chapter 10

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*a month later*

it's been a month since Normani asked me out and I freaked out . like I didn't think that day would come considering how much baggage I had . that was literally the best moment of my life .


we were both at the park having fun when Normani all of a sudden tells me to sit down . I was confused but obeyed . she crouched down beside me as she took deep breaths . this right here was scaring me . I felt like she was going to tell me that she didn't like me anymore and that she found someone else .

"don't tell me you fell for someone else and you don't like me anymore ."

her eyes widened at my sentence and quickly shook her head .

"oh my gosh , no ! I wouldn't do that to you ."

"then what is it ?"

"Dinah , I really really like you ."

"mani get on with it ." I said , getting impatient .

"so damn impatient . this has been on my mind all day . I know you're getting your divorce finalized but I can't go another day without you being mine . so what I'm asking ." she cuts herself off and takes my hand in hers . "Dinah Jane Hansen , will you do me the honor of becoming my sexy ass girlfriend ?"

I instantly nod with tears streaming down my face and wrapped my arms around her neck . I kissed her lips multiple times before pulling her into a hug . she was standing awkwardly considering I was on the bench and she was hovering over me . I quickly let go and she pulled me into a kiss . I deepened the kiss before breaking away a couple seconds later because I needed air .

"you scared the shit out of me !"

"I know . I saw how you wanted to cry when I was taking deep breaths and when you blurted out that sentence . I'm sorry princess ."

I wrapped my arms around her again as she sat down beside me . her arms wrapped around my lower back . we spent the rest of the day , talking about ourselves .

*end of flashback*

Normani and I were watching a movie tonight and knowing Normani , we probably wouldn't be watching it . she was making the popcorn and I was picking the movie . I settled on A Walk To Remember . my favorite movie .

halfway through the movie , Normani sat on my lap and I instantly froze . her face was buried in the crook of my neck but I was instantly burning up . was today going to be the day that she finds out ?

"Dinah , you're burning up ."

"yeah sorry . it got hot in here all of a sudden ."

she was straddling my lap and with every ounce of body I tried not to get aroused . it didn't help at all because she started to grind me . fuck , she was about to find out . say goodbye to the love of your life .

"Dinah , is that what I think it is ?" she asked , slowly .

my eyes snapped shut and I pursed my lips together tightly . in a few seconds , she's going to break up with me . I just know it . I slowly nodded and expected her to get off my lap .

when she move , I opened my eyes and saw her giggling . I gave her a confused look before she kissed me .

"just because you have a penis isn't going to make me love you any less . I told you that every single part of you is beautiful . were you born with it ?"

"yeah .."

I hung my head down .

"baby , look at me . don't be embarrassed . I still love you . every inch of you . I'm not going to make you feel insecure about your body because you have a nice one . like when I saw you in my clothes , I felt myself get hot and bothered down there . you look amazing in my clothes ." she said , lifting my face so she could look into my eyes .

she gave me a soft kiss before pulling away and hiding her face in my neck again . my arms tightened around her lower back as I pulled her closer . I could see the smirk and she began to grind on me . if she kept this up , my erection will be coming . she would be able to feel my dick .

"you long ain't you ?"

I nodded my head as she pulled away from me . her hands stopped at the waistband of the sweatpants . her hands caressed my area and I let out a moan . I threw my head back as she continued to rub my spot . then suddenly her hand slips into the sweatpants and I couldn't breathe .

she's about to be the death of me . her hand slips into my underwear and I throw my head back in pleasure again . she started to kiss my neck , leaving hickeys . she starts grinding me again and I felt vulnerable to her . I flipped her over so that I was on top and started kissing her . my hand slips into her pants and into her underwear as I rubbed her throbbing area . this woman was already wet .

"damn is that all for me ?"

she nods as she threw her head back . I watched as she shivered under my touch . I start kissing her neck and when I found her sweet spot , I sucked on it .

"Dinah , don't tease me ."

"trust me , imma have you begging by the end of the night ."

"I want you now !" she whined .

"I want you too but this isn't how I plan my first time . I want it to be special ."

she sits up in surprise .

"this would be your first time ? seriously ?"

"yeah . nela was disgusted when he found out and I also wanted to save my v card for someone special ." I tell her honestly avoiding eye contact .

"hey don't be embarrassed . it's my first time too . I admit , we're going too fast especially since it's been a month . I wanna take this slow but I also want this to be perfect . when the time is right then we'll let it happen . I love you Dinah . don't ever forget that ."

"I love you too mani ."

Normani pushes me down so that she could lay on top of me . I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggles into my chest . I kiss her head before telling her goodnight .

"goodnight princess ." she tells me as she drifts off into sleep .

I lay awake just thinking . thinking about how I have the most amazing woman with me . we had a hell of a journey but we made it . that's all that matters . she was mine and I was hers . I go on my Instagram and snapped a picture of Normani . my caption was 'Normani Kordei Hamilton is my baby . she'll forever be mine .' I turned off my phone , putting it on the table beside us and secured my arms around Normani .

I finally had the love of my life .

A/N : this is the end of the book . I know it's short but I made a happy ending for them 😊 hope you guys enjoyed it .

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