Welcome to Camp

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Katerina's P.O.V
  When I woke up, I realized I was lying on a bed. I struggled to sit up in order to take in my surrounding. As I sat upright, an immediate wave of nausea hit me like a truck.  An involuntary groan escaped me lips. As soon as the sound passes my mouth, a boy rushed over.
  "Not so fast there,"The boy had curly blonde hair and calming blue eyes, with tanned skin. He seemed like the lazy type, the kind to procrastinate a project until the last day but somehow still get a perfect score. He snatched something for the dresser beside me, which appeared to be a glass of apple juice.
"Drink," he commanded, handing me the glass. I took the cup with my hands and tipped it to my mouth. The taste somehow reminded me of chocolate milk, made in a creamery. I slowly took a sip, then handed it back to him.
  "All of it," he ordered, and when I didn't immediately retract my hand, he crossed his arms and stared at me. I took it back, drained the cup, then passed it back. He seemed satisfied.
   "Back to sleep you go." He gently pushed me back down and adjusted my blankets. I could already feel my eyes getting heavy, but I still had a question.
  "What's your name?" I croaked. The boy cracked a smile, then answered.
   "Will. Will Solace." With that, I drifted off to sleep.
I surfaced again, felling much more confident in my strength. My feet were unsteady at first, but I quickly regained my balance. I snuck around
the edges of the tent, determined not be seen by Will. I couldn't stand hospitals of any sort. Not after I've been there so many times.
Only when I exited did I realize I had been in a tent.
I looked around; a lake, lots of trees, rock walls, and cabins. Seemed to be some sort of camp.Could I be free here? No. I could never get rid of her. She'd just find me, and we'd be back to the same old routine.
As I continued to walk, I noticed a boy wearing an orange shirt, the same one Will was wearing.
"Hey," I called out. "What's going on? Where am I?"
The kid turned and scrunched up his face.

He had a pale olive complexion, black hair that hung over his face, a ring that looked like a skull on his index finger, and black eyes.

"Who are you? I've never seen you around here. Who is your godly parent?"

"My name is Katerina Levi, but my friends call me Kat. What do you mean, 'who is my godly parent? I'm like, eighty nine percent sure my parents aren't gods."
The boy's confusion turned to apprehension.
"Oh! You must be new here. That explains why I've never seen you before. My name is Nico Di Angelo. Listen Katerina, have you ever heard of the Greek Mythology?"
I start to shake my head, but then stop as I vaguely remember a history lesson on the stories.
"Yeah, a little."
"Well, it's all real." Nico laid the basic mythology for me, and explained about godly parents.
"No, that's not possible. I know both my parents, and they're definitely both mortal."
He looked uneasy. "I'm sorry to say this, Katerina, but one of them is probably lying to you.
"My mom is a drug addict and my dad is a drunk. I don't think they'd lie to me about that."
Nico looked like he'd been slapped. "I'm.... sorry."
I waved him off. "It's okay. I sleep at school now except for holidays, so I don't really have to deal with them that much. Besides, I have my friends at school and my cheer squad to keep my company. " I purposely neglected to mention Ryan's name.

"Do you need somewhere else? There are some year round campers, like me. Some whose parents don't want to.. I mean, can't look after them."

Don't want to? Huh. Kind of sounds like mine.

"Nah, I'm fine. They'd just find me anyway."

Nico shrugged "It's your call, but you're always welcome here. Maybe you'll change your mind after the campfire tonight."
"What's happening at the campfire tonight?" I asked.
"When you'll get claimed. Listen, you wouldn't have happened to see a guy with curly blonde hair and soft blue eyes, would you?"
It dawned on me that he was talking about the boy who healed me.
"Oh, you mean Will? Last time I checked, he was in that big white tent."
"Thanks!" he shouted as he ran off."
It wasn't until he left did I realize I had feelings for him. His personality may have seemed skulky and moody, but I knew he didn't really feel like that. I knew he could show a totally different side. How could anybody have that attitude? But then again, being a cheerleader, I guess I tended to constantly look on the bright side of things

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading. Sorry for the short chapter, but I like to start new chapters every time I change P.O.V's.

Wow, thanks guys for all of those who are reading this! I really hope that I make the Wattys, because I've put so much hard work and a lot of hard effort into writing and checking and rewriting and publishing this story, Like seriously, this is hard stuff. I am so grateful that I'm getting along this well in it. Hopefully you guys will see part two soon, but I can't make any promises! Thanks again, guys! I love you so much!

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