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*Hayden's POV*

"What's your favourite sport?" Wes asks Aaron.


"You any good?"

"Quarterback for the team."

At this, Wes' eyes widen and he turns to me.

"But I though Tyler was...?"

"Not anymore." I say.

"Steals his girl and his position? Wow."

"I didn't steal anything." Aaron says.

"Okay, okay. So why'd you move here? Is there a reason?"

"Uh.. Well my dad transferred. And I couldn't stay at my old school because.."

Wes waits.

"I was expelled." Aaron finally admits.

Wes's jaw drops and he turns to me again.

"Is this a phase? How do you go from Goody Goody Tyler to that?"

I shrug, not knowing what I should say.

"What's next? Does he get arrested too?"

Both Aaron and I are quiet, and Wes catches on.

"Are you sure you're not into guys?"

Aaron immediately looks taken back.

"Um.. I'm sure."

"That's too bad."

Aaron laughs and I do too.

"Trying to steal my boyfriend? Classy."

"I'll trade you."

I'm confused and then it hits me.

"You have a boyfriend!" I exclaim, understanding.

He blushes and I know I'm right.

"Wait hold up. Why hit on me then?" Aaron asks, almost offended.

"Honey, I like what I like." Wes says with a smile.

"Okay enough about Aaron! Pictures? Details? Facebook page? Twitter? Instagram? Name? I wanna know!"

"His name is Daniel. We've been going out for a month and half. We met at a bar."


Wes takes out his phone and shows me a picture of a guy with dark brown hair and stubble on his jaw. He has nice lips and big brown eyes.

"Damn. I like." I say, earning me a look from Aaron.

"I do too." Wes says, smiling.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because I figured it could be a surprise!"

"Well I'm definitely surprised!"

A phone dings and I look over to see it's Aaron's.

"Weren't we gunna go out for ice cream? I need to be somewhere in a bit so..."

"Oh, we could go now then."

Wes nods in agreement.

"I'll drive." I say.

"Fine with me."


Reaching Frosty's, Aaron saves us seats and Wes and I get the ice cream.

"He's mysterious. I like it." Wes says, referring to Aaron.

"Yeah. He has his rough edges, but I like him regardless."

Wes looks at me.

"Do you love him?" He asks.

"Um... I don't know. I think it's too early to say anything."

"You look in love. Both of you."

"Really? Well, I'm his first girlfriend. He might just always look confused."

Wes laughs.

"No, he looks at you the way.. Tyler looks at you."


"Do you miss him?"

"Tyler? Kind of. But when I'm with Aaron... Nothing else matters." I admit with a shrug.

It's our turn to order and Wes goes first.

"We'll have an Oreo Crumble, a Chocolate Fudge, and a Coffee Crisp." He says for all of us.

"Coming right up." The worker says, and I turn to Wes.

"How do you know what Aaron would want?" I ask.

"Everyone loves fudge."

"That seems legit."

"Everything I say is legit."


*Aaron's POV*

Unknown number:
You better not take too long. I'm not paying to wait.

I know. But I'm not ditching this so if you want it badly enough, you WILL wait.

I groan to myself as I put my phone away.

Some people can be really impatient, but I can't leave now without an explanation.

And I don't have one. So I guess I'm staying here.

I fake a smile when I see Hayden and Wes coming over.

Okay, maybe my smile isn't fake. But I mean, it's Hayden.

"We got the ice cream! Hope you like fudge." She says.

"Everyone loves fudge." I say, and Wes laughs.

I try to have fun and participate in conversation, but I need to leave and I can't stop thinking about it.

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