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“Nicole,” I start. “It’s not what you think…”

But before I could even explain, she turned around and grabbed Liam. She pulled his head down to her level and planted her lips on his. He looked surprised, but not nearly as shocked as me. I took a step back completely astonished by the sight in front of me. Nicole just kissed Liam.

Once the stunned state had passed the hurt began to sink in. It wasn’t even just a kiss. She was basically eating his face off. It made me sick to watch. I wanted to run and hide. I wanted to punch Liam in the face even though I knew it clearly wasn’t his fault. I wanted to know why she would do this. I wanted to know what was happening inside of her head and I wanted her to stop.

 Eventually she did and when she pulled away I could tell that even she believed she’d made a huge mistake. She looked up at Liam for a moment before glancing back at me. She looked upset although I couldn’t tell if it was because of me and Melissa or because of the events that just took place with Liam. She just appeared lost and confused, like she didn’t know what to do or what exactly she had just done.

“I’m sorry,” she mutters before sprinting out the front door. Liam and I both made a move to follow her, but I stopped him.

“I’ve got this,” I say.

“You’ve done enough, don’t you think?” he snaps in return. I glare.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about, so please don’t jump to conclusions. I need to explain to her what really happened and I’m asking you nicely to stay here.”

I didn’t give him a chance to reply as I ran out the door after Nicole.

***Nicole’s Point of View***

 I saw Harry leave the house and break into a jog to catch up to me. I was already walking down the street in tears. I could sense that September breeze forming goose bumps on my skin.

What have I just done?

“Where are you going?” he asks in a gentle tone of voice.

“I don’t know. I just…I need to be left alone for a while. I need to think,” I tell him, trying to hold back my sobs.

“Well I’m not going anywhere.”

“Why? I’m such a bitch. I don’t know why you care about me.”

“Hey,” he says, stopping me. We were now standing face to face on the sidewalk. “You’re not a bitch. Don’t think that about yourself. You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.”

“Are you kidding me?! I just kissed Liam because…I don’t even know why! Because I wanted revenge! I’m a terrible human being. I just led him on and he's probably overthinking it as we speak.”

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