Ch. 16

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Alpha Reno Blade

I watched Renegade flip to her other side over and over this morning. I loved when she slept with nothing on, gives me plenty of advantages. Especially from last night. I scooted closer to her and started rubbing near her thighs and up. She made several noises and I knew she was awake now.

"Good morning." I said in her ear.

I put some fingers in.

"Good-" she paused while my fingers continued pound her. "-morning."

I stopped and got up to stretch my muscles out. Of course they were still sore from yesterday but they'll heal sooner or later.

I went to use the restroom and came out to see Rene sitting up with a shirt on now.

"What's up today?" she asked.

"Maybe start going back to school? I don't care but it's more important for you. And maybe visit your family again, it's been a couple of days." I said.

"Do I have to go back to school- I don't wanna."

I crawled on top of her and started kissing her.

"Yes." I said kissing her repeatedly.

"Can you repeat that." she joked.

I got up and found a shirt to throw on before walking downstairs. 

What in the fuck. It was trashed. 

"What the hell happened?" I spoke.

My guys looked around and at me. They all stopped and looked at one another like idiots.

"So help me if no one answers I wil-"

"ALPHA- umm, we think someone did this on purpose."

"Yeah, no shit genius." I snapped. "Clean this shit up and meet me in the asylum in a hour. Now."

They scurried and I looked around in fury. This is the second time that my home has been trashed and if I find out it's my sister, I will murder her. I missed my chance last time and I wont this time.

I went back upstairs and took a shower. The hot water on my cuts burned like hell but I need to stop complaining. It could be worse. I heard the door open and instantly smelled my love.

"I'm changing in here really quick." she said.


I peeked my head out the curtain as she was putting on some lace underwear. She spotted me and put my head back in. Fuck. The light turned off and I instantly felt arms go around my neck and lips touch mine. I put my hands around her waist and we just kissed. In the shower. 

Wet.  I lifted her and backed us against the shower wall so we don't fall.

"Rene-" I said. Her lips had traveled to my neck and made my wolf come out. I didn't try to let him come out but oh well. I lifted her even higher and started kissing towards her naval and down before going to the prize. I started kissing below her waist.

I went at it for over 15 minutes making sure she knew I meant business before putting her down. She then bent down for my turn and let me say, some morning.


Kira Blade:

Previous Night*

"Are we done Miss Blade?" one of my guys asked. Reno's home was now perfectly trashed and he had so much of a good night that he didn't hear.

"I want to set it on fire." I said.

"We can't do that ma'am-"

"You do what I tell you when I tell you. Unless you think you're calling the shots now."

"Sorry ma'am. No disrespect but if we burn it while they're gone, we have more advantage of killing Reno."

I gave it thought. He'd have nothing to go to and it'd let us kill them easily.

"Fine. Talk out of line and I will decapitate you and your family without any sympathy. Do you understand me?" I said.

"Ye-yes ma'am."


"What are we gonna do about replacing David? Kira didn't give a fuck about him?" I heard one of my guys whisper to another.

"Its not our business, so shut up about it or you're next."

I walked in the room these two idiots were in.

"Miss Blade." they said in unison standing at attention.

"Frank may I have a word with you?" I said.

He nodded and gulped while the other ran out the room.

"Have a -seat." I sat Frank down in a chair and walked around him.

"Are you nervous? I don't bite. You know that"

He sat comfortably but nervous. I love when they squirm, makes me feel, powerful. I straddled over him in the chair and looked in his eyes. He was shifting and didn't look back at me. I grabbed his chin and started kissing him. 

He didn't kiss back. I stopped.

"Kiss back." I growled. He just looked at me and started kissing back. I moved to his neck and started pulling his shirt apart.

"Kira-" I started rubbing the tent in his pants. I know he liked it. Exactly what I wanted. I got close to his ear and whispered.

"Keep your mouth shut. I will kill you with pleasure before you ever speak on me again." I said. I kissed his nose and got up to walk back to my own room.

"What the hell was that Kira?" Danny said. Danny cared for me when my father didn't when we were kids. He's only about two years older than me. I can say I love him and would do anything for him. He and I want revenge on my brother.

"I had to keep his mouth shut."

"I already told him to do that. Now you're throwing yourself at him." he said.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" I yelled.

"Watch your damn tone with me Kira."

"Or wh-" he slapped me across the face.

"What else Kira? Still wanna fuck with me?" I felt his hand to my face again.

"I love you and you do this shit."

I can't lose him. He's my everything. I don't care what he does to me, I love him for him.

"I'm sorry. I love you." I said.

"What Kira? Speak fucking louder!" he yelled raising his hand.

"I LOVE YOU, PLEASE JUST STAY WITH ME. I WANT YOU. I WANT YOU NOW." I said getting up grabbing his shirt collar. He was looking away. I started unbuckling his pants.

"Are you sure you want me? Or do you want him, I don't give a fuck anymore Kira."

"YES YES! I want you Danny."

He took me near the bed and I knew what he wanted. I knew he deserved everything.

Everything up to now, is all Reno's fault. I tried to kill him as a child. I honestly did. Before mom left and she was pregnant with him, I tried to poison her food many times, but she smelled it. 

Leaving me to get disciplined many times, I didn't mind to kill her too. She was never really a mother.

"Did I tell you to stop?" Danny said.

"I'm sorry."


Alpha's Girl [Wolf/Interracial]Where stories live. Discover now