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"No disrespect Mr. Blade, but what is that supposed to mean?" I said to the unnecessary comment.

"Reno may be the toughest out here, but it's the determination to win." he said. 

"Okay lady and gentlemen. We have the higher weights fighting now which includes the six total men you see here now. We start with Ulrica and Venietz. Ready. Fight."

The two guys looked as if they were trying to murder each other, which made me worry about Reno even more. It ended with Ulrica's legs being snapped and I almost fainted from the sight. After about another 15 to 20 minutes, all who were left were Reno and that guy who was all up on me earlier. 

"Last round everybody, this might be longer than usual so be patient. We have Alpha Blade and Alpha Amoux. But first we're gonna take a 2 minute break to get all our dead out of here." the guy laughed. Disgusting.

Reno came to me and I hugged him tight. He kissed the top of my head.

"Don't worry about me Renegade, it causes too much stress." he said.

"Why do you expect me to do Reno? If you get killed, its not gonna be the same anymore." I said. He sighed and kissed my lips for the last time before he went to fight.

"I love you." he said again, looking into my eyes with compassion.

He went to walk over to the open area and shook hands with Amoux; I saw Amoux look at me and wink, causing Reno to growl.

"Thank you for the short wait. Now lets finish this thing off officially. Men are you ready?"  the announcer said.

They both shook hands again and said something, then backed away from eachother. I heard the bell go off and they both butted fists and starting fighting. I have faith in Reno. I started seeing punches and claws going to body parts and minimum blood.

"Come on Reno, I love you." I muttered under my breath. They were to the ground now, Reno was on top of Amoux with his hands around his neck. Amoux was was delivering punches to Reno's face.

I can't take this. I don't want Reno to be hurt.

"RENO!" I yelled starting to run in until I was pulled back by some guys. Reno looked to me and unaware, the guy flipped them over and started punching him.

Oh God. I hope he's okay.


Alpha Reno Blade

I heard Renegade yell my name and I thought something was wrong, until this asshole pushed me to the bottom and started punching me. I can't really feel it but I know he's getting tired. I started clawing at his stomach making sure I was cutting him internally. I used my strength and toppled him over, strangling him until he squirmed less and less.

"Good fight." I whispered and he grinned until I broke his neck. He considered this a favor since I did the most for him at times; he only entered for a rush anyway. I stood up and started walking to Renegade who had her hands over her eyes now.

"Congratulations, please go back to the center." my dad said. I took his mic and broke it in half, then continued walking to Rene. I don't know if she was crying but I moved her hands and she gazed up at me. I grabbed her hand and started walking to the car. I didn't care about winning any of the matches or getting hurt, I just wanted to be with Renegade. We got to the car and hugged deeply. The grounds were silent since I was now officially the only Alpha of my pack as well as neighboring ones.

"I was so scared I'd lose you." she said against my chest.

"Don't be, I'm not going anywhere." I said.


Renegade Silver-Blade:

"Stop squirming." I said to Reno. I tried to rinse his cuts off with water but they were VERY deep, and he said they'd heal soon.

"I'll be fine, now can we have some 'us' time?" he said in my ear while I bandaged him up.

"It depends- if you can catch me." I said. He looked confused until I started running out the bedroom-bathroom and down the steps. He slowly started running until he picked up the pace. I lost where he was and ran back to the bathroom, he was behind the door and closed it.

"Aw, you caught me." I pouted.

"At last, you're mine." he said. He knocked me down to the bed and I laughed. We started kissing like we never did before. It was needed.

"I can't believe what we've been through within a few months."

"It was worth it to call you mine."

I smiled and bit my lip.

"Don't do that." he said.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"It turns me on too much."

I bit it again and he started kissing on my neck and we had a wonderful night.


Alpha's Girl [Wolf/Interracial]Where stories live. Discover now