I don't even like you(Theo Raeken)

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It was Friday evening and I was in my bed watching Game of Thrones on my laptop. I was curled up in my blanket with a bowl of (Y/F/C), catching up on the past few episodes I've missed. 

Suddenly my phone started ringing. I hit pause and leaned over to my nightstand to pick up my phone.

"Hello?" I answered putting my bowl on the table.

"Hey, (Y/N). It's Stiles are you home?" He asked. 

I raised an eyebrow before answering. "Yeah...why?" 

"I need another favor." He said sheepishly. 

I groaned in annoyance. "Stiles!" I whined. 

"I know, I know! I owe you!" He said in voice trying to calm me down.

"You own me so many times, Stiles." I was so piss at him. "What do you want now?" I snapped, turning off my laptop. 

"I need to watch Theo for me." I paused before answering, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Hello? (Y/N)?" 

"I'm not babysitting Theo." I sighed.

"Come on!" 

 "Anytime I'm around he always hits on me."

"Please, just watch him and make sure he doesn't do anything. I'll drop him off and come up with an excuse to why I need him to say there with you." Stiles explained, almost panting.

"I don't even like him!" I protested.

"I don't either but it sucks, so women up and I'll be there in ten minutes. Okay? Bye." He said sarcastically fast.

I looked down at my phone. "I'm going to murder him." Putting my phone down, I decided to make myself look good. Walking to my drawers, I pulled out a plain white tee and black shorts. I fixed my hair and make up, finishing just as the doorbell rang.

Hurrying downstairs, I opened the door to reveal an awkward, smiley Stiles and a Theo. "There's my favorite girl." Stiles said in a weird, fake happy voice. 

Rolling my eyes, I opened the door for them to come in. Theo gave me a hey as he walked in.

"So Stiles tells me you didn't feel being home alone tonight and told me you wanted some company." Theo told me. 

My eyes traveled to Stiles who stood behind Theo as he pressed his hands together like he was praying for me to agree. "Yup, that is right." I said a little too awkwardly. 

"Oh where the bathroom?" Theo asked. I pointed down the hall and watched until he disappeared. Turning to face Stiles, I smacked his am. 

"What the hell was the for?" He whisper yelled.

"You know damn well!" I replied in the same voice level. "How did you know my parents were still working?" I asked.

"I may or may not have called in a few favors." He said rubbing his neck.

"You are unbelievable." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. Then Theo came out of the bathroom. 

"Well I guess I should be going then, have fun." Stiles said and went to give me a hug. "I owe you big time again." He whispered to me.

"I'm going to kill you." I whispered back. Then Stiles pulled back and left. After I shut the door I turned to Theo. "Movie?" I suggested. 

"Sounds great." He smiled.

As we walked up the stairs to my room, he broke the silence. "So how come you're all of a sudden scared to be alone. I think you're too badass to worry about the dread doctors coming to get you." Theo said sitting on my bed.

"Well you never know what might happen." I said trying to play along with the lie of being scared.

"That is true." He said slowly, eyes trailing my body as I looked for a movie to watch. "But I don't think you're scared." A smirk was forming on his face. 

I turned around to face him. Not this again... 

"And why is that?" 

"You want to be around me that's all." 

"That is not true! I don't even like you! Why on earth would I waste my Friday evening wanting to be alone with you?" I stood in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest. 

Theo's smirk just grew. "I know you find me attractive, gorgeous. Just as I find you attractive." His voice became deeper. Yeah I did find him gorgeous but he's still the enemy. 

"Why you little-" I raised my hand to smack him but he caught it. I tried to pull back but he held it, pressing kisses to my hand. "Let go." I grumbled. 

"Why? You like it." His smirk always drove me nuts. 

"No I don't." I said firmly. 

Theo let go of my hand only to grab the back of my thighs. "I like the feisty ones, so much fun to play with." 

"Is that what you want from me? To become your toy?" I asked.

He pulled me down on to his lap in a straddle. "No, I want you to become someone I can trust, someone to hold when I want, or someone I want to kiss when ever and," his fingers played with my hip bone flesh. "Where ever." 

"You want me to be your girlfriend?" I asked softly, unsure of what he means.

"Yes, I've liked you since we were kids, (Y/N)." He moved hair out of my face, moving his face close to mine. "What do you say, baby girl? Hmm?" He whispered.

"I can't." I said looking at his lips then at his eyes.

"No one has to know." Theo's voice was still in a whisper.

"I don't even like you." I said retorted blankly.

"But you like what I'm doing." He spoke a little louder. "Give me a chance to prove myself to you." His voice moved back to a whisper as his lips pressed against my neck. Sucking on my sweet spot, grazing the skin with his tongue and teeth. My eyes fluttered closed at the feeling. "What do you say?" He pulled back to look at me.

"I say," I pressed my lips against his roughly. Theo slipped his tongue into my mouth as he cupped my ass with his hands. A few moans slipped from us as we made out. Then I pulled back and punched him,  knocking him out. "Nice try but my answer is no." I gave a fake pout before chuckling.


The doorbell rang and I came downstairs to open it, revealing Scott and Stiles. "Hey (Y/N)-oh my god what happened?" Scott said looking down at an unconscious Theo on the floor. 

"He was being a bad boy and wasn't listening to me so I put him in time out. But don't worry he'll be fine in about a half an hour or so." I said smirking. Scott came in to get Theo while Stiles stood in the house with me. 

"Thank you for that." He muttered to me. 

"Yeah now pay me, I don't babysit for free." I held my hand out to him. He groaned and pulled out fifty bucks and placed it in my hands. "Thank you." 

"Is that enough?" 

"No but its close, you still owe me but we'll talk about that later." I winked and gave him a hug while laughing. 

Hey guys! So I hoped you enjoyed this weird ass imagine. My first Theo which i think turned out shit so sorry it sucks haha. I'll do better with imagines in the future ;) Good night from here loves!

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