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Hey pals:)

come on!
Thalia's p.o.v

I slowly open my eyes and realizes that it's almost dark.I fall asleep?That's kinda long.I looked around and saw no one.

I widened my eyes and rush downstairs.What if mom caught us?what if kenneth tried to escape but mom saw him?what if?

"Mom?"i called out.

"Yes honey?"mom answered from the dining."I knocked on your door so many times,I tried to open it but it's lock."

Thanks god..

"What happen?"mom ask.

"uhm..ah"I gulp.
"I take my shower then i locked it to assure that no one will enter and i fall asleep  i forgot to unlock it"i continue

"oh"Mom says.

"Mom?"I ask while pulling a chair and sat on it.

"What happened while im asleep?"I ask.

While im waiting for her answer i start tapping my foot under the table and play on my hands.Then  the sweat are start forming on my forehead.

"Nothing i guess?"mom said and chew the foods on her mouth.

I release relief breaths

"I picked isla on her school"Mom continues.

I repeatedly nod.The dinner is so quiet when we are finish i told mom that i can do the dishes.

"Mom i'll wash the dishes"i said and smiles.

"Are you sure anak?"Mom ask.

"Of course ma"i said and grab the glass on her hand."Take your rest mom i know your tired"i said

She smiles"Okay"mom said and kiss me on my forehead."Thank you nak"she said and hugs me.Then she walks upstairs

I left on the dining and start doing my work(work work work work xD)While washing i heard a small thug coming from our front porch.I put down the plate and walk out on the kitchen.

Strangers are creep..

I need to take a look on it cause ...duh YOLO.

I walked through the front door and lean my ear close then again The small thug became loud and hard that makes my eardrums crack,My heart skip a beat i walkbackward and the thug became louder and harder i heard a footsteps on the stairs and it's mom.

Mom looked at me with her scared posture,i looked at her with my eyes almost tearing up.The thug cut our eye contact we turn our gaze to our door.I then take the baseball bat and signal my mom to hide i left standing infront of our door.Suddenly i heard a siren of a police mobile i guess?and i quickly open our door and saw a police roaming around.

"Oh young lady,is there a problem?"The policeman said.

"Oh nah just checking"i answer and he nod.

"Okay goodnight"he said and i bowed down

I close our frontdoor and continue to wash the dishes.A minutes goes by,And im done so i double check all the windows and check the main and back door.I walk upstairs and head to my room.

I Take my fast shower and When im done i walk to my study table and open my diary and start writing.

Dear Diary,

Hi Buddy:)So im here again sharing on you.Today is such a good day.As i write on you in a past days i met this guy that makes me annoy he came here awhile ago and you know what?Mom will caught us he's making my life short like ughhhhh...But then my day is good it's really fine.So this is all for now.Bye buddy:))


When im done i close my diary and put it on my drawer.

*Door open*

I heard my door open i turn and saw isla standing.

"Hi aeryn"isla greet in a sleepy voice she walk towards me

"Hi"i said and smiles.

"Can i stay here for awhile"She ask.

"Of course"i said and carry her up and walk towards my bed.

She crawl and lay on my bed.

I lean on my headboard beside her and start combing her hair.

"Aeryn,Can you sing me one song?"Isla ask while her eyes close.

"But i can't s.."Isla cut me off.

"Mom told me you can"Isla said and open her eyes.

"She's lying"i lied.

"Please"she pleased.

"Fine"i answer and continue combing her hair.

I start humming a mellow song and feel isla falling asleep.I finish humming and she pull up my blanket.

"Goodnight isla"i whisper and kiss her forehead.

Im leaning on the headboard when my balcony curtain swung open.I walk towards on it and open it.I look around

"pstttttt"someone whistle.I try to find it
"psttttttttt"whistle continues and start again to find it.

"Awww"I spit out when someone throws a small stone.

"Wtf!"i murmured while rubbing the spot on my forehead.

"Hey"Someone called out.

I saw a shadow on the tree.

"Who are you?"I ask.

"Show your self "i almost yell.

"Calm down it's just me"Then a guy climb towards my balcony and finally showed up himself

"I know you,your one of kenne.."then he cut me off.

"Yea i know"He said.

"Yourrrr..."trying to remember his name.

"Sean"He interrupt.

"Yea it's you then why are you here?"I ask with my raised eyebrows.

"Curfew"He said.

"Huh?i said in a confuse look.

"Im walking down the street when i heard the siren of a police,so i started running and saw your big tree and start climbing on it but it makes me fall after a 4th times falling i finally did it and hide"He explain.

Im keep in a silence

"So?..."then i cut him off

"I knew it,i knew it ,i knew it"i said while dancing.

"What?"he ask confused.

"I thought the sounds that you caused is from a random stranger ya know"i said playin it cool.

He just playfully laugh silently,notices that my sister is asleep.

He take his sit at the corner of my balcony.

"So she's your sister?"He ask.

I nod in response.He nod back.

We both fell in silence after a minutes.

"Thanks for letting me to stay here for awhile"He said standing up and dusten his pants.

I stood up and nod.He then climb back to the tree and slide down.

"Goodnight"he mouthed.

"Goodnight"i mouthed back and smile i close my balcony door and flopped in my bed slowly.

I take a deep breath and feel my eyes getting heavy.

Hey guys:)It's foundation day of our school ,Because i join that freaking obstacle race i get bruises-,-Ugh okay just sharing😂😂

Byr guys:)

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