Chapter 3- The Truth Hurts

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Naoto's POV: 

''I am so going to enjoy this'' Hiro sneered as he approached whilst cracking his knuckles. I tried to free myself from the grip of his friends but I could not, I decided to give up and glare at him. When he was directly in front of me, he clenched his fist and raised it above his head I closed my eyes and looked away.

As I did I felt a harsh impact on my lower lip, I resisted the urge to wince in pain I could tell that the sheer force of the punch had split my lip open, I scrunched my eyes up tighter as the stinging sensation continued to pulsate through my lip that was now dropping blood onto my uniform. A few seconds after I felt a sharp pain rush through my stomach, I doubled over in pain as Diachi and the girls dropped my wrists letting me fall to the ground clutching my stomach in pain.

''Your lucky that's all your getting away with Shirogane! Next time we get you it will be a whole lot worse!'' Hiro shouted with an evil grin on his face as he and the other three walked away in fits of laughter. I stayed on my knees for a while allowing the pain in my body to settle before trying to walk. I pulled my cap over my eyes and forced back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes, I was not allowing them to call this a victory.

My phone suddenly started to ring in my pocket I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID, 'Kanji Tatsumi' of course it would be him I was never late to meeting my friends ever. I took a deep breath and put the phone to my ear,

''Shirogane speaking''

''Naoto! Its Kanji where are you? Your never normally late, you okay?''

''Ah Kanji-kun I.... I'm afraid that I will not be able to make it today... something has come up I'm alright however I must go straight home. I apologise for not calling to telling you sooner''



''S... sorry, was just thinkin' about somethin' don't worry bout it though we can always hang out tomorrow''

''Yes, you are correct thank you Kanji-kun. See you all tomorrow at school oh and apologise to the others for me will you?''

''Will do, see you tomorrow Naoto''

I hung up the phone quickly as tears started to spill from my eyes the pain in my stomach was getting worse and the blood from my lip kept dripping onto my school uniform, I knew that I would have to apply stiches to it. I picked up my bag and hurried home before anyone would see me in that state.

As I got home I rushed upstairs before my grampa could ask what had happened to me, I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door locking it behind me. Taking my cap off I looked in the mirror my lip was badly busted up and my school shirt was stained crimson red I quickly took out the first aid kit from the shelf below the sink and started to clean up my wound.

After washing my lip I took out a small needle and thread from the box, I slowly started to stich up my lip. Ignoring the pain was easy because the pain in my stomach was continually getting worse probably because of the bandages I used to keep my chest strapped down were always tied tightly around my stomach as well.

After stitching my lip up carefully I took of my shirt that was soaked in blood and threw it into the washing basket, I took off my wrappings and looked into the mirror again. A large bruise had started to form around the area under my right breast. I winced in pain once again, if I were to hazard a guess the force that Hiro kicked me must have bruised my ribcage I took off the remaining of my school clothes and ran a hot bath.

Whilst I waited on the bath I took a couple of pills to nullify the pain I was feeling. After a few minuets I lowered my self slowly into the bath and let myself relax. Thinking back on the days events I realised that this was the first time I had ever felt helpless, I had been in the TV world maybe once or twice in the past week with the others to test out my skills in battle and I was pretty good. My persona was strong and I was able to defeat any shadow with ease, but for some reason when it came to today I was useless, weak, pathetic. Everything they had told me I was.

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