My Name is Jason

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Jason's P.O.V
Piper, Annabeth, Nico and I walked up to the girl. So this was the person I was hearing so much about. Her fair skin, stomach length hair, and her intense maroon eyes made her someone I knew would have no trouble staring someone down.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey yourself," she responded. When she turns around, her posture surprises me. It reminds me of a Roman solider; tense, always on edge, and constantly waiting next attack. Once she realizes it's only me, she visibly relaxed, but not by much. I don't blame her, with everything that happened to her, I know I would be like that too. Not trusting anybody, and constantly in solitude. But what was I saying? I don't even know her. For all I know, she could be surrounded by throngs of admirers at her school.
"My name is Jason,"
"Katerina," she responded, and studied me warily.
"Katerina, I heard about your parents, and I'm really sorry."
She narrows her eyes. "What do you know about my parents? Who told, Nico?"
"That's not important. What's important is that you can always talk to us"
"Talk to you? Are you kidding me? I literally just met you. I'm not your best friend, so slow your roll."

"I know how it feels. My mom was an alcoholic. She died because of it." She rammed into a tree while she was drunk.

"That's wonderful," she said sarcastically. "Congratulations. Your medal will be shipped in the mail in two to five business days."
I'm momentarily stunned. She doesn't even seem to care what her parents do to her, much less what other people say to her. She's so callous.
I put my hand on her shoulder in what I think is a comforting manner.
Instead of accepting, she jerked her body back and slapped my hand away. Since when did slaps hurt so much?

"Don't touch me," she hissed. Her eyes are meant to be menacing, but I can see behind the brick walls of her eyes.

But it all clicks together now. She's not trying to be funny or it's not that she just doesn't care. She's wearing her words like and armor, trying to block out all the pain and sadness. Her actions are her shield, working so hard to deflect anything anybody throws at her. She thinks if she doesn't acknowledge it, it will subside, and no one will see the tears. But she's wrong. I've seen that expression before, on Nico di Angelo. After the Cupid forced him to revealed his secret. I don't think Nico has even gotten over it yet. To have your privacy violated like that... it must be unnerving.

"Look, I appreciate this and everything, but you don't know anything about me. Kindly go away and never bother me again. Please and thank you. Have a nice day."

That's when Piper swooped in and saves my butt. "Katerina," she said, her charm speak on full blast. When it's like that, even some gods have trouble resisting (they're minor gods, just keep that in mind) "Do you know how long they've been doing this to you?"
"," she said. "To be honest, I don't remember that much of them."
Piper shot me a triumphant grin. I have such an awesome girlfriend. I have to remember to take her out sometime soon, like on a walk on the beach at night.
"Katerina, let's go on a walk."
I had the sudden urge to follow Piper wherever she went. (Not that I wouldn't already do that.)
Katerina blinked uncertainly, then followed Piper's lead. Piper lead us to the cabins, and everything clicks into place.
When I had first came to camp, Annabeth took me to the Hypnos in hopes of recovering my lost memories. It hadn't worked of course, but we discovered the cause of my memory loss, which did help.
Piper barged in without knocking.
"Clovis! We need you!"
I'm surprised she doesn't succumb to the trap of the cabin. I feel my own eyelids getting heavy. With the soft violin music and just the sense of calm in the cabin, many find it almost impossible not to drop everything and sleep.
"Clovis," she shouted again.
A figure stirred feebly on one of the beds.
"What is it?," the lump of a person muttered. "I'm trying to sleep."
"You always all sleep," Piper complained. "And you can sleep later. Right now, you have an important job to do for us."
Clovis turned his head so that one of his eyes is visible, seemingly interested by Piper's offer of a job.
"We need you to recover some memories."
"Fine," he said reluctantly. "I'll need her to come here."

Piper turns to Katerina. "Go."

Katerina sat down and folded her legs underneath her. Clovis emerged from his blankets and copied Katerina's pose. It's only about a minute, but in that time I thought I saw tears run down his face like quicksilver. When he removed his hands, her eyes flew open. Instead of getting up, she curled into a ball and started to sob. Clovis, to our surprise, held her in his arms.

Piper and I exchanged glanced glances. What could have possibly happened in that short time span? Just a couple of minutes ago, she was acting sarcastic and cold.

"It's okay to cry," he said. "Let it all out."

Piper and I took Clovis' shooing gestures to meaning and slipped out of the cabin.

Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to publish this part! Unfortunately, we got burgled and the iPad I used to type was destroyed. Fortunately, I got a new laptop!

So what did you think of my character portrayal? Did you think Katerina was sarcastic
enough? Any ideas for it? Any helpful criticism? Thanks! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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