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She gave me that same seductive grin she had been since the start of the game. Her lips met mine and she pulled my head closer to hers. It took me a moment to comprehend what was happening before I pulled away.

“I feel awkward,” I blurt out quickly. She smiles victoriously.

“Good game,” she says plopping down onto the couch. “You played well.”

I was still in shock. I definitely was not expecting that. I turn around and look at Nicole, dreading her reaction. She just looked at me, stared at me, with this expression of deceit. Like she didn’t know who I was. I bite my lip, wanting to say something yet not quite sure what to say.

“So who’s next?” Melissa asks, resting her feet on the coffee table and leaning back into her seat.

“Um,” Nicole starts. “I’ll be right back.”

“Where are you going?” Liam asks. It’s the first time I’ve heard him speak up practically all night.

“I’m thirsty. I just want some water. I’ll be back in a few.”

She gets up and goes upstairs.

“I’ll go grab us some snacks,” I say, thinking up a random excuse. I run up the steps, finally catching her in the kitchen. She wasn’t filling up a water glass, but sitting at the table.

“Why did you follow me?” she asks knowingly without even having to turn around. I bite my lip again.

“Are you okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” she asks plainly.

“I don’t know. You just seemed….betrayed….downstairs. Like I did something awful.”

“You’re fine,” she claims. “I’m not upset.”

“You sure?”

“Positive.” She remains seated at the kitchen table, arms crossed and staring out the window. I take the seat next to her, but she doesn’t look at me.

“You know, I find you impossible to read,” I admit. She chuckles humorlessly.

“You can read me better than anyone else can.”

“Really?” I was honestly surprised.

“Really. I don’t know why, but you just understand me. On most topics.” She smiles. “We don’t always see eye to eye,” she adds. “But for some reason I trust you. And that’s….really nice.”

I smile, too.

“You know, when you and Gemma were being secretive, I thought….” She trails off. “I thought you were getting me transferred to another foster home because you didn’t want me.”

My jaw drops. “Nicole that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

“I know. I didn’t the last few days though.”

“I would do anything to have you live here forever. I care about you.”

“You’re one of the few who do. I really appreciate it,” she says, hugging me unexpectedly. “I feel like…..”

“Like what?”

She pauses a moment.

“Like I have a family. Even though this is only temporary. You and your parents and Gemma, the guys, having Melissa here, it’s all just great. You are my family. Even if you’re not.”

I wanted to keep hugging her. I never wanted to let her go because in my arms she was safe. She felt loved and cared about. I wanted her to feel like that all the time. It’s what she deserves. It’s what she should always feel.

Of course, that couldn’t happen though. We heard footsteps from the basement stairs and pulled away. I gave a weak smile before getting up and grabbing a bag of chips from the cabinet.

“You’re an amazing and beautiful person, Nicole,” I remind her. “And I will always care about you. Don’t forget that.”

She nods. “I won’t.”

I fill up a glass of water and set it on the table in front of her. She smiles and Liam comes upstairs a moment later. I grabbed a soda for myself as he glances between the two of us. He almost looked suspicious, but I wasn’t sure what exactly he was suspicious of. I nodded at him in acknowledgement before walking downstairs. Shortly after he came down to join us with a soda for himself. Nicole followed with her water.

“So who’s next?” Melissa asks, grinning. I roll my eyes, though no one noticed. She still wants to play this stupid game? I think it’s obvious no one’s exactly enjoying this.

“I’ll play,” Liam offers.

“Great,” Melissa says with a smile. “Nicole, you can go since I just went.”

Liam seemed happy by this suggestion. Nicole looked surprised to say the least. I could tell she was uncomfortable. Stuck, like a deer in headlights.

SO do YOU think Nicole will play the awkward game with Liam?? c; Let me know what you predict her reaction will be in the comments and dont forget to VOTE! :D thanks so much for reading and im sorry this chater is short but the next one will hopefully be better i jsut don't have a lot of time today :P I love you SO MUCH<3 mwuah :* xx

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