Chapter 6- 'I'll Protect You'

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Naoto's POV:

I woke up to a slight sting in my stomach, I knew that my ribs were still bruised so I would be in pain for quite a while, I winced due to the pain and tossed and turned with my eyes scrunched up, that was however until I felt arms wrap tighter around me and making all the pain disappear. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see Kanji looking down to me with gentle eyes, my face flushed red when I thought to the night before I had kissed him and told him that I loved him he did the same though so did that mean....

''Mornin' Naoto, you okay stomach in pain again?'' he asked gently I nodded a little and curled back into his chest, I needed to know that last night and right now wasn't and isn't a dream, that it really happened and that he wants to be with me as much as I want to be with him. I could see his face burning a little red before he wrapped his arms a little tighter around me, not so much that it would hurt me though.

''Kanji..... What happened last night was real right, you really meant what you said and care for me like you say you do? This isn't a dream or a hallucination is it?'' I muttered with my face still buried in his chest,

''what d'ya mean by that?'' he asked sounding slightly confused, I thought for a moment then took a deep breath,

''Kanji..... do you love me?'' I whispered, I was so embarrassed I normally would have no need to ask anyone such a thing but when it came to Kanji I wanted no........ I needed to hear the answer, I looked up to see a look of surprise on his face as he turned red his expression soon softened and he lifted my chin with his finger,

''with my whole heart, I will always love you now and forever'' that was all he said before he pressed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss. I closed my eyes as my heart pounded at the touch of his soft lips against mine, this was as real as the TV world. Unbelievable, unexpected even but amazing and real all the same.

We pulled back and Kanji got up from my hospital bed heading to the bathroom. I sat up and took a drink of water before the door opened and the doctor walked.

''Good morning Naoto-kun how are you this morning? Oh where is your friend who stayed with you last night?'' The doctor said happily, I gave him a small smile and motioned to the bathroom door with my head he nodded apparently understanding what I meant,

''Good morning doctor. I'm still in pain however it's not as bad as yesterday but.....ah'' I stopped wincing from the sudden burning pain in my stomach, I bent over slightly clutching my stomach as the doctor hurried over to me and took a look at me,

''It is alright, it seems the morphine has worn off completely that is why you are feeling a little more pain than before, would you like to take some more for that or....'' I looked to the doctor with a look of fear on my face.... Yes the morphine would cancel out the pain but the only way to take it is through a needle and I...... I was fine the night before because I believe they gave it to me after I lost consciousness

''Will t..t...that include a n...n...n...needle?'' I stuttered not bothering to hide the fear in voice, I think Kanji may have heard the conversation because he walked over to the side of the bed and held my quivering hand in his own, he looked down to me slightly confused. I could tell why I had always shown no fear to anything even when I was kidnapped, yes I was scared but I didn't show it. So to see me scared about a little needle must be an unusual sight.

''Naoto, are you scared of needles?'' he asked I looked up to him and nodded my head slowly with a look of shame. He smiled and placed his other hand under my chin lifting it a little.

''Hey there is no need to be afraid I told you I would protect you right, so I'll protect you from the evil needle!'' He stated loudly placing his hands on his hips in a superhero pose I giggled at his actions before he leaned down and kissed the top of my head, the doctor smiled and walked over with the needle in hand my eyes widened and I buried my face in Kanji's chest again. He wrapped his arms around me and held my arm gently to keep it still.

''There we are, the morphine should take effect in about 5 minuets so you wont have to deal with the pain for a few hours after that. We should be able to discharge you tonight but we recommend you stay off school tomorrow just to give it a little more time to heal, perhaps that will give you both enough time to go on a date or relax together'' our faces flushed at the doctors word as he chuckled a little and left the room,

''s...see that wasn't that bad was it?'' Kanji asked with his voice stuttering slightly, I smiled up at him and kissed his cheek

''Your right, my hero'' I said smirking at him he shook his head and smirked back at me before pulling me in and kissing me deeply. I smiled into the kiss and pulled him into me with my arms around his neck, he was now lying on top of me on the bed. I was still in a lot of pain but luckily the morphine made it so that I couldn't feel it even at that Kanji was careful not to put his full weight on me as he continued to kiss me.

By the time we pulled apart we were both panting, I never thought anyone would ever kiss me so passionately that I would be out of breath but its not like I hated it after all Kanji was my boyfriend and I did feel safe around him knowing that he would never take this relationship too fast. After we both caught our breath Kanji helped me to stand up and handed me my detective's clothes,

''You get changed and freshen up in the bathroom, I'll make sure you have everything you need before you're discharged'' he said to me I smiled warmly and beckoned him closer to me, since he was at least a foot taller than me, and me only being about 5,0 he was far too tall for me to stand on my toes and surprise him.

''Thank you Kanji'' I whispered as I quickly pecked his lips after he leaned down before proceeding to the bathroom and locking the door to change. It felt so good to be back in my detectives wear, but when I went to leave the room I noticed something weird, Kanji hadn't given me my hat. What the heck? He of all people knows that I go no where without my hat!

I quickly walked out of the bathroom, when I did I noticed that Kanji was no where to be seen I started to panic. What if whilst he was gone Hiro and his gang came after me what if they start to beat me up again and Kanji can't get to me in time to protect me. I started to hyperventilate when a soft fabric was placed on my head and a pair of strong safe arms wrapped around me, I looked up and straight in to the eye's of Kanji.

I turned around in his arms and flung my arms around him as I started to cry into his chest, he looked down to me worried and surprised,

''Naoto what's wrong? Why are you crying, are you okay?'' He asked me his eyes filled with worry as he quickly wiped away my tears and held me even closer to him,

''Of course I'm not okay you imbecille! Where were you I was scared to death that you just left me, what if Hiro came after me whilst you were gone!'' I shouted through my tears.

''Naoto.... I'm so sorry I went to make a phone call to my mom. Apparently your grampa had to go to the Shirogane estate for a few days, Yakushiji-san called your phone last night but since you were unconscious I had to take it. I was calling my mom to ask if you could stay with me until he got back to Inaba, I'm sorry if I scared you babe'' he said with an apologetic look on his face, at his words my face flushed bright red....... did he just call me babe?!

''Wow I never thought you would ever have the courage to say that to me Kanji, took you long enough to tell me how you felt but one day after that you call me a nickname? You can be so cute sometimes Kanji'' I said giggling a little before burying my face in his muscular chest to breath in his scent.

I felt him hold me tighter and taking my hat off my head to place onto his own before nuzzling his face into my short, navy hair, I smiled in his chest as my heart started to pound. I never thought I would ever accept myself as a girl just to be protected by a guy but actually it doesn't feel that bad.

''Your not alone anymore Naoto, and I love you so much'' I heard Kanji whisper, his breath allowing my hair to sway slightly. I snuggled closer to him and sighed I didn't want to say anything to ruin this moment so I only said one thing.

''I love you too, Kanji''

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