I'll Take Care Of You (Stiles Stilinski)

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You laid in bed on your stomach with the side of your face shoved into your pillow. Occasionally the bed would shake from your coughing and sneezing. You felt terrible. You had a cold and you weren't taking it well. 

A familiar ring tone filled your half clogged ears, Stiles was calling. Waving your hand weakly, you reached for your phone and hit the answer button. "Hello..." You grumbled out, adding a cough. 

"Hey babe, ready to go?" Stiles asked, hopping into his jeep. 

"To go where?" You asked into the pillow, clearing your throat. 

"Uhh to spend the day with your boyfriend on our anniversary?" 

Shit! That's today? You thought to yourself. 

"Oh crap, Stiles," you sighed out upset. "I don't think I can go out today." You coughed, sitting up on your elbows.

"What? Why? We've had these plans for months!" You could tell he was really upset.

"Baby, I'm really sick." You answered softly. 

"Why didn't you tell me? I'll be right over soon, okay? We can reschedule our day date." 

"It's okay you don't have to do tha-" You were cut off by him hanging up the phone. Groaning stuffy, you face planted into the pillow and waited for Stiles to show up.

Two minutes later you heard a repetitive knock on your door causing you to groan. The door flew open and Stiles rushed in with arms full of things like tissue boxes, cartons of orange juice, movies, and food. Looking over the pile in his arms, he looked down at you to see if you were awake. "Psst! Hey! Psst!" He whisper yelled. Lifting up his foot, he poked your leg to get you to wake. "Psst! Psst! (Y/N)!" 

You turned your head to the side on the pillow. "I'm not dead, Stiles, I'm awake." Huffing out, you opened your eyes to see him looking down at you. 

"Okay good." Looking around your room, Stiles walked over to the end of your bed and dropped everything that was in his arms. Walking back to you, he bent down and kissed the top of your head. "How are yea' feeling, princess?" He asked rubbing your back.

"I feel like death is approaching me." You groaned out, adding another cough. 

"Well I'm here to stop that from happening. I'll take care of you since we can't go out to celebrate our anniversary." He said while pulling off his hoodie and slipping off his shoes. 

Snuggling into the pillow your were hugging, you hummed. "That's sweet, baby but you don't have to do that." 

"Yes I do, I'm your boyfriend it's my job to take care of my girl when she's sick, so lets get you out of bed and into the shower." 

"No, Stiles, it's okay just let me sleep, I'll feel better when I wake up." Closing your eyes, Stiles turned around and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"A shower will help, trust me, babe." 

"No, let me sleep."

"(Y/N), get out of the bed." Stiles walked over to the end of your bed.

"No!" You felt Stiles grab your ankles and you immeditaly grabbed the headboard of your bed.

"Stop being difficult and let me take care of you!" He started tugging on your ankles.

"Your being difficult and not letting me sleep, damnit!" You grunted and you held on for life. 

"(Y/N), let go!" Stiles grunted out as he pulled.


"You can't stay in bed forever!" He huffed out.

"Yes I can!" You cried out as best as you could. 

"Let me take of you!"

"You can do that by letting me sleep!" You pointed, your voice getting higher as you talked.

"Drastic times calls for drastic measures..." He let go of your ankles and walked into your bathroom. Turning on the shower, he quickly walked back into your bedroom looking down at you. Grabbing the blanket he flipped it over off of your body, making sure none of the items on the bed fell. You gasped and curled into a ball trying to get warm. "This is what happens when you are difficult." Looking up at your grinning boyfriend, you pout and kicked back his leg, making him slip and fall. "That really wasn't necessary." He groaned out from the ground.

Both of you were still in silence until you spoke up. 

"Yes it was." 

Stiles hopped up and scooped you up in his arms, carrying you to the bathroom. "Was that so hard?" He asked helping you get undressed.

"For you or for me?" You asked glaring at him. 

"You know what, forget it." He shook his head. "Get in the shower and I'll be right back." Walking out of the bathroom door, he peeked his head in to look at you. "I mean it (Y/N), get your cute ass in the shower or so help me." And then he was gone.


After you turned off the shower, you peeked your head out to see Stiles holding a robe open for you. You blush and quickly hopped out and into the robe. It was warm and fluffy like it was pulled out of the dryer. 

"Did you put this in the dryer?" You asked, giving a little smile. 

"Yeah, I figured it would feel nice after taking a shower." He shrugged shyly. Leaning up, you kissed his cheek and walked back into your room with him. 

Stiles pulled out a pair of sweatpants, panties, and a long sleeve shirt, handing them to you. You got dressed and got back under the covers. 

"Where are you going?" You asked, blowing your nose into a tissue. 

"Going to put these in the laundry room and then going to put a movie on." Smiling to yourself, you thought how did I get so lucky?  Leaning over, you picked up the movies he brought. "Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars, Spider-Man, Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars, Avengers, Star Wars, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix...hmm." 

Stiles walked back and got under the covers next to you. "We're watching Harry Potter." You chose, looking up at Stiles and fluttering your eye lashes.

Letting out a silent groan while making a face, Stiles picked up the case and went to go put it on. "You know I brought Star Wars for a reason." He grumbled.

"Yeah so?" You giggled causing him to spaz and look back.

"Yeah so?" He repeated in astonishment. Making a pouty face, he glared at you. "You love Star Wars, I love Star Wars, why can't we just watch Star Wars?" He explained exasperatingly causing you to laugh.

"Not today, babe. Happy Anniversary." Stiles walked over mumbling back "yeah yeah yeah, happy anniversary" and got back under covers. He opened his arms allowing you to snuggle against his chest. Wrapping his arms around you, he laid his head on top of yours and press little kisses every now and then.

"One day, when I get sick we're watching Star Wars when you come take care of me." He mumbled into your damp hair.

"Deal." You giggled. As the movie played, you and Stiles ate the movie snacks that he brought and talked every now and then. 

As you sniffled, you shifted your head to look up at him. "I love you, you know that?"

Stiles looked down at you and replied softly. "I love you too." He kissed your nose and pulled you closer. You felt yourself drift to sleep in his arms, smiling to yourself. 

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