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Photo depiction of Tyler*



"AND you're friends with David!?" I yelled as he walked faster away to a crowd of boys.

He had some serious explaining. I turned and continued eating my lunch.

"Ehhm." a throat cleared as I looked up.


The silver-eyed beast himself staring down at me. Reno, as figured. 

"What is it?" I said feeling a little betrayed that my best friend didn't tell me he was chill with David. Or that he had a crush on me all this time!

"Are you ready to start packing?" he said.


"It's the middle of the school day, I'm not ditching like last time. I'm already in a bad mood." I said looking down at my food.

He just stared at me and his eyes changed to the color yellow. That's really freaky; like I really don't think there are werewolves but he's starting to scare me.

"Why are you fearing me?"

"Because YOU are scaring ME!" I yelled quietly. He tensed up and then relaxed, calming himself.

"We are leaving. Now." he took my tray and threw it in the trash.

I just sighed and got up, following him.


Reno Blade:

She was walking so slowly behind me; something is troubling her. I noticed her claw the table at lunch so I felt tense, fearing her wolf may come out in public.

"Renegade, walk faster." she did so, angrily, and walked past me to my car. I unlocked it and she jumped in before I could close her door.

"What is wrong with you?" I said. She just stared forward out the window starting to cry. I grabbed her chin and turned her head, causing her to look at me. She balled her lips and dropped more tears.

She stayed like that as I drove to her previous living area. I got out the car and walked around quickly to open her door. Her current parents should not have the door locked, especially if I come by. Lucky for them, it was unlocked, and they weren't home.

"Why are we here?" she said.

"Since you are chosen to be my mate, we have to live together. You need all your stuff."

"What! I'm not hooking up with anyone just to let you know. We aren't even dating. I barely know you. I do-"

I cut her off by pressing my lips to hers with my hand at the small of her back. I lifted one of her legs causing her other one to barely be touching the ground. I lifted her and leaned in more, grinding on her. She moaned in my mouth causing me to want to already mark her. But she hasn't chosen her mate...

"We-we should stop." she said as I kissed her neck and she tried pushing me away, but was leaning in more. I have to make her want to mate with me. I smell the lust on her but it's not strong. I put her leg down and walked around the pathetically small home. 

She quickly went upstairs to grab stuff I'm guessing. She came down about 10 minutes later with a duffle in her hand.

"You ready?" I said taking the bag.

"Yeah." she said looking around glumly. I knew she didn't want to go, but rules are rules. And plus I'm Alpha, so people listen to me no matter what.

We went back to my car and drove to the grounds where I live. "Ready to meet everyone?"

"Sure, but then I want to talk to you, for reals. Cause this shit is bogus." she said as I lead her by the waist outside. I showed her to everyone including new pack members. We came back to my home and went to our bedroom to talk.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I said lying on the bed with my hands behind my head. It got cold so I took my shirt off. My skin feels warmer by itself.

"I just want to know, what are we? Like relationship wise. I know we are supposedly 'mates' but what about at school and in public? I don't know what to think about after we kissed. Plus I barely know you, this shit is crazy to me."

"We will still be mates, but, we cannot show ourselves to everyone. I will take your offer of being my girlfriend." I said. I noticed her roll her eyes from the corner of my eye. 

2:41 AM

I heard noises. Clattering of metal, and scurrying. I moved Renegade over and covered her with a blanket. 

I changed to my wolf.

"Pleasant of you to join Mr. Blade."


Alpha's Girl [Wolf/Interracial]Where stories live. Discover now