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I looked to see the arrow sticking to my bare chest. Sticking?

"Gotcha didn't I son?" my father said. I jumped up making Renegade look up from the covers at my dad. I went and hugged him happily knowing he was still alive. He left about 11 years ago when I was 8 and no one knew where he went.

"Where have you been dad?" I said a bit eager to know.

"That's not important; what's important is this young girl in your bed." I felt embarrassed but not too much.

"Umm dad, this is going to be my mate tomorrow, Renegade Marie Silver. Her family's the one that ended up to this town in the 1800's." I said introducing her.

"Nice to meet you Renegade Marie. I can't wait to know my new daughter-in-law better." he said shaking her hand. She still was covering her half naked body under the blanket.

"You too; sorry for such an awkward meeting." she said laughing.

"Don't worry about it child, as long as I don't have to see it again." he replied. They laughed and he excused himself and said he'd talk to me in a few.

"He's really nice." Renegade said getting up from the covers in her underwear. She never knows the things her body does to me and Axel.

"Yeah, for now." I mumbled.

"You think I can stop back home today? I feel better, just a little sore." she asked walking to me and hugging me. Her skin is warmer than usual, weird.

"Yeah, but we should make it quick before it gets dark."


Renegade Silver:

"So she really had her period through her dress?" I laughed with Skylar. He was telling me about his date he had a few nights ago.

"Dude yes. I didn't want to tell her because she might have gone off." he said. We laughed until Navine came in with a pissy attitude.

"Bro what's wrong?" Sky asked first.

"I'm sick of dad. He makes me do every fucking thing in this hell house!" he yelled knocking the lamp and photos off the dresser they share. Sky pulled him back and covered his face with a pillow.

"So explain what happened Nav." I said after he yelled in the pillow for five minutes.

"Dad wants me to get a damn job and move out once I turn 20 since he thinks I'm grown. I never said I was! But he wants to motherfucking kick me the hell out!"

"What did mom say?" Sky asked.

"She said 'whatever your father says honey'. I thought at least she would say something. She doesn't give two shits." he mumbled off. I got up and went to my mom's office. We are never allowed to go down to it but this was business. I went to it but the door was locked and I heard women's voices and vibrating and slapping and shit.

I took my hair bobby pin and tried to get through the lock. Got it after many attempts, and could not believe my eyes.

I saw my mom with a chick like, grinding each other and three other women doing stuff and a camera. Oh my shit. 

A camera? Please tell me this isn't what I think this is.

"CLOSE THE DOOR!" she yelled and a woman sprinted to close it. My mom? A lesbian? Was she making porn? I need to throw up from disbelief and shock. 

I ran to the bathroom and just hovered over the toilet.


Alpha Reno Blade

I noticed Renegade run upstairs and ran after her about a minute later.

"Are you okay?" I asked opening the unlocked door to see her staring at the toilet seat.

"I just saw something I wish I never did." she said.

"Renegade, what happened?"

"She was with another woman, like four women. Is my mom a lesbian?" she asked. How am I supposed to know; she married a man for God's sake.

"I'm gonna find out." I said leaving the bathroom and going down to her mom's office.

I forcefully opened the locked door with my might to see Renegade's mother with other nude women having sex, or whatever they call that type. She saw me and stood up at full attention.

"Alpha, I swear-"


I went back up to the bathroom to see Renegade disappeared. I ran to her old room and then the guys'. They stood up when they saw me and tried to speak before I ran back downstairs.


Renegade Silver:

After Reno left, I ran out the house; I wish I had Tyler to lean on but you have to get over those people you can't have. I have no where to run but maybe the school; that's a safer idea, I bet I have a ton of homework since I haven't been in weeks. I walked to my locker to get my notebook and somehow remembered my combination after all this time. 

I opened it and looked through my mirror to see a guy with his hood on looking forward at me. I screamed for about two seconds before he covered my mouth and shushed me. He removed his hood and I instantly saw David with orange eyes, doesn't he have brown-

Oh yeah. He's a werewolf; wait, that's not good. I felt nervous instantly and backed up to the locker starting to sweat.

"Ju-just leave me alone!" I yelled.

"Shhh- I'm gonna get you out of here. Just come on." he said grabbing me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I jerked.

"Do you want to die?" threats now? 

I looked at him because I didn't know what he was talking about then he pulled me to the outside stairs and pointed to a girl with about 5 guys looking around.

Wait a minute. Is that's Reno's sister? She scratched me yesterday; man if I wasn't so scary, I would've killed the bitch.

"We need to get out of here Regenade."

"It's Renegade asshole." I whispered a bit loudly. One guy's head snapped to me and pointed.

"There she is." he said and they all turned and started running towards us. We took off around the back of the school as we heard their footsteps far behind us. It's dark outside now and we were running to nowhere. 

We ran about another 5 to 10 minutes to this lake area.

"Come on, jump in." he said jumping in this lake under a dock before me.

"What?! Hell no, I straightened my hair today." I replied. 

He pulled me in and I struggled to stay afloat so he held me. I would drown his ass, but I wanted to live a little too bad right now.

"You said they came this way." a female voice said. I whimpered and David covered my mouth with wet hands; gross.

"I swear I saw them."

I heard a snap and a thud, she's evil.

"We'll get her tomorrow, but for now, I want you two to go back to the school and meet us at the pack grounds in about 3 hours." she said.

"Yes ma'am." I heard the voices say and then many footsteps run away. I smealt her presence and was suprised she didn't smell me back.

We stayed there for 10 minutes until it was safe.


Alpha's Girl [Wolf/Interracial]Where stories live. Discover now