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Her eyes were closed and her face looked frozen. I checked her pulse and shook her body. No pulse. No action.

She was dead?!


I hear Reno saying my name and I can feel him. I just feel, paralyzed. I am yelling on the inside for him but my lips wont move, nor will my body or eyes.

Help me got damnit.

I'm literally screaming to him but no words will come out, not even a mumble or sound!

"Don't do this to me Renegade." he said. He pressed his lips to mine repeatedly; I guess trying to get air in my lungs.

Wait...Am I dead?! Dear God no! Someone save me. 


20 minutes later*

Alpha Reno Blade

I called my guys to stand watch over her and keep the pack grounds on lockdown until I find Kira. I will kill her and I will do it today as I said, no more waiting. Axel sprinted faster than normal walking right past Kira's stupid looking guards. I went straight inside. I am beyond raging.

My eyes are probably at orange for mixed emotions; I really didn't want to have to kill her, but it's for a reason. I went downstairs to the basement and burst into the dimly lit room.

"You see my little trick worked on Renegade; she'll be fine and up about now, just a warning." she said laughing.

"I came to kill you Kira. I hate you for what you did to her and I will never forgive you." I said angrily.

"Ouch, that hurt little brother. But the thing is, you can't kill me. You need me."

"I don't need help from my enemy."

"But you do! If you even try to kill me, Renegade will be dead," she said. I growled as deep and loud that I could, making the room shake.

I sprinted out the room noticing my men left already. I should have killed her, but I can't just think that Renegade would be okay.

15 minutes later*

I ran upstairs to see her trying to get up. Where were my guys? Why is the house so quiet?

"RENEGADE!" I said and ran to her side and hugged her tight. She didn't pull her arms up because she was still trying to function her entire body.

"I- w-was scared I'd be stuck like this." she spoke.

I held her in my arms. If she never had awaken again, I would've died laying next to her. I love her.

"Want something to eat or drink, tell me what you need." I said making sure she was alright.

"I just want you by my side." she said pulling me back to lay down. It made Axel smile on the inside knowing she wanted us to be there for her. I threw the covers over both her and I and covered our heads. I realized that I always needed to be with her one on one.

"I was really scared." I honestly said feeling weak that I even said that.

"I was too." she said laughing. That laugh; she's cute when she does everything, it makes me even more grateful that I have her. I put my hand to her face and stroked the side of it. She closed her eyes and grinned. I moved forward and was trying to kiss her lips when I heard the damn door open.

"What is it?" I said pulling the cover off me and staring at a crossbow pointing to me.


It's in my chest.

My dad shot me?


Alpha's Girl [Wolf/Interracial]Where stories live. Discover now