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“And the crowd last night was insane,” Harry tells me through the phone as I park my car in the lot of the coffee shop down the street. I smile.

“Well I would assume so. They did come to see you after all.”

He chuckles. “What about you? What are you up to today?”

“Grabbing a coffee at the moment. Jamie’s leaving tonight and she won’t be home until Sunday, so I might go visit my mother later today if I feel like it,” I say as I push open the door to the shop. The little bell above the entrance rang as I walked in.

“Tell her I say hello.”

“Will do. I have to go right now,” I say as the cashier smiles at me. I smile back. “I’ll call you later.”

“Okay. Love you.”

“Love you too. Bye.” I smiled and pressed end on my phone, shoving it into my pocket as I plucked some money from my purse.  

Harry’s been gone for about a month now. Our method is working for the most part, but I’m not gonna lie. It gets lonely. We talk every day, but I still want someone to hug and kiss whenever I feel like it. Someone to cuddle and make me feel safe and secure. That’s what our relationship used to be like, but now that he’s halfway across the world nothing’s the same. Of course I never expected it to be, but the thought of doing this for four more months is almost too much to bear.

The press now know about our relationship. After all, we have nothing to hide. All of his fans know who I am, and the majority of them respect me as his girlfriend. A small percentage refuse to believe that’s he’s happy with someone else, so I get some nasty messages every once in a while, but it’s not too bad and I generally ignore it.

“What can I get you?” the cashier asks.

“Surprise me,” I tell her, handing over the money. She smiles and returns my change.

“Alright then.” As she goes off to make my drink, my phone buzzes. A text from Harry. What a surprise.

Harry: It’s later ;)


Reply: I’m getting my coffee still! Go entertain yourself xD xx

“Here you go,” says the lady as she hands me my drink. I smile and take it as I thank her. I thought I was the only person in the shop until I turned around and nearly smacked right into someone.

He chuckled as I stumbled and helped me to regain my balance. I managed to do so without spilling my coffee everywhere.

“You alright? Sorry about that. My fault,” the guy says as I straighten myself up after that near death experience.

“No, no. I’m fine. Sorry for bumping into you. I can be pretty clumsy,” I say, my face turning red at my oh-so-smooth move.

“It’s not every day a pretty girl runs into me,” he jokes, stepping up to the counter. I didn’t even know how to react to that comment.

“What can I get you?” the cashier asks.

“Whatever she’s having,” he says, shooting me a grin. It only made my face turn redder.

“I’m actually not even sure what this is,” I admit to him. “It’s a surprise.”

“Well I like surprises,” he says as the woman hands him his cup. He takes a long sip before thinking over his decision. “Not bad.”

I follow his actions and nod in agreement. “Not bad at all,” I concur. He smiles.

“I’m Adam by the way,” he introduces.


“Well Nicole, you have excellent taste in coffee,” he compliments with a smirk, taking another sip. 

“Thank you,” I say proudly. “I could say the same for you.”

“Care to join me?” he asks, pulling out a chair at the nearest table. I smile, about to say yes. But my phone buzzed yet again from my pocket and I pulled it out to see another text from Harry. “Everything okay?” he asks, raising his eyebrows.

“Huh? Oh, um, yeah. I’d love to join you,” I say, grinning as I sit down.

Now before you go and judge me, I’m not cheating on Harry. I can’t do that to him, not after all we’ve been through together. Adam seems nice though, and I could use a friend at a time like this. Friends. That’s all we are. If things go any further than that, of course I’ll put it all to an end. Until then I can enjoy his company, can’t I?


IDK CAN SHE?? HMM?? you are not prepared for whats comin next. nope. i cant wait actually :3 ive had this all written for a while which is why im able to update so quickly heh. MIDTERMS IN A WEEK. i really should be doing homework right now but i mean ya know updating. heh. let me know what you think will happen next because Im so curious to hear your predictions ;D thanks so much for reading and if you liked it let me know! love you<3 xx

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