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*Hayden's POV*

"Hey." Aaron greets me, shooting a look at Tyler.

"Hi." I say back.

"What's he doing here?"

"He was actually just leaving." I say, looking at Tyler as I do.

"Hayden. Listen. I swear to you that I'm not lying. In fact, why don't you just ask him right now? Ask him to explain what he's left unexplained." Tyler shoots back.

"This is a waste of time."

"You know that I know what you did. I'm gunna make her see it. So don't think you're getting away with this. I'd be careful with your future deals if I were you." He gets up and stands in front of Aaron.

His voice dripping with hatred.

Instead of arguing or talking back, to my surprise, Aaron stays quiet and doesn't make eye contact with either of us.

Why wouldn't he defend himself if he's being wrongly accused of something?



There has to be an explanation, and I can't get one while Tyler's here.

"Tyler. Leave. Now." I say, authority in my voice.

He puts his hands up in surrender and takes a step back.

He looks back at me one last time before he leaves, and says:

"When you find out I'm right, save the apology. I did this for you. I don't need you saying sorry for it." And he walks out.

I close my eyes, block out the world for just a moment, and sit down.

A minute later, I open my eyes remembering that Aaron is still here.

"Wanna explain?" I ask.


"He said you sell drugs. That's crazy! Right?"

He doesn't say anything.

"Aaron. Right?"

*Aaron's POV*

This is it.

I'm gunna tell her the truth, before I can explain she's gunna call the cops, I lose her and I get sent to jail.

It's scary how I'm not frantically searching for an excuse, or running as fast as I can to the next town.

I've accepted it.

There's no way I'm getting out of this.

"Aaron." She says my name again.

"He wasn't lying." I admit.

Her jaw doesn't drop, her eyes don't go wide, she doesn't back away, scared of me.

She doesn't do any of the things I expected her to.

"Why?" She asks, her voice soft.

I give her a questioning look, not trusting my voice.

"Why would you do that? Something so dangerous and bad?"

"It was fast cash. I knew where to get the supplies from and I sold to mostly addicts, who would pay a lot for a stupid amount."

She winces when I say all this, obviously taken back.

"I mean why would you need to do this in the first place? You're family has money, you don't need to do something like this for cash."

"It was for my mom." I say quietly.

"Your mom? Sharon? That doesn't make any---"

"No. Not Sharon. My birth mom." I finally say it.

Now here's the part where her jaw drops and her eyes go wide.

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