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*Hayden's POV*

"I didn't see lover boy today." Ally tells me at lunch.

"It's weird. I texted him and he hasn't replied yet. I hope he's okay."

"He's a bad boy. Probably just skipped or something."

"It feels off. But if it means he's okay, then I'll take it."

When Aaron didn't show up to class today, I was a bit worried.

He didn't seem sick yesterday, and I can't really think of any other reason.

I'm not gunna be a prying girlfriend and keep track of his every move, so I just settled on shooting him a quick text asking if everything was okay.

"I'm hungry. Let's get food now." I say, changing the topic.

"Sure, let's go."

"What do you say? Cafeteria food for today?" She asks me.

"Pizza Tuesday. Why not?"

We make our way to the line and we pass the 'jocks' table.

Where Tyler sits with his buddies.

"Hey Ty, since you're broken up, do you think I have a chance?" One of the guys from the football team asks him, referring to me.

I try to walk quicker but I'm not very lucky since you can only walk around so fast in a crowded cafeteria.

"She has a boyfriend." Tyler simply says.

"Yeah, it's Aaron." Connor says, obviously not happy with how they're acting.

"Homie hoppingggg." A girl from the table next to them cuts in.

"Aaron and Tyler aren't friends." Connor says.

"Football player to a football player. What's the difference?" She mocks.

"Shut up Tiffany." Ally says from beside me.

I shoot her a You- Didn't- Have- To- Do- That- But- Thanks- look.

"I'm just saying. I mean, girls got it going for her. But she doesn't need to be a slut about it."

"Tiffany, shut up. I don't even know you!" I say, looking into her surprised eyes.

I'm surprised myself.

"Woah. Capable of comebacks huh?"

I roll my eyes and turn around, ready to walk away.

"Seriously though, I don't get why you would ditch Tyler for a guy like Aaron who's just gunna drop you for the next girl in line anyway."

I turn back around and look her straight in the face, more annoyed than angry now.

"I'm sure you're hoping you're the next in line. Step back because you won't get a turn." I say calmly, but venom might as well be spilling out of my mouth.

Not in the mood for any more bull, I turn around and walk out of the room with Ally.

As soon as we're outside, she looks at me, stunned.

"I've never seen that side of you. I like it!"

I laugh.

"I don't know what that was. She was being annoying and I decided I needed to stand up for myself."

"Dropping the captain of the football team is a pretty big deal. You're gunna get hate."

"I know. But I don't care. I'm happy. That's better than dating someone I lost interest in."

"Are you sad about it at all? Losing interest in Tyler?"

I shrug.

"Kind of, at first. But I couldn't control it and I have someone great now too."

"Fair enough. You and Tyler were way too much alike."

"I guess we were."

"Meanwhile, Aaron is a badass, he's hotter, and he knows how to have fun."

"That's something I can agree with. Tyler was fun, but not like Aaron."

I'm quiet after saying that and Ally looks at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Am I a slut?"

"What? Of course not!"

"Well I just got out of a long term relationship and I'm already with someone else."

"So? You can't help that! Trust me Hayden, you are not a slut."

"I don't know.. What if--"

"No what ifs. You aren't a slut. Tiffany has always liked Tyler and instead of focusing on the fact that he's single now, she's focusing on the fact that you broke up with him. It's obvious Tyler isn't the type to move on too fast. She's just jealous. Again."

"Okay. Okay. I won't put myself down anymore."

"Good! You totally just had a boss moment out there! Don't ruin that!"

"That was kinda awesome." I admit with a smile.

"Now, can we please go get food because I'm starving."

"Yeah, let's go."

We're heading out when my phone dings.

It's Aaron.

Yeah, I'm fine. Just overslept.

So he's okay.

Okay. See you tomorrow then?

Yeah. Maybe tonight? :)

You can go a day without me :)


Talk later. Bye!

Shoving my phone back into my pocket, I head after Ally who is already out the door.

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