I Can Turn Into a....What?

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Katerina's P.O.V

I can feel my brain rebooting, my consciousness kicking in.

"Unggg," is the first undignified that comes from my mouth. My eyes flustered open, only to see that infuriating blond, Will Solace.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

He raised an eyebrow. "I'm the medic."

Oohh, I couldn't argue with that one.

"Touche. What am I even doing here? I left this stink hole for a reason you know."

He looked irritated already. "One. If you hadn't left, You'd have healed a lot sooner. Two, this 'stink hole' is what helped git rid of your concussion. Three, you are now officially discharged."

I leapt out of the bed. "Finally! Freedom!" I was seriously considering singing the 'Star Spangled Banner.' I was getting ready to walk out when he handed me neatly folded clothes.

"This is your camp t-shirt and a pair of shorts that should fit you. You can change and shower in your new cabin."

"Wait," I commanded. "How do you know what size I am?" I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. "Do you stalk me on Instagram?"

He didn't reply. I think he was disappointed with the lack of zing in the comeback.

And new cabin... what was he talking about? Oh, that's right! I had apparently gotten 'claimed' last night.

"Who's my godly parent? I don't care, as long as I'm no in the same cabin as you."

I don't know what it was, but something about him ticked me off. He just seemed kind of off-kilter.

He shot me a glare. Heheh. A few more weeks of this and he'll have wrinkles in no time.

'Stop it,' I chided myself. 'It's not as if you're actually staying.'

'Why not?" The other part of me reasoned. 'Why would you go back to them now that you know made they made you do. What they made you.'

'Yeah, but what about your friends. And you'd be in school most of the time, you'd only see them on holidays.'

'Exactly.'   Voice 2 agreed. 'You'd be missing out on all of your school activities. Just go back!'

'Yeah?' Voice 1 challenged. 'How do you plan to do that, smartypants. "Oh, hey Mom and Dad. I totally forgive you for ruining my childhood. Let's bake muffins and infuse them with love!"'

I silenced the voices.

"Who is my godly parent?"

The blond idiot look almost sorry to say. "Dionysus, god of wine and insanity."

I felt like I'd been hit by bricks. I staggered backwards, but managed to steady myself on the bed. I accepted the clothes and ran of, unsure of anything.


I laid on top of my new bed, showered and dressed. Why Dionysus of all the gods? Why did my mom never even bother mentioning any of this to me? Unbridled anger clouded my thoughts, and I began using my pillow as my own personal punching bag.

'Why. Why. WHY?'

I soon realized the words I thought were in my head were actually projecting across the whole cabin.

My cabin mates stared at me, but not the 'ew what is she doing kind'. More like the 'what should I do to make her feel better' kind of stare.'

I didn't care if the entire camp heard me. I know I sounded childish, but I was so angry, so frustrated, so confused, I just couldn't put my feelings into words. It's a whole lot different than saying 'I'm mad', or 'I'm, sad'. There were so many different layers of betrayal and hurt.

The Beast Inside Me Part 1 (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now