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Renegade's Dress*

Renegade Silver:

"Wake up love." a soft voice whispered.

I turned to see Reno shirtless with his arm around me. I remember last night; best make up I've had. 

Today was my damn birthday! I'm finally18 ! Reno kissed me and got up. I sat up and just felt happy. I could do more stuff and get things like, like, a tattoo! And I can vote legally!!

"Today is your choosing day Rene." he said. I remember; I mean, it's not a hard or dumb decision. I'm gonna have to be with Reno whether I like it or not.

"Wait, where are you going?" I said as he got dressed.

"I have to get ready for the ceremony."

"But I just woke up." I whined.

He walked over and kissed my lips softly.

"I know, just remember, I- I love you. And, I'm always gonna be there when you wake up." he said.

That was the sweetest and shortest thing he said to me. He gave me a longer passionate kiss which could've led us to what we did last night.

"Now go and do whatever you have to." I tried saying but he kept kissing me.

"But I wanna do you."

"Eww stop," I laughed. "I'll see you in a few."

He groaned and walked out the room. Now it's me time.

What am I supposed to wear? Is it casual or like fancy? I walked in the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. I looked in the mirror; we really had a wild night last night.

"What am I gonna do?" I said to myself, hanging my head down.

"I'll help you get ready." a female voice said, scaring me to death. My mom.

"I don't want your help."

"Sweety you do, you look a hot mess. What did I do to you?" she asked. I actually can't say the reason that I suddenly disliked her from the other night. I was just in, well, shock and horror.

"You- you're a damn lesbian and got me thinking you love dad!" I yelled.

"Renegade Marie Silver, you better watch your language and tone with me," she snapped.

"-It was a forced marriage a long time ago and we had to move here. Then your brothers came and so did you."

I didn't know that; of course.

"I like girls Renegade, not guys. I can't help it. Will you forgive me? I love you so much, I'm sorry if this disappointed you."

That made my eyes water a little.

"Yeah mom, I'm sorry." I said, giving her a hug.

"Thank you babe. Now, we need to get you ready for today. It's dress and suit attire. I'm just here to get you ready; I'm sorry I won't be able to be there."

But why?

2 hours later*

"No matter what, I love you babe." my mom said as I was getting in the car.

I curled my hair into a low ponytail, did my eyebrows and eye makeup perfectly, and chose a dress hanging in the closet. My accessories matched and were simple as well.

My driver drove off, it was about a 30 minute drive in general. It looked like a huge gazebo in the lake and it was just gorgeous out here. It was a aisle and everything and I noticed Reno talking with some of his guys. He looked so handsome.

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