Minotaurs in the Closet

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Nico's P.O.V

I thought about that girl, Katerina, as I made my way towards the tent. The way she so casually tossed out the fact that her parents were addicts pained me, like she was used to it and had accepted it would always be a part of her life. How badly did someone have to be beaten down like that, not just physically, but verbally, to just give up like that? From the way she said it, it sounded like she didn't even care and didn't try to fight back.
With both parents like that, she almost certainly got beatings when she was home. I was curious why I couldn't see the bruises, even in her cheer leading uniform. Maybe they hit her in places I couldn't see.
She must be so lonely and hurt on the inside. Even I know it wasn't healthy for somebody to bottle up emotions like that. I sarcastically laughed a little out loud. I, of all people, should know. It did only almost kill some of my friends. She needed to talk. I know it sounds cheesy, but it really does help a lot. Maybe I could get Will to talk to her about it, and try to get her to open up. He was good with people, while I on the other hand. Well, let's just say I'm not the exactly the easiest person to be around.
As I approached the tent, I silently snuck behind Will and wrapped my arms around Will's waist.
   "Hey babe," Will said.
   "You're such an idiot" I responded. "I have to talk to you about that new girl ,Katerina."
"You mean that girl with the really long black hair and purple eyes? Yeah, what about her? Besides the fact that she ran out before I could make sure she was fully recovered, of course. She's running around with a concussion. I'm surprised you even saw her standing."
  "Well, apparently her mom is a druggie and her dad is a drunk."
Will frowned, clearly puzzled.
"Well, which one of her parents is mortal? Is one of them her stepparent or something"
I shrugged, "That's just the thing. She has absolutely no idea. I'm not even sure this whole 'demigod' thing has sunk in yet. I think we should talk to Piper, that way you and her can talk to her about her problems."
Will nodded. "Good idea. Oh, and Nico?"
I turned around, as I had already started to leave. "What?"
Will strides up to me, pulled me in, and kissed me on the lips. The feeling of his lips pressed against mine ignites a raging fire inside me. I knew, just knew, that we were meant to be together. His father, Apollo approved, and I don't think mine cared as long as it wasn't Jason or.... or Percy. 'Stop it, Nico. You're with Will now. No need to dwell on that. Will understands how I feel, and he feels the same way.' It was passionate and long. I felt ecstasy run through my veins as he presses one hand to my head, holds my body closer, and runs his hands through my hair.

  "You are such an idiot," I complained, secretly pleased. He knew me so well.
"Love you too," He said with a sly grin on his face. His tanned, handsome, well structured, handsome, lean, handsome face.

I seriously don't know what I would do without him. He is the sunshine to my dark, to happiness to my sadness, the jelly to my peanut butter. I seriously loved him, no matter how much I tried to deny it. I don't think I could deal with it if we split apart or worse.. if he died. But I knew that wouldn't happen. We would protect each other with our lives. He is my everything. I needed him, and he needed me, both more than anything in the world. We complete each other.

*time skip*

I found Piper with Jason, Percy and Annabeth. For just a millionth of a second, I met Percy's gaze, and quickly looked away. I could already feel my cheeks grow warm.

'Just act normal. You're okay with him now. He knows, and he's dating Annabeth. He doesn't care.'  But no matter how many times I seemed to repeat that message to myself, I couldn't quite believe it. I felt like Percy was judging me, but I knew I wasn't the case. "Piper," I asked. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I waited for her to meet me in private, but she just stood there, holding Jason's hand. "Alone, please?" Could they get anymore revolting?

"It's okay Nico," Jason assured me. "You can talk to us about anything."
I wanted to scream in frustration. Couldn't he understand that alone meant alone? It was clear, however, that he wouldn't take no for an answer. Why was he so annoying?
I grit my teeth in annoyance. Couldn't this guy take a hint? Is privacy even in his vocabulary?
"Fine. Have any of my you seen a girl with really long black hair and purple?"
Annabeth spoke up. "I have. I saw her just stumbling around near the rock wall. Why?"
"Her dad is a drunk, and her mom is a druggie. She has no idea that she is a demigod, and according to our source, Henry, she is already 15. I wondering if Piper could use her Charmspeak to convince her to open up and talk about it."  I put emphasis on Piper's name, hoping they might take a hint and leave.
No such luck.
Jason's electric blue eyes become sympathetic and softened.
"My mom was an alcoholic. I don't really know what she was like, but Thalia has told me stories of her and what she used to be like. This girl has twice the pain. Nobody should have to go through that alone."
I noticed Piper give Jason's hand a squeeze, then cleared my throat for their attention. Could they not do all that Public Displays of Affection. It really got on my nerves.
"Are you guys in, or what?"

Sorry for the short chapter again, guys. After this, there will be one more, then I will try to make them at least 1000 words. I love you guys so much

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