Chapter 6 ( Jealousy And WOW)

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I don't know why,  but I felt a bit jealous.  Over the fact that Eleanor and Louis had some secret,  and I didn't know.  I just felt like they were hiding something from me.  Especially ever since Louis just broke down the other night.

What in hells sake was going on!  I'm his best mate,  not her.  I should be the one he tells secrets to.  But everything just went down hill when lou and el started dating,  it's like Louis forgot about me. 

I mean,  yeah,  he's in love with her.  But,  the way she looks at him,  she doesn't love him like he wants her to.  It's sad to be honest. I just don't understand why he can't see it.  It makes me jealous because I could love him and treat him right! 

Jealousy is an emotion,  and the word typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity,  fear,  and anxiety over an anticipation loss of something of great personal value,  particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consist of a combination of emotions such as anger,  resentment, inadequacy,  helplessness and disgust.

You should be jealous.

He would never tell you anything.

No one will.

Your not loved.

Wait what?  Why am I fucking hearing voices,  I never have before. Or have I?

-Flash back-

"Harry love,  dinners ready. " My mum,  anne,  called.

" Coming mummy! " I called,  running down the stairs.

I sat down and ate,  it was my favorite!  Pasta,  I love pasta.

" Slow down Harry,  you'll choke! " My mum said chuckling a bit.

Of course you'll choke,  that's what she wants. 

Choke Harry!

Choke and die! 

" You want me to die mummy?! " I asked,  tears rushing to my eyes.

" No honey,  what on earth made you think that! " She said,  getting up from her chair and bent down to my height.

" Because they said you wanted me to die,  they said you wanted me to choke!" I said tears flowing down my cheeks.

"They?  Who's they Harry?" My mummy asked,  sounding confused.

"Them! " I said,  pointing to my head.

" Harold love,  your not making any sense!"  She said shaking her head in disbelief.

"But,  they said it!  I'm not lying! " I said wiping away tears on my cheeks.

" Harry,  I know you have a huge imagination, but this is a bit much.  Go to your room! " She yelled , sitting back down in her previous spot.

" But,  mummy I'm not-" I was cut off.

"I said go to your room!  And that's final! " She said,  sounding angry.

" Okai. " I said,  running up the stairs crying.

I ran into my room and shut the door,  laying on my bed face in my pillow sobbing. Why didn't my mummy believe me? 

Because she doesn't love you Harry.

She never loved you.

Your just a stupid,  worthless eight years old! 

I sobbed harder as the voice kept saying rude things to me.

-Flash back over-

Wait,  I did hear voices before!  How did I not realize before?  I need help,  before they make me do things! 


I ran down the stairs,  spotting Louis on the couch watching some Disney movie.

" Louis!! " I yelled,  my voice shaking.

" What,  what is it haz? " He asked,  jumping off the couch,  rushing towards me.

" I don't know!" I said,  pulling at my hair,  frustrated.

I walked to the kitchen,  groaning in frustration.

"Harry,  mate what's wrong! " He asked,  coming in the kitchen,  putting his hands on my biceps to keep me in place.

" I just I don't know! " I said,  staring into his gaze.

" Well Harry,  you have to explain.  I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong!  I'm your best mate,  you should tell me everything!  Just tell me- He was cut off.

I moved my face closer to his,  pressing my lips to his pink ones. At first I just was kissing him out of anger and frustration.  Then surprisingly he kisses back.  Our lips moved in sync together,  almost like we were meant for each other. 

The kiss,  or should I say make out session got pretty heated until we both pulled away gasping for air.

"What was that? " Louis asked,  trying to catch his breath.

" I don't know,  I just I'm sorry.  I just didn't know what else to do.  It just felt so right at their moment!" I said,  sorry in my voice.

"Don't be sorry,  I've been waiting for this moment forever!  Well,  ever since then x-factor. "

" Wait,  you have? " I asked confused.

He leaned up on his tip toes and kissed me again for about a minute,  before he pulled away smiling.

" That answer your question? " He asked smiling.

" Yeah,  but what about Eleanor? " I asked curious.

" We never really dated,  she's just a huge fan I met on the street and we got along. " He said still smiling.

" Oh,  well wow. " I said shocked.


" Harry,  Harry wake up! " I heard someone say,  shaking me. I must have fallen asleep after the flashback.

" What? " I groaned,  opening my eyes adjusting to the light.

" We have an interview in two hours.  Get up! " Louis said.

" Oh ok,  and Louis? " I asked.

" Yeah? " He said sitting on the end of my bed.

" Can I try something? " I asked hesitantly.

He nodded, " Sure. "

" Stay still " I said leaning forward.

" Alright. " He said confused.

I pressed my lips against his and surprisingly he started kissing back.  I moved my hand to his cheek,  rubbing light circles on it with my thumb.

We both pulled away gasping for air,  both smiling for some reason.

" Wow. " We both said at the same time and smiled at each other.

I just kissed Louis Tomlinson,  OMG!  I sound like a school girl.  But oh we'll! 

Here's your update lovelies,  hope you enjoy!  And I will not update again en less I get 5 votes and 5 comments.  Thanks!  And seriously I need 5 votes and comments or I will delete the story.  Byee c:

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