room and closing the door quietly behind me.

I walked over to the side of the bed and sat down. I looked to Naoto, she was asleep and her chest was rising and falling in a gentle pattern she looked like she was in so much pain despite still being under the effect of the morphine. I could feel my heart shatter in my chest, how could someone so smart and kind hearted be beaten like this? And I bet this all happened because everyone found out that the detective 'prince' was really a chick..... Those bastards!

I placed my hand on top of hers and gave it a gentle squeeze,

''Naoto... Why didn't you tell me this was happening? I hate seeing you like this I... I care about you'' I whispered not bothering to hide the worry in my voice any longer.

That was the last straw I was not going to allow anyone to hurt Naoto like that ever again, I know she hates the idea of accepting herself as a chick just to be protected by a dude but I hated to see her like this and I never want to see her like this again, she has to tell me the truth.

''Mmmm, Kanji-kun?'' A  weak voice said I looked down, relief filling my eyes.


Naoto's POV:

I scrunched my face up more in pain, I was beginning to regain consciousness and I could feel my stomach and chest area burning in pain. I suddenly felt a warm and gentle sensation on my hand and a soft voice speak, his voice was filled with worry

''Naoto... Why didn't you tell me this was happening? I hate seeing you like this I... I care about you'' wait a second I know this voice...

''Mmmm, Kanji-kun?'' I said quietly,

''Naoto...'' he said, I opened my eyes and saw that his face was filled with concern and worry for me. When he looked into my eyes he relaxed slightly and looked more relieved than worried however no matter how hard he tried to hide it I could see that worry was still consumed within him.

''Naoto your... your awake I....I'' Kanji-kun muttered his eyes filling with tears, my eyes widened slightly at the sight and only then could I tell that he was worried sick about my well being. I suddenly felt even more guilty about lying to him all this time about the bulling.

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