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Alpha Reno Blade

After a few more weeks, Rene decided to enroll at a new school to finish her year off and start college.

"What's on your mind babe?" I asked.

"I was just thinking about us."

"Good or dirty?" I joked.

"Both." she laughed. "But umm, I was just thinking about Kira. Like what if she tries to kill us and the baby."

"She won't come-" I hit the brakes hard, stopping the car on the side and looked at her.

"Surprise." she smiled.

"You're, you're serious?"

She nodded. I grabbed her and hugged her tight. 

I'm a father. She's having my offspring.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I said.

"I just found out yesterday. I had some time to take a pregnancy test and it was positive."

I kissed her lips and hugged her. I'm happy that she's pregnant.

"So are you okay with that?" she said.

"What? OF COURSE BABY! I love you and this baby so much."

 "I'm glad that you do babe. Does this mean that I can be home-schooled instead of regular school?" she had puppy lips out. We made a agreement a while ago that if she was pregnant then she'd stay at home for education.

"If that makes you happy then yes."

I turned around and headed back towards home.

"So-so is it okay to have sex while you're pregnant? I asked wondering what she'd say.

"Of course. Why you wanna know?" she started stroking my chin, Axel loved it.

"Just asking." 

"Well, now that you do know, we should tell my family too right?"

"Uh yeah of course."

She squealed and I made my way to her home.


 Renegade Silver- Blade:

I wasn't sure how Reno would take this but I'm happy he took it well. We finally arrived at my house and I took a breath before getting my keys out.

"Don't be nervous?" Reno said turning my head to his.

"I cant help it. I'm 18 and pregnant, not graduated, no job-"

"Rene, who cares. I'm supporting you and this baby if they don't accept it, they can die."

I looked at Reno.

"-If you want them to."

I shook my head no and unlocked the door, walking in my house. The entire downstairs was trashed and the blinds were closed.

"What th-"

"Stay back Renegade." Reno said jumping in front of me. Where is everyone.

"Hello?" I said. Dead silence. We walked up the stairs looking around. Trashed.

"Reno what is this?" I said hitting my room. The wall read 'You'll die sooner than you think!' . I fell to the ground.

"It's blood smeared on the wall; smells like- David." he said looking in the room. I walked over to my brothers' room and noticed their clothes were gone and room was trashed as well. I pulled my phone out my pocket and tried to text Sky but there's no service, weird.

"Renegade?!" Reno yelled.

"Yeah." I said barely audible. 

"I think we need to leave." he said grabbing my shoulders and kissing my temple. We walked out the room and out the house to the car. What is going on?


Alpha Reno Blade

I opened the door for Renegade to get in and then got in myself. She just stared ahead. One minute we're enjoying ourselves, the next, this happens? It doesn't make sense.

"Are you okay?" I said.

She said nothing. "Ren-"

"I don't wanna go home. Ever." she said.

"What do you mean? Where do you want to go baby?" I said.

"Anywhere but here." 

Alpha's Girl [Wolf/Interracial]Where stories live. Discover now