How to be badass 101(Derek Hale)

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(Title doesn't make any sense  but it some what goes with the story lol)

Your POV*

As the sun came up, I was still sleeping peacefully. I snuggled into my side of the bed when I felt a shift in the bed cause me to stir slightly. Derek probably went to go do some work and to let me sleep in. That's what I thought until I felt a hand shake me gently. My eyes opened slightly to see Derek standing above me. "What." I grumbled out more like a statement than a question. 

"Come on, get up." Derek said softly. I mumbled out a whine and looked at the clock with a closed eye and a partially open eye. 7 o'clock?  I thought to myself. "Babe, let's go." Derek voice disrupted my thoughts. 

"Fuck you." I grumbled into the pillow. "Let me be, go..go..shoo." I mumbled with my eye closed, lazily waving him off. Derek rolled his eyes and walked away causing me to let out a faint happy chuckle. As I started to fall asleep again, I snuggled with the blanket even more getting extremely comfortable. Suddenly the blanket was ripped off of me causing me to wake up almost fully. "What the...Derek!" I shouted at my smirking boyfriend. He stood there holding the blanket looking like the cocky shit he is. 

"Get up, get changed, and let's go. Put some workout clothes and I'll go make you coffee." He walked out to the kitchen with the blanket still in his grip. Smirking to myself, I curled into a little ball and went back to sleep. Right as I was about to fall asleep again, Derek came back and lifted the mattress up causing me to roll off to the floor. 



I changed into a pair of spandex shorts, sports bra, and loose crop top tee before walking out of the bathroom to find Derek waiting for me. I scowled at him and walked past him to the middle of the loft. "What do you want that you had to wake me up early for?" I sighed in annoyance. 

Derek let out a chuckle before placing his hands on my hips. "Well, sleeping beauty, I want to teach you some more self defense. With all that's going on with the Dread Doctors, I think it's best if I teach you how to fight more. I know you can fight but I want to help improve that." Derek explained looking down at my grumpy face. 

"This is what you disturbed my slumber for? Nope, I'm going to back to bed." I spoke plainly, turning to walk back to the bed but Derek didn't let go. 

"Not until after we're done here." Derek said firmly. "Come on, I'll let you go to sleep later." I pouted and let out a 'fine' before waiting for him to talk. "Okay well I want to work on your kicking first." I relaxed a bit, rolling my shoulders as I nod. "So let's try side kick, here um I want you to kick my hands-" I cut him off.

"Why don't we just make this entertaining and just go at each other because I might fall asleep just standing here." I yawned. "Plus, I already know the basics, babe." Derek hesitated before nodding.

"Ready?" I gave a nod and looked at my hands awkwardly before clenching them. "Try and block my punches, use any tactics to fight back. Got it?" I rolled my eyes before  nodding and waited for him to make a move. Derek held up his fist and went to take a swing at me causing me to duck and punch his side. He winced and lunged at me again. Without even thinking, I swung my leg up and kicked his fist. Another punch was thrown and my leg went up again but Derek caught it this time, twisting it. I jumped up and twisted my body in the air. Derek grabbed my legs and threw me across the floor. When my body hit the floor, I laid there looking up at the ceiling.

"How do you say "what a dick" in wolf?" (for those who have seen Vampire Academy, I hope you appreciate this, I just changed the quote slightly) I asked sarcastically. Derek smirked while he chuckled. 

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