Chapter 7- Together Forever

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Well this is gonna be the final chapter of this fan-fic. Don't worry I'm starting a new story real soon and it will be my own plot and characters. I love writing fanfiction and I will more than likely get back to it at some point I just wanna see if you guys will like my own made up stories as much as my fan-fiction that I love so much. Anyway, enjoy!

Naoto's POV:

I finished talking with the doctor and left my hospital room I was finally being discharged, I couldn't go home to the Shirogane estate... well I could it wasn't like grampa had no trust in me to look after the place alone rather I was too scared to be alone after what had happened and I was still taking into consideration what my shadow had said all that time back, I was always afraid to me alone now more than ever though. I met with Kanji at the reception and smiled as I walked over to him. His mother had given me permission to stay with them and I was ever grateful to them both.

''Uh Naoto I need to tell you something before we get to my place'' I tightened my grip on his hand as we left the hospital, what was it? Something bad? I started to panic a little.

''Hey, hey calm down its nothing bad you don't have to panic'' he chuckled as he wrapped his arm tightly around my shoulder and pulling me into him, I smiled and relaxed at his warmth as he continued to speak,

''its just my mom still thinks your... you know kinda, sorta, a.... guy. So we need to tell her the truth when we get there about your gender and our relationship. I can't keep it from her she keeps trying to set me up with Yukiko-sempai'' I giggled slightly at his words. It wouldn't be as hard as he was thinking it would be the doctor had instructed me that I was no longer permitted to use my wrappings as they would not allow my wounds to heal and they would eventually cause severe damage to my internal organs if I continued to use them, so I was forced to wear something I would normally avoid..... a bra. Dear god.

I looked up to Kanji and saw that he was looking at me his face bright red. I'm guessing he saw that my chest was now very much visible despite my detectives jacket normally hiding it. I blushed and looked away, wow kanji just wow...

''Uhh... uhhm, well t..that shouldn't be too difficult given my current appearance and tone of voice'' I stuttered his grip tightened around my shoulder as he tensed up, obviously understanding what I was getting at. We were engulfed in a slightly awkward but enjoyable silence the rest of the way to Tatsumi textiles, once there we looked to each other and took a deep breath before entering the shop and walking through the back to the house.

''Ah Kanji welcome home, and Naoto-kun good to see you. I heard about what happened you poor boy, you look horrible'' Mrs Tatsumi said her voice filled with sympathy as she pulled me into a hug. She seemed to tense up a little as she did so, and I think I could tell why. 'Why does my chest have to be so large for crying out loud!' I blushed at my own thoughts then looked to Kanji with a pleading look in my eyes,

''Um ma, I.... we need to tell you something'' he said as he pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me before looking up to Mrs Tatsumi who had a rather confused look on her face,

''Ma I'd like you to meet Naoto Shirogane.... My girl friend'' Kanji said with a gentle smile on his face as he looked down to me, making sure to emphasize the 'girl' part. I smiled back as I heard a gasp from behind me, however it wasn't a scared or annoyed gasp it was an excited and relived gasp.

''Oh Naoto-kun, my dear why didn't you tell me sooner you were female. I feel ridicules right now'' Mrs Tatsumi's eyes suddenly filled with regret and guilt, my own eyes widened I didn't want her to feel bad about this after all it was me who purposefully lied to everyone who had even heard of me just because I was uncomfortable with accepting myself as female. I slowly pulled away from Kanji and pulled Mrs Tatsumi into a comforting hug, she seemed surprised at first but soon returned it. 

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