Chapter Eleven ( Gone )

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I'm a terrible writer, so I won't hate you if you think this book is hideous. Haha, anyways! I'm sorry for the late updates & yeah . Forgive me ? Love you. - Celena.


Harry's POV.

I couldn't just sit inside & pout, while my girlfriend is out there all alone. I had to look for her.

So, that's exactly what I did. I got off my bum & grabbed my coat, since it was quite cold out.

I ran outside, shutting the door behind me. "Aubrey?" I called out, my voice ringing throughout the area.

I kinda figured she was pissed at me, so she probably wouldn't respond. But hey, its worth the try. I grabbed out my phone & dialled her number quickly.

"Come on, pick up." I eagerly mumbled, looking around the winter London scene for her.

Again, I got no answer. God, I'm worried. Where could she have gone? I thought to myself of all the places she could be. Nothing came to mind.


I searched & searched for her. I really did. I checked every coffee shop, every park, all the streets & alleys. She was nowhere.

I wanted to look for her all night, but when it got too late, Liam had to come get me.I guess Louis had told him what happened.

I didn't sleep that night. How could I ? My girlfriend was somewhere out there & for all I know, she could be dead. Although, I wouldn't let my mind think those thoughts.


"What are we going to do with her? She can't stay here! I'm not getting caught for a kidnap!" I heard someone whisper, he sounded scared ..

I wouldn't dare open my eyes, not yet. I was scared. My head was killing me & my cheek hurt really bad.

I don't remember much of what happened, just that I was walking one minute & then getting thrown into a trunk the next.

I really wish Harry was here. I'm pissed at him for kissing Louis, but I still really love him & I need him right now.

"Calm down mate! I'll just have some fun with her & then get rid of her." I heard a deeper voice whisper back.

Fun ? What does he mean, fun? He wasn't going to rape me, was he? Oh god, I really need Harry.

"Get it over with! I expect her to be gone by the morning!" The same voice as earlier whispered. Getting a 'ok' from the deep voice in respond.

I was scared out of my mind, I didn't know what to do. How could I? I've never been kidnapped before! God, this is really scary. I feel like I'm in some horror movie.

I heard a door shut & the room fell silent. I decided to open my eyes. Regretting after. As soon as my eyes opened, a huge pain shot up through my head.

"Well, the princess awakes." Someone behind me whispered, his voice deep & low.

"Wh-where am I?" I whispered, my voice small & shaky.

No one answered, so I thought they left. But, I guess I thought to soon. I was soon getting pulled up thrown against a wall, someone's lips smashing on mine.

I yelped. "Get o-off of me!" I whimpered.

They didn't respond, only kissed back harder & slowly started stripping my clothes off.

"No! Stop!" I yelled, my voice weak & shaky.

They still didn't respond. When they got my clothes & bra & underwear off, they started grinding on me. & hard.

I whimpered slightly. Where was Harry. I soon realized, that he wouldn't find me. This guy was naked & I was naked. I was being raped & no one could stop it.

I felt useless. I couldn't even save myself from being raped. I'm such a failure. I hope this guy dies. I hope he fucking dies in a fucking hole & snakes & alligators find his raggedy ass & eat his damn ball sack off.

I was mad at this man, for taking away the most precious thing a girl has. Why?


I think I may have blacked out. I don't remember anything really. All I know, is my lower area hurts really bad & I'm in a car trunk again.

Where is Harry. I need him so bad. God,my lower area hurts so bad.

Soon, the trunk opened & I was thrown into a bag. What was happening? I couldn't breath. Get me out.

I couldn't breath, therefore I couldn't scream. I tried, but nothing came out.

I got thrown into an area. I heard a splash. Oh god, water is surrounding me. They're not killing me. Please no.

Soon, water was filling in around me & I was being suffocated. I couldn't breath. I'm light headed. Harry?

Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry.

That's all I could say & that's all I wanted. I can't breath. I'm dying, aren't I?

I soon was blacking out & my heart stopped.


LIAM'S POV. { Surprise. }

I was sitting on my couch, watching the news. I wasn't really interested, until something on the TV popped up.

"Today in the early afternoon, a body was found in the east river. Investigators say that the Victim was raped & then thrown into the river, late last night. No one has identified the body. Pictures will be shown & further messages will be released when it is sent. You are watching E Witness news. Thank you & goodnight."

And that's when it popped up. The picture of the body. I couldn't move or talk. I just screamed internally . It was Aubrey ..

I got out my phone & called Harry as quick as I could. He soon answered.

"Harry! I'm so so sorry. I was watching the news & they found a body & they showed pictures. Harry I'm sorry, but it was Aubrey.."


The words swam around my head. I couldn't believe it. It was Aubrey.

How could I let this happen. My baby was gone ...

How. It was all my fault. I sat & cried all night, Louis tried comforting me, but all I did was scream at him. If he wouldn't have kissed me, none of this would've happened.

I just couldn't believe it.

The long haired, blue eyed girl that I met over a bump on the sidewalk. Is now dead.

Aubrey is dead.

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